Wednesday 17 January 2024

Jeffrey A. Showell

Unknown commented-

Quote: "Turkey has restricted US & NATO ships from entering the Black Sea after uncovering the main reason why US Navy is sending more naval support. 

"It is to prevent Turkey & Iran from defending Palestine." 

"The whole world's coming against Washington's supplying illegal cluster bombs as well as other criminal acts of murdering innocent people in Palestine. 

"The world sees it for what it is - Washington's calling the shots behind Israel. There's no way Israel could carry this out without the supplies and money coming from those politicians who are bought by APAC Israeli Mafia who in return or lining the politicians pockets to the tune of millions of dollars. 

"Joe Biden for instance has received something like 4.3 million for his influence. Something like 96% of Washington are making money from the Israeli "Mafia". While at the same time they're being paid too put in policies that destroy jobs in America that give the bankers a green light to foreclose poor people in America. 

"America you need to get rid of both Democrat and Republican criminals in Washington. None of them follow the Constitution of the United States of America."
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Jeffrey A. Showell 

Jeffrey A. Showell



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