Tuesday 16 July 2024

I believe in synchronicity.

Diana Heckman

Top contributor
I believe in synchronicity. My grandmother passed away on April 19, 1944 at 10:40am. I was born on April 19, 1954 at 10:40am..l truly believe she was reborn in me, and l look just like her.


At 16 July 2024 at 09:53 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why did it take 10 years?

At 16 July 2024 at 11:38 , Blogger Eric Golub said...

Did you mean to say you were born exactly 10 years apart?

At 16 July 2024 at 12:51 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 16 July 2024 at 13:19 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 16 July 2024 at 13:19 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 16 July 2024 at 13:36 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 16 July 2024 at 13:38 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 16 July 2024 at 13:39 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 16 July 2024 at 13:40 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 16 July 2024 at 13:40 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 16 July 2024 at 13:42 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 16 July 2024 at 13:43 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 16 July 2024 at 19:03 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Former minister Alan Duncan accuses his own Conservative party of corruption

— “Money, improper influence, and the promotion of Israeli interests above our own have contributed to the destruction of the UK’s independent foreign policy.”

— “The Conservative Friends of Israel has been doing the bidding of Netanyahu, bypassing all proper processes of government to exercise undue influence at the top of government.”

— “[Lord Polack] should be removed from the Lords because he is exercising the interests of another country, not that of the parliament in which he sits.”

“A former Conservative minister has accused his party of corruption after officials admitted they launched an investigation into him over comments that were alleged to have been antisemitic, despite a lack of any formal complaint.

“Alan Duncan, a former Foreign Office minister, launched a scathing attack on his own party after being exonerated by an internal investigation into the comments.

“He revealed the party had told him it had begun the investigation into remarks he made during an interview with LBC, despite nobody having complained officially about them.

“Duncan said: ‘I’ve been put through a complaints procedure, which was potentially highly damaging to my reputation, when there hadn’t even been a complaint. It was in fact a political decision by invisible actors who have not come forward’ …

“In April, Duncan took part in an interview on LBC during which he criticised the Conservative Friends of Israel for having an undue influence on government policy.

“In the interview, he said: ‘The Conservative Friends of Israel has been doing the bidding of Netanyahu, bypassing all proper processes of government to exercise undue influence at the top of government.’

“He singled out Lord Polak, the group’s honorary chair, for particular criticism, saying: ‘In my view, I think he should be removed from the Lords because he is exercising the interests of another country, not that of the parliament in which he sits.’

“Soon afterwards, the party launched an investigation into his comments.

“… Duncan stood accused of using antisemitic tropes in part because he was accusing Jewish people of being more loyal to Israel than their own country.

“Duncan revealed on Tuesday he had now been cleared of those charges.

“But he also highlighted that the written judgment showed there had been no complaint made against him in the first place …

“At a press conference in central London, Duncan went on to repeat his accusation that his party remained unduly influenced by people lobbying on behalf of the Israeli government.

“‘Money, improper influence, and the promotion of Israeli interests above our own have contributed to the destruction of the UK’s independent foreign policy’, he said …”


At 16 July 2024 at 19:10 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

FORMER MINISTER: Conservatives 'brainwashed' during Israel trips

Former UK minister Alan Duncan “said that he was in a minority in the Conservative Party who were outspoken on the rights of Palestinians and Israeli breaches of international law. 

“‘There's a real lack of understanding about the history and the facts, and it's very difficult to teach people when so many of them as candidates, now [MPs], have been on paid trips to Israel’, he said.

“Duncan added that the trips meant that some Conservative members were effectively ‘brainwashed’, and would not speak out ‘for fear of aggressive attacks …’”


At 16 July 2024 at 19:23 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

FORMER MINISTER: ‘The Board of Deputies and the Campaign Against Antisemitism viciously accuse anyone who criticises Israel of being antisemitic’

— ‘Israel tried to destroy my career’

Former UK minister Alan Duncan used a press conference in London on Tuesday “to criticise his party’s opaque complaints process …

“‘The [Conservative] party refused to tell me who had complained or what precisely the complaint was.’

“‘All I had to go on were some comments to the press by the likes of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, and the Campaign Against Antisemitism.

“‘They accused me of peddling antisemitic tropes.

“‘This merely followed the regular pattern of comments from such organisations in which anyone who criticises Israel is more often than not viciously accused of being antisemitic’ …

“Duncan’s memoir of his time as a junior minister in the foreign office … details how Israel tried to ‘destroy’ his career because it perceived him as too pro-Palestinian …”


At 18 July 2024 at 13:06 , Anonymous Ray said...

Very likely this soul ( individual consciousness ) was reborn in Her body. Why ten years ? Karma, will of God, you name it...

BTW On astral plane time passes very differently.

Greetings from Polska, shiny warm happy summer holidays to all of you, inluding Mrs/Mr Aanirfan !

At 18 July 2024 at 21:45 , Blogger Anon said...



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