Wednesday 1 May 2024



Richmond paedophile records unlocked after madame's ...


16 Apr 2024 — How 'paedophile ring' whistleblower's death helped unlock abuser's police files. Richmond Council paedophile social worker John Stingemore's ...

Richmond paedophile records unlocked after madame's ...

16 Apr 2024 — How 'paedophile ring' whistleblower's death helped unlock abuser's police files. Richmond Council paedophile social worker John Stingemore's ...


At 1 May 2024 at 03:31 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

PFIZERGATE: Ursula von der Leyen’s shady Covid vaccine deals prove she can get away with anything

“Ursula von der Leyen, the unelected European Commission President, is up for job renewal in June …

“Skeptical members of the European Parliament have been demanding to know what kind of deal [von der Leyen’s Commission leadership] actually signed with the manufacturers of [covid] injections.

“We’re talking about 11 contracts, 4.6 billion vaccines, and €71 billion of public money transferred to Big Pharma …

“According to research published last year by the French NGO Global Health Advocates, and the UK based health nonprofit, StopAids, the European Commission ‘agreed to extensive confidentiality requirements with pharmaceutical corporations that may not be fully consistent with EU legislation’, and that … ‘the Pfizer contract was the most significantly redacted’ …

“… Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla …. was exchanging private text messages with von der Leyen the month before the Pfizer contract was negotiated. …

“… [Von der Leyen’s text messages have] magically vanished ...

“Ursula von der Leyen talks a good game about transparency … virtue-signaling democratic values while making a mockery of them.”

At 1 May 2024 at 03:38 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The US and the UK are pushing for total war on all fronts

“It should be abundantly clear now that … London and Washington have absolutely no intent of letting up on the wars they have provoked, while also pushing for a potential third one with China …

“The media in the West … are effectively in war mode. The BBC amplifies non-stop Ukraine propaganda … and all voices of dissent have been shut down.

“… [The] decision may have been made to risk a full-on war with Russia …

“Thus, the shockwaves from the Iran-Israel saga have been used to pursue a new and sudden round of escalation on every front …

“… [We] should draw the conclusion that Western leaders are not truly seeking to avoid war, but are prepared to embrace it …

“The British military establishment and the media have long been making noises about conscription.

“In the US, if Joe Biden wins re-election, we can assume that he will unapologetically escalate on every single front.

“World War III is no longer a dramatized specter of farfetched panic, but an actual possibility that should not be ruled out.”

At 1 May 2024 at 03:40 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a classic 'it was just one bad apple' story, when faced with allegations of an organised paedophile ring operating in West London, isn't it?


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