Tuesday 23 July 2024

Peter Thiel says: “My bias is to defer to Israel.”


When asked about Israel using AI to bomb Palestinian civilians in Gaza, Peter Thiel melts down, says: “My bias is to defer to Israel.”


At 23 July 2024 at 07:12 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peter Thiel should go and live in Israel then. He shouldn't be involved in US politics being so brazenly subservient to another country.

At 23 July 2024 at 15:12 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Top Trump partners and the 'Paypal Mafia' of Thiel and Musk

Nick Fuentes is a young Latino-American right wing e-celebrity long associated with Trump and 'America First'

Fuentes now suggests Trump and his partners are using the right-wing 'conservative values' theme as a cover to bring in a terrifying military surveillance state

Fuentes notes top Trump partners, and highlights the key role of the 'PayPal Mafia' of the late 90s - early 00s ... most prominent among them openly gay billionaire Peter Thiel who now leads the Israeli-war-allied Palantir spook company, and Elon Musk

The PayPal Mafia, around 220 people, transformed Silicon Valley and the internet as we know it. Peter Thiel and his partner, Ukrainian-Jewish Max Levchin, with their PayPal idea, and Musk's early internet bank X, began a revolution sending money quickly over the wires, and spawned more billion-dollar companies than any such group ever - this list from 2014:

1. Tesla Motors – $43.5 billion market cap in 2014 (now $589 billion)
2. LinkedIn – $26.2 billion acquisition
3. Palantir – $20 billion (private company, estimate in 2014)
4. SpaceX – $20 billion (private company, estimate in 2014)
5. Yelp – $3.46 billion market cap in 2014
6. YouTube – $1.65 billion acquisition at the early sale
7. Yammer (internal corporate social media) – $1.2 billion acquisition

Video, 21 minutes
'The Incredible Story of The PayPal Mafia'


Aside from the PayPal mafia, other top Trump partners mentioned by Fuentes are:

- Blackrock, managing $10 trillion in assets, owning arms and pharma companies, farmland and real estate, led by Jewish Larry Fink
- Blackwater / Academi, the military contractor & mercenary organisation involved in many conflicts
- J P Morgan mega-bank, led by Trump booster Jamie DImon
- Palantir, the surveillance / data mining firm led by Thiel, which some like Nick Fuentes, fear as the stealth agent of state tyranny of the near future

'How US Intelligence and American Company Palantir Feed Israel’s Killing Machine in Gaza'

At 24 July 2024 at 13:46 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 24 July 2024 at 13:47 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 24 July 2024 at 13:48 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 24 July 2024 at 13:49 , Anonymous Anonymous said...



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