Monday 5 February 2024

In Norway

Mark Thompson

Angelina commented on "CNN BOSSES ‘ARE JEWISH’"

Alllegedly -

'Mark Thompson covered up for Jewish pedophile Jimmy Savile than went to be top head at NYT and removed story about massive pedophile ring smashed by Norwegian police because Norway politicians give huge amount of money for years to Clinton foundation who are involved in pedophilia?'


At 5 February 2024 at 09:17 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is big: an older jewish man admits that the tunnel under the Lubavitch Synagogue was used for rituals on dead Jewish members of the lubavitch community to revive the spirit of Rabbi Schneerson and that the stains on the mattress are actually real blood.

At 5 February 2024 at 11:25 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 5 February 2024 at 12:07 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 5 February 2024 at 12:32 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 5 February 2024 at 12:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 5 February 2024 at 12:40 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 5 February 2024 at 13:05 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charles' got cancer, Fergie too allegedly, wtf is goin' on?

At 5 February 2024 at 21:10 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

All predicted & spoken of by Hess decades ago. Including the Palestinians being forced out. Europa The Final Battle -
Found by accident when checking on Karen Hudes, the World Bank whistle blowers death. In the comments. Comments can be the most interesting part. eg quote: "Masonry is a HUGE problem. Over run by Frankist Satanists that went on to become the Zionists in the 1770’s and their major triumphs echo May 1 1776. The United States has had a real problem since this day with in that the members swear death oath loyalties to the Lodge before ANYTHING ELSE. Without Masonry Kennedy would be alive, the German Holocaust lie would not be continually pushed (the Germans were the constant victims just like Czarist Russia of Jews behinds a communist facade. The Rabbinic Talmudist Jew hates you outright and as we speak psychopath Jews like Noah Harari are pushing for “Vaccinations” tainted with toxic components specifically designed to make gentiles walking ZOMBIES whose minds and thoughts can be accessed via wifi and computer hardware with the Satanist DARPA already holding patents on the technology required. All the major US PERSONNEL are compromised (Pizzagate Clinton death array) thanks to Epstein taping them in perverse sexual acts against children and young women. MOSSAD already has BACKDOORS in all your computers and phones CPUs for over 8 years due to OPERATION Talpiot ITS A FACT NOT A THEORY but you will never hear anything is because the “ official US MEDIA are Jews to a man. You have never been in so much peril.
For the love of your little one wake up. You sat on your hands after 9-11 despite Khazarim Jews dancing at you grief . Are you just going to let them mass murder you all ? The time for the yap to stop was near 30 years ago and you have bought into an American state a near exact replica of Weimar Republic Germany."

At 6 February 2024 at 04:59 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the answer KARMA?


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