Tuesday 9 April 2024

David Frost, Leon Brittan, Cambridge Mafia ...

 Cambridge Mafia

Left to right: Ex-Cabinet minister Sir Norman Fowler, Conservative party leader Michael Howard, ex-environment secretary John Gummer, 

ex-chancellor Kenneth Clarke, ex-European Commissioner Sir Leon Brittan, veteran broadcaster Sir David Frost, and ex-Chancellor Norman Lamont.


“A service to celebrate the life and work of Sir David Frost OBE was held yesterday …

“Joanna Lumley read a sonnet that she co-wrote …

“Also present were … Sir Peter Bottomley and the Rt Hon Baroness Bottomley … Victoria, Lady de Rothschild … Mr Matthew Freud … Mr Stephen Fry … Mr and Mrs Uri Geller … Ms Esther Rantzen … Lord Rothschild … Sir John and Lady Scarlett [MI6] … ”


“Scottish Friends of Palestine expresses its concern at the involvement of Sir David Frost as guest speaker at the annual Balfour Dinner in Tel Aviv hosted by the Israeli based Israel, British and Commonwealth Association …”



“In the annals of the modern Conservative Party there's a photograph that tells a fascinating story. It was taken at the wedding of Kenneth Clarke … He's surrounded by friends, in Cambridge … [including] Sir Leon Brittan [and] veteran broadcaster Sir David Frost … [This group was] widely known as the 'Cambridge Mafia' …”


Sir David Frost in COLEMAN, J. (2010) ‘PEOPLE AND PLACES’


Sir David Frost in the ‘black book’ of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell



  1. Sir David Frost presented ‘Through the Keyhole’ in tandem with his longtime presenting partner, the Jewish London School of Economics graduate, Loyd Grossman.

    Grossman is listed in the black book of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.

    On their tenure at the quiz show, David Frost and Loyd Grossman featured:

    - ‘Mossad’s’ Robert Maxwell,

    - ‘Mossad’s’ Uri Geller,

    - ‘Mossad’s’ Jimmy Savile

    - The Jewish Praia da Luz holiday-home owner and pedophile, Clement Freud

    - The late alleged ritual abuser, Lord Montagu of Beaulieu

    - The late alleged ritual abuser, 7th Marquess of Bath

    - Former Dolphin Square resident and alleged close friend of Derek Laud, Lord David Steel

    - and Tony Blackburn * and Freddie Starr **

    *”On 25 February 2016, [Tony Blackburn] was dismissed by the BBC in an announcement … stating that the contents of documents from the early 1970s were in conflict with evidence Blackburn had given to Dame Janet Smith's inquiry into JIMMY SAVILE’S sexual abuse ...”
    **”On 1 November 2012, as part of Operation Yewtree, [Freddie Start] was arrested by police … in connection with the JIMMY SAVILE sexual abuse scandal. He was arrested on three subsequent occasions … the last being on 12 February 2014.”

  2. Anti-genocide activists spray Labour HQ with red paint

    “… [Activists] doused the Labour Party’s South London headquarters in red paint on Monday in protest at the party’s continued support for arms sales to Israel.

    “The demonstration was shared online by Youth Demand …

    “The post read: ‘Labour has blood on their hands. They are complicit in the murder of Palestinians, and millions of people around the world, as they continue to drive genocide’ …

    “‘Young people will not stand by and watch Keir Starmer allow mass murder by selling weapons to Israel …’ said Chris Faulkner, a member of Youth Demand …”


  3. Israel arms embargo activists protest outside Keir Starmer's London home

    “A group of [anti genocide] protesters staged a demonstration outside Labour leader Keir Starmer’s home in London on Tuesday afternoon.

    “Demonstrators from the Youth Demand group hung a banner outside Mr Starmer’s house that read: ‘Starmer stop the killing’ surrounded by red hand prints.

    “The group called for a two-way arms embargo on Israel, saying weapons made in the UK were being ‘used to cause genocide’ in a video posted to their X account …

    “Protesters then laid rows of children’s shoes outside the Labour leader’s door … to signify children killed in Gaza …”


  4. Israel’s reported use of AI in its Gaza war may explain thousands of civilian deaths

    ‘Every Palestinian living in Gaza has been assigned an assassination score of 1-100’

    The Israeli Defense Forces have reportedly been using an AI-based system called Lavender to identify targets for assassination.

    “According to … multiple sources within Israeli intelligence, Lavender was trained on multiple kinds of data — from photos and cellular information to communications patterns and social media connections …

    “Then, Lavender was used to assign a score of 1-100 for almost everyone in Gaza …

    “Those with high ratings became potential assassination targets …

    “According to [intelligence officers], the list was so long, and the majority of people on it of such low importance, that they only spent seconds verifying the target, mostly by confirming that it was a man …

    “… [The] way in which Lavender’s output was reportedly used may explain some of the extraordinary civilian death toll … Nearly 15,000 Palestinians died in the first six weeks, most of them women and children …

    “… [The] IDF reportedly took the unprecedented step of deciding that as many as 15 or 20 people would be acceptable collateral damage in each case …

    “The IDF also tended to bomb their targets at home … Due to the low value of the targets, dumb bombs were routinely used, further increasing the civilian death toll, the sources said …”

