Saturday 29 June 2024

Scotland's Jews will be celebrating ?


FRIENDS OF ISRAEL: ‘We will celebrate if this election batters the SNP and elects a Labour majority among Scottish MPs’

“… [The SNP] has a long track record of criticising Israel …

“[Nicola Sturgeon held] anti-Israel positions [and] regularly riled Scottish Jews, 90 per cent of whom consider themselves Zionists.

“In August 2021, the SNP invited the Scottish Greens party to join their government.

“At that time, the Greens’ platform included a boycott of Israel, labelling it an ‘apartheid state’ …

“[And Humza Yousaf’s] support for the Palestinians and criticism of Israel since October 7 only served to cause Scottish Jews to question whether we have a future in Scotland …

“At the last general election, Scottish voters overwhelmingly chose the SNP …”

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