Saturday 29 June 2024

Keir Starmer is betting on the Israel lobby


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‘Labour and Zionism have collaborated for over a century’

“… Keir Starmer is betting on the Israel lobby to deliver him to power … in the midst of Zionist genocide in Gaza …

“When Tony Blair was Shadow Home Secretary … he was introduced to Israel lobbyist Michael Levy by Israeli embassy officer Gideon Meir …

“Levy then proceeded to raise money for Blair, securing contributions from influential pro-Israel lobbyists such as Westfield Chariman Frank Lowy … a former Haganah fighter, Emmanuel Kaye of Labour Friends of Israel, and Trevor Shin.”

“[At] the exact same time he was fundraising for Blair, Levy was fundraising for Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak.

“Levy's son, Daniel, was also an Israeli employee working for the Israeli justice minister, Yossi Beilin …”

“After exiting Downing Street, Blair was selected to be a Patron of the largest settlement body in occupied Palestine, the JNF, alongside Israel's president and prime minister.

“His wife, Cherie Blair … became an ethical adviser to the Israeli intelligence company, the NSO group, responsible for the infamous Pegasus spyware.

“… [Perhaps] Starmer envisions a similar trajectory for himself.”

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