Sunday 30 June 2024

We Need to Talk About Keir


At 30 June 2024 at 18:22 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gavin Newsom: Zionist in Waiting

“Biden’s seeming heir apparent, California Governor Gavin Newsom, had the colors of the Israeli flag projected on the state capitol building on October 9, then flew off to Israel to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Isaac Herzog and grandstand about how personal Israeli anguish had become to him …”

“… 2008 was [the] 60th anniversary of al-Nakba, when two out of three Palestinians, nearly 700,000 people, were forced to flee their homes …”

“In March 2008, when he was the mayor of San Francisco, the Jewish Community Federation arranged Newsom’s all-expense paid junket to Israel to celebrate the 60th anniversary of its founding.

“While there he promised to ‘continue the narrative for another 600 years …’”

* Published Jan. 2024

At 30 June 2024 at 19:43 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 30 June 2024 at 19:44 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 30 June 2024 at 19:44 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 30 June 2024 at 19:49 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


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