Wednesday 1 May 2024


Second Nakba - California.


‘Horrific violence’ as counter-protesters attack a pro-Palestinian encampment on the University of California campus in Los Angeles, with running clashes continuing for hours in the absence of police.

Unknown commented

“Many commenters noted the lack of LAPD or UCLA campus police presence during the worst of the violence.”

“LA Times reporter Teresa Watanabe reported that the group who attacked the encampment several hours ago were approximately 200 strong:


“‘Pro-Israel counterprotestors started tearing down @UCLA encampment barriers and screamed "Second nakba!" referring to the mass displacement & dispossession of Palestinians during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.’


At 2 May 2024 at 06:25 , Blogger James R said...

Hello Aangirfan,
Owen Jones removed that video and re-uploaded it, think the second version is about three minutes shorter.
I recently watched a great movie about one incident of the Nakba called Tantura.
Tantura was an Arab village on the Palestine coast, just north of Gaza, in May 1948 the IDF entered Tantura, rounded up the people, murdered the males en masse, murdered three women, raped at least one woman, and transferred the remaining people out of the village.
There were mass executions and the bodies of the several hundred the IDF murdered were buried in a mass grave.
In the early 2000s a post-graduate student at Haifa University named Theodore Katz began researching the events in Tantura, he interviewed more than 100 people, former IDF members and surviving Tantura residents.
Numerous IDF members confessed to the crimes their colleagues had committed in Tantura, corroborating the accounts of the victims that mass murder and all the other crimes had taken place in Tantura in 1948.
Teddy Katz published his work as his Masters thesis and received a mark of 97%, the work was published and some people started to read it and it was held in some Israeli libraries.
When members of the IDF unit that had committed all those war crimes in 1948 heard about it they were outraged and sued Teddy Katz for defamation.
Not long after they seemingly kidnapped Katz and forced him to sign a piece of paper stating that what he had written about all the mass murder etc. wasn't true.
On the back of that the Alexandroni Unit members won their court case against Katz, he had tried to rescind his forced retraction, but the judge wouldn't allow that.
Katz retained hundreds of hours of recordings of the soldiers confessing to what had happened but the judge simply chose not to listen to any of those recordings.
After that Katz was considered discredited and was asked to leave the university. His life was destroyed by the experience and he suffered a series of strokes that he claims were due to the pressure exerted upon him by what happened.
At that point the story seemed to be dead.
More than a decade later someone decided to make a film about it, visited Katz and was able to access the evidence he had kept, all the interview recordings etc.
Then they went back and re-interviewed the Alexandroni Unit again and they all made the exact same confessions they had made decades earlier to Katz.
The movie is called Tantura, I found it at, anyone can watch it and it is definitely worth a look.
One lesson it reinforces is that Zionists will not hesitate to crush a Jew that stands in their way or reveals their true nature but more than that it provides a great snapshot of the campaign of ethnic cleansing and mass murder that accompanied the creation of the Zionist state.


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