Housing, rents ...
Unknown commented on "@Aangirfan"
That article on the 'war on the family home' is disturbing, and actually quite blind
The theme is how the government wants to steal the equity, the asset value, people have in their homes, given how homes have increased in price
It's understandable people are angry ... BUT the blind spot here, is that those 'home price increases' are the result of government manipulations ... which have made home purchases IMPOSSIBLE for most younger people
'I'm all right, Jack' at its worst
The author speaks of how 'property wealth' was such a boon for family and people the author knows ... but ignores how that era is OVER
There is the 40% of the 'middle class' that hit the sweet spot and bought homes and profited ... Meanwhile:
A Canadian government study declared that Canadians under age 35, unless inheriting a house or massive wealth, will NEVER be able to buy a home
Of those people who bought their Council etc homes under Thatcher's 1980s 'privatisation' ... sure a lot of them got rich ... and now, 40% of those homes are expensive RENTALS to young people, who will NEVER buy a home, and many of whom will NEVER feel able to afford having children ... while the 'boomers' who bought from Thatcher add to their bank accounts
funny meme on 'landlords' and 'the market'
So some 'boomers' became toffs over a lucky ability to buy ... now the newest generation is in despair
If you read forums where young people congregate, you cannot underestimate their anger at the selfish 'boomers', often spending what wealth they have and leaving nothing for children to inherit ... boomers who created a society where young people see no way to ever even own a home, unless they are in the lucky top 10% of income-earners
We are in social catastrophe between generations, with 'influencer' women on social media slamming the 'dusty' (i.e., low wealth) men ... but of course there are not enough rich blokes out there ... so young people are not marrying and having children ... women waiting till too late to meet Mr Money
The late 1940s United Nations Convention on Genocide, declared that social policies discouraging people from having children, are genocide
Well that is what we have now
We actually need a housing price crash in order to save youth ... but older people, 'house rich', do not want to hear of it
The brilliant Henry George (1839-97) saw clearly - even Milton Friedman saying he was correct - that wealth from merely owning 'land' is in practice the most unfair kind of wealth; he proposed taxing land almost exclusively and hugely, and thus eliminating taxes on labour, on investing and so on ... so no one gets rich from merely 'owning property', just a modest return on building and improvement
Society would be much better off if the 'boomers' were not rich from property, and instead young people could buy a home and start a family more securely ... and we all faced together the issues of social inequity and incomes
What happened instead, is that the manipulative social engineers coddled the 'boomers' with an artificial wealth programme, dividing the middle class brutally into haves and have-nots, and destroying the lives and child-births of the grand-children of those boomers ... truly genocide.
The theme is how the government wants to steal the equity, the asset value, people have in their homes, given how homes have increased in price
It's understandable people are angry ... BUT the blind spot here, is that those 'home price increases' are the result of government manipulations ... which have made home purchases IMPOSSIBLE for most younger people
'I'm all right, Jack' at its worst
The author speaks of how 'property wealth' was such a boon for family and people the author knows ... but ignores how that era is OVER
There is the 40% of the 'middle class' that hit the sweet spot and bought homes and profited ... Meanwhile:
A Canadian government study declared that Canadians under age 35, unless inheriting a house or massive wealth, will NEVER be able to buy a home
Of those people who bought their Council etc homes under Thatcher's 1980s 'privatisation' ... sure a lot of them got rich ... and now, 40% of those homes are expensive RENTALS to young people, who will NEVER buy a home, and many of whom will NEVER feel able to afford having children ... while the 'boomers' who bought from Thatcher add to their bank accounts
funny meme on 'landlords' and 'the market'
So some 'boomers' became toffs over a lucky ability to buy ... now the newest generation is in despair
If you read forums where young people congregate, you cannot underestimate their anger at the selfish 'boomers', often spending what wealth they have and leaving nothing for children to inherit ... boomers who created a society where young people see no way to ever even own a home, unless they are in the lucky top 10% of income-earners
We are in social catastrophe between generations, with 'influencer' women on social media slamming the 'dusty' (i.e., low wealth) men ... but of course there are not enough rich blokes out there ... so young people are not marrying and having children ... women waiting till too late to meet Mr Money
The late 1940s United Nations Convention on Genocide, declared that social policies discouraging people from having children, are genocide
Well that is what we have now
We actually need a housing price crash in order to save youth ... but older people, 'house rich', do not want to hear of it
The brilliant Henry George (1839-97) saw clearly - even Milton Friedman saying he was correct - that wealth from merely owning 'land' is in practice the most unfair kind of wealth; he proposed taxing land almost exclusively and hugely, and thus eliminating taxes on labour, on investing and so on ... so no one gets rich from merely 'owning property', just a modest return on building and improvement
Society would be much better off if the 'boomers' were not rich from property, and instead young people could buy a home and start a family more securely ... and we all faced together the issues of social inequity and incomes
What happened instead, is that the manipulative social engineers coddled the 'boomers' with an artificial wealth programme, dividing the middle class brutally into haves and have-nots, and destroying the lives and child-births of the grand-children of those boomers ... truly genocide.
So some older 'boomers' will now be robbed of their 'house wealth' ... ask a young person in a low-wage job, with no hope of owning a home, how much he cares about that.
Migration is not helping the price pressures either ... millions of migrants admitted ... no large-scale housing built to match the flows of people ... house prices go up, more suffering for youth.
posted by Anon @ 22:33
I'm alright Jack at its worst"
Is a massive over simplification at its worst. There were incentives post war to build and buy homes. The UK underwent slum clearance policies and building homes was a key priority. People had the shadow of war in Europe hanging over them and fresh in the memories for many. Towns spread further out after housebuilding and slum clearances mobilised people to pastures new.
A stake in society (for many) was a genuine moment in time where optimism was returning to a beleaguered country. Some people could take advantage of the ability to buy and could afford a mortgage due to their personal circumstances. That said, it also required saving, making sacrifices and living within ones means. The Boomer generation didn't have access to credit or easy capital (with strings attached).
The home ownership rate in England was about 60-65% compared to Scotland which was massively behind at about 30-35% up until The Right to Buy legislation was introduced in 1981 under Margaret Thatcher. Scotland then caught up. Social mobility was a genuine thing and those whom were social renting could now afford to buy their homes (at massive cost to the Social Housing stock). It did have the effect of empowerment for the individual - albeit short term. Britain has parity and equity and the country is largely a nation of homeowners now.
A thrifty generation that worked regular hours, rarely got holidays (if ever) and were much more contented with their lives and way of life. The family home was an investment in their futures not a mountain of capital like some might think. A home to the Boomer generation was a happy place with memories and good times and bad times alike - not a pile of 'greenbacks' as the materialist and shallow yoof might think. Almost anyone could aspire to own or buy a home up until circa the last 10 years or so. All you needed was a 'young couple' with two incomes, some savings and the desire to be in debt for the next 25 years.
Moving swiftly along to the Gen Zee mob. After spending 10 years in their respective indoctrination camps, instead of getting a job or learning a trade or doing something useful they bought the lie at circa £30-50000 that an education is a super highway to success. Yup, your Social Studies degree is what your employer needs. So, starting life with no experience, a worthless degree and shit-tons of debt - guess what??? They forgot to mention the debt-poverty trap during the Gender-Binary class on Zoom.
After wasting 4 years of precious life on a very expensive 'worthless' degree a mid twenties something is now coming to terms with reality. That said, still blaming everyone else for their poor decision making. As the easily led need someone to blame, let's blame 'granny and her big hoose', rather than successive governments and their WEF-ist policies.
"You will own nothing and be happy", I seem to recall! The social engineering coupled together with Keynsian economics and the politics of envy have conspired to create the conditions we ALL now have to face.
Part 2
Mass immigration seemed to be an afterthought with regards the impact to the cost of renting let alone buying. The Boat-Clowns who are arriving (sponsored by SERCO and UK Government) are putting pressure on supply in the rental market and adding to the inflationary costs too. This is a very serious problem and not just a mere after thought.
Still, when you have had the comfort of staying at home until your mid-thirties unable to even rent let alone buy, just remember when the Government go after the equity in the family home when the next generation are DNR'd (Do Not Resucitate) for a minor curable ailment when in hospital. Just remember, you'll now need to sell the family home to pay the Capital Gains Tax or 'equity tax' rendering you effectively...........homeless. The bigger picture eh???
"We are in social catastrophe between generations, with 'influencer' women on social media slamming the 'dusty' (i.e., low wealth) men ... but of course there are not enough rich blokes out there ... so young people are not marrying and having children ... women waiting till too late to meet Mr Money"
Feminism and the brain-dead feminist rubbish is largely to blame for a bunch of shallow, feckless, materialist idealogues thinking they are poorly treated, paid less or better off without men. Kevin Samuels (sadly passed away) absolutely smashes the brain-dead delusional women thinking they're about to get a 'high net worth individual' Plenty of his videos on YT.
Three questions to determine suitability for a 'high net worth' individual (with a 4th added on after answering the first 3).
1. Height, 2. Dress size, 3. Weight. If you get as far as number 4. How many kids???? Suitability for a 'high net worth individual' utterly destroyed in literally 3 minutes. So when the 200 pound gorilla with 3 kids to 4 different dads (lol) is still single after 9 years ........guess what???? Maybe that 'low worth' honest guy working hard and being overlooked continuously might have been a man of integrity and soul mate. Nah, rather be single, delusional and getting fatter by the day.
Femism like all crap political ideology is borne out of sinister under current. On the surface egalitarianism and all things being equal a great idea (in theory). In reality, a sinister movement with dark occult and sinister origins with the express motive to dismantle family and the patriarchy. I wonder how many feminists will rush forward to sign up for the draft come WW3 - we all know the answer to that!
Some of the origins of feminism
Greetings from Polska ! i Lived in UK more than 10 yrs ago.
The thing is, in England and in Ireland as well, very few new house are being build, rare and strange for me was it, very low "building rate" in comparison to Europe...
So this makes situation worse, of course.
( Here many new houses, but what ? Loans and buying for rental, and because of artificial migration from eastern side of border, prices went high : not the only reason, but one of the most important, say Warsaw and other big cities in PL )
And looks like that Western countries are in decline : say karma for colonialism ?
So try to find guilty not only outside your camp...
Here woke is not that delusional and mad like in us or canada.
For great majority of people these will be harder times.
If you do not search for spirituality, what is coming could be so overhelming and scary that life really, esp in rich countries, will be disapointing...
Sign of times ?
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