Scotland voted by 68% to 32% to stay in the EU.

Scotland voted by 68% to 32% to stay in the EU.
The First Minister will say the way Scotland is being treated over Brexit is symptomatic of a wider 'Westminster knows best' union, whatever the cost to ScotlandJohn Swinney
“It told us something fundamental about the United Kingdom too,” he will add.
“It demonstrated that the UK is not a partnership of equal nations.
“The fact that Scotland voted to remain ultimately mattered not one jot to Westminster.
“That’s not equality – it’s a ‘know your place’ attitude.
“The way Scotland is being treated over Brexit is symptomatic of a wider ‘Westminster knows best’ union, whatever the cost to Scotland.
Swinney claims Scotland's voice 'simply doesn't matter to Westminster'
I personally do not believe that Scotland voted No in the EU 2016 Referendum. I believe that all 4 nations of the UK had a majority vote to leave, I believe the real vote was 70% leave and 30% to stay, giving the usual 52%-48% to make it look like there was some sort of actual division among voters, plus, trying to keep on having vote after vote to get the result you want (EU Referendum), just won't work. When people realise what the EU's purpose really is, you'll be screaming from your rooftops. They are the continuation of the Nazi Party but in a 'softer' style.
The Scottish Nats are nothing more than a bunch of opportunistic clowns being voted into office by (easily) the stupidest voters to have ever walked the face of this earth.
A group of brain dead, tartan clowns too stupid to understand their own demands and misunderstand the very essence of independence. A deadly, toxic combination that you couldn't even parody. The Nats are a sketch straight out of a Monty Python playbook - their voters are even worse.
It truly beggars belief that the only thing they seem to care about is the only thing they advocate against. Demanding independence to then hand your independence to an unelected European Union hierarchy is with out doubt the stupidest, must ridiculous tripe beyond any form of parody that exists.
Voting is truly an over-rated waste of shoe leather for brain dead morons too thick to realise that they are being played by every fake political party of every persuasion. The same bad actors in every camp laughing at the simpletons every few years. If voting achieved anything - they'd ban it.
Sorry, back to the Nats, I have put together a simple definition of the meaning of independence, hopefully it might resonate with some of the tartan clownworld voters.
Political meaning of independence:
freedom to make laws or decisions without being governed or controlled by another country or organization.
freedom from being governed or ruled by another country:
Synonyms for independence:
home rule
Seems straightforward enough - you'd think.
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