Tuesday 23 April 2024

ISRAEL - ceasing to exist

Unknown commented

Former Israeli Premier (and Jeffrey Epstein friend) Ehud Barak:

'Israel Could Cease to Exist before 80th Anniversary in 2028'




  1. HOW YOU DARE TO STAIN THAT HONOURABLE GERMAN UNIFORM WITH THE FACE OF A MASS MURDERER? YOU HEAR MANY PEOPLE THESE DAYS   CALLING  AND EQUATING THE ISRAEL ZIONISTS  AND THEIR BACKERS AS AND WITH FASCISTS AND  NAZIS < ZIONISM IS THE TOTALLY OPPOSITE OF FASCISM < THE COMPLETE ANTITHESIS < ZIONISM WAS AND STILL IS BACKED BY INTERNATIONAL CAPITALISM (ROTHSCHILDS) THE SAME ONES THAT FUNDED MARX < MARXISM < THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION AND THE JUDEO BOLCHEVIKS < THE JUDEO NEOLIBERALS (NEOCONS) ALL COME FROM THE MARXIST < LENINIST AND TROTSKYIST SCHOOLS THE SAME ONE FROM WHERE MR GALLOWAY COMES FROM ... . The institutionalization of anti-fascism has been promoted, as we have already noted above , by the Western financial oligarchy( THE REAL POWER BEHIND OF THESE KNOWINGLY OR NOT USEFUL IDIOTS AND  STOOGES) , a political-economic entity of neoliberal (for Gentiles) and Zionist (for Jews) ideology . Therefore, logically, fascism and Zionism are politically incompatible . THESE FOOLS accuse THE ZIONIST , NEOLIBERAL < PROGRESSIVE "DEMOCRATIC" STATE OF ISRAEL (the INTERNATIONAL capitalist system) of being "fascist" and, in doing so, provides them with a great service: hiding the Zionist (JUDAISM) ideology of the financial oligarchy, a true "capitalist subject" that, allied with communism, annihilated fascism in the Second World War . THOSE WHO FUNDED THE STATE OF ISRAEL AND IMMIGRATE THERE AFTER THE WAR AND THE SO CALLED "HOLOCAUST" (HOAX) FOUGHT THE AXIS DURING WW2

  2. Fascusm was a term specifically for Italy under Mussolini. Hitler trained in pre Tavistock Institute in the UK. WW II funded by Rothschild. Deaths ordered by UK Rothschild. Without American Standard Oil no plane could have flown. Hitlers transferagreement with jews in Palestine, who funded the Economic Boom in the Weimar republic and made WW II possible. Docu Europe the Last battle. Jews were given worldpower if they would succeed drawing in USA into WW II. Roosevelt knew about Pearl Harbour attack, before it happened, silenced everyone and sacrificed 3000 US sailors. Newspaper 1943. Hitler had the rare in Europe Y chromosome, meaning sephardic jewish descent. Had a jewish chauffeur, doctor, a jewish army, was given 120 injections, pills a day. One Permethrine resembling Chrystal Meth, causing Parkinson like symptoms, the trembling. His sleeping hours were equal to New York daytime hourse. Which i find curious.
