Thursday 6 June 2024

D Day Fraud?


Was D Day, 6 June, a fraud?

Was World War II planned and organised by a Cabal (gang) that included the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and other such people? 


At 6 June 2024 at 11:59 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

06 Day, 06 Month at 6AM.

Just a coincidence right?

At 6 June 2024 at 14:21 , Anonymous Firestarter said...

There was no way that the 6 June 1944 could have been a success – except for the sabotage of Hitler and his associates.
Normandy was one of only 2 places where the Allied forced could land. That should have been easy to defend...

On 1 June 1944 at 9 p.m. - the BBC broadcasts the first 3 lines of a poem of Verlaine, which is a message to the French resistance that the invasion is planned within 15 days.
German intelligence officer Hellmuth Meyer understands its meaning, because a member of the French resistance had told the Germans. Meyer informs Admiral Canaris, head of the Abwehr.
Canaris was an MI6 collaborator, and associated with Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands.

On June 5, at 9:15 p.m. (CET) - the second part of the Verlaine message is transmitted, which means that the invasion will begin within 48 hours.
Meyer immediately warns the head of the 15th Army General Hans von Salmuth, but the 7th Army is not alerted, because somebody doesn’t want to ruin D-day...


At 2:06 a.m. - Colonel Hamann, acting commander of the 709th Division, calls Saint-Lô and reports enemy paratroopers near Sainte-Mere-Eglise.
At 2:11 a.m. - the 716th tells Hamann that paratroopers have landed east of the Orne, near Caen. Because of the massive scale, they’re convinced that the invasion has begun.

At 2:40 a.m. - at his headquarters in Paris, Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt studies the many reports from Normandy that the radar screens are covered with hundreds of beeps.
That was even before Adolf Hitler went to sleep…


Adolf Hitler issued a directive that Germany’s armoured forces, which were kept back from the beaches, could only be deployed upon his personal order.
Hitler had also given orders that he wasn’t to be awakened for any reason.

At 4:30 a.m. - after waiting more than 2 hours, until Hitler has gone to bed, Von Rundstedt finally requests 2 panzer divisions. He is blocked by General Alfred Jodl, who will wait until Hitler wakes up.

At 07:30, Jodi informed Von Rundstedt that the divisions could not be committed until Hitler gave the order, and Hitler was still sleeping. Hitler slept until noon.
It was 16:00 when Hitler finally gave his approval...


On the afternoon of June 6, Hitler ordered V-1 attacks on London. It took 6 days to bring the heavy steel catapult rigs that were in hiding to prevent them from being used immediately. When it started on June 12, the only attainable result could be to prove to the world what scumbags the Nazis were.
If the beaches and artificial harbours of Normandy, jammed with men, had been bombed they possibly could have still stopped the Allied forces.

At 6 June 2024 at 15:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

World War 3 'already' in progress, says Russia's top political media personality, Jewish Vladimir Solovyov

'Speaking on the Russia 1 channel, Vladimir Solovyov, well-known Kremlin-backed media personality, made the statement on national television, he chillingly warned: "You want World War III? You are already in it!"'

At 6 June 2024 at 16:56 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


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