Sunday 12 May 2024

Israel's friends - Milei - Argentina


'The strange photo of Javier Milei before he gave a lecture at the Milken Institute in LA last week'

By order of Javier Milei, Argentina votes AGAINST Palestine's entry into the UN

“The head of the Palestinian organization Al Fatah for Latin America, Mohamed Odeh, considers that President Javier Milei was prepared by Israel for at least twenty years to express his total support for Israel.

“He indicated that generally Israelis look in different countries for certain ‘popular’ people to achieve their goals ...”

Michael Milken’s Institute invited Javier Milei to speak at their annual event last Monday.

But who is Michael Milken, king of the ‘junk bonds’, whom Milei considers an example to follow?

Milei defined Milken as someone “who has remained unwavering defending the true principles of capitalism and the ideas of freedom”.

However, in the 1980s, Milken pleaded guilty to charges related to fraud, price manipulation and tax evasion, and was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

“… Milken’s protege, Leon Black, [was] a key funding source of Jeffery Epstein …”


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