Friday 8 March 2024

US - ISRAEL - Torture ...

From the Archives

The US-Israel special relationship timeline that AIPAC doesn’t want you to see

The Bilzerian Report | August 23, 2012

May 14, 1948– Official Recognition – The United States of America becomes the first country to officially recognize Israel as an independent nation.

1949-1973- US-Israel Aid Commences – The United States gives Israel an average of $122 million per year in foreign aid payments.

Summer 1954– Lavon Affair – Israel recruits Jews to blow up American and British targets in Egypt. Israel planned on blaming the murderous false-flag attacks on the Muslim Brotherhood in an effort to garner support from the US and Britain. After officially denying any involvement, the Israeli government finally admitted their role in the incident in 2005 by honoring the surviving agents with a certificate of appreciation....

MAR 5, 2024
The Tel Aviv torture trail: Israel's role in the Abu Ghraib scandal


JAN 12, 2024

How Israeli forces trapped and killed ravers at the Nova Festival

New evidence points to Israeli security forces, not Hamas, for causing the most fatalities at the music festival - civilian deaths that were then utilized to justify Tel Aviv's Gaza genocide.

    By William Van Wagenen


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