So many physicians, scientists cooperated with Nazism

Why the globalists’ obsession with assisted suicide, abortion and warfare?
“The ideology of Hitler and many of his closest associates was heavily influenced by Social Darwinism, eugenics and euthanasia … [The] Darwinian devaluing of human life may help explain why so many physicians, scientists and [others] cooperated with [Nazism] …”
In the second half of the nineteenth century, Darwinism “altered many people's conceptions of the importance and value of human life … Leaders of the eugenics movement … emphasized that their views were established on Darwinian foundations …
“‘By giving up the conception of the divine image of humans … human life became a piece of property, which — in contrast to the idea of a natural right to life — could be weighed against other pieces of property’ …
“Because of their concern for the collective good … many Darwinists criticized Christianity and humanitarianism for what they considered its excessive concern for the individual …
“[Death] was no longer an enemy … but a force for progress …
“[Dr Carl Vogt wrote]: ‘If it is a capital offense in the civilized world to kill one's old lame father, there are Indian tribes in which this is considered an entirely praiseworthy deed of a son’ …”
“German eugenicists explicitly founded their ideas on a Darwinian base, and their concern with heredity, coupled with a strong sense of biological inequality, produced a world view in which human life was measured in terms of its physical and mental health, or even abilities and talents contributing to economic productivity …
“[Dr Carl Vogt wrote]: ‘If it is a capital offense in the civilized world to kill one's old lame father, there are Indian tribes in which this is considered an entirely praiseworthy deed of a son’ …”
“German eugenicists explicitly founded their ideas on a Darwinian base, and their concern with heredity, coupled with a strong sense of biological inequality, produced a world view in which human life was measured in terms of its physical and mental health, or even abilities and talents contributing to economic productivity …
“[A] significant number of [Darwinists and eugenicists] … advocated active measures to eliminate those deemed inferior … [including] infanticide, abortion and euthanasia …
“[Prof Ernst Haeckel] argued that newborn infants were still in an evolutionary stage equivalent to our animal ancestors; thus killing them was no different than killing other animals … [He] used similar arguments to justify abortion …
“Haeckel vigorously opposed the idea that humans have a soul or immortality, so for him suicide was also not immoral … Haeckel also explicitly advocated assisted suicide …
“He complained that many mentally and some physically ill people are burdens to society.
“We could spare ourselves much pain and money by just giving them a shot of morphine …”
“[Ludwig Gumplowicz, a Jewish Darwinist wrote]: ‘… [To] make space for healthy people filled with zeal for life is … a good deed, for there are not too few people on the earth — rather too many’ …
“Most of the leading abortion advocates … were avid Darwinian materialists who saw abortion … as an opportunity to improve the conditions of women … [and] … improve the human race …”
Labour could end the ban on assisted dying as Keir Starmer believes the law should be changed
Dame Esther Rantzen, who has lung cancer, said this week she had joined the Dignitas assisted-dying clinic in Switzerland.
“[A] significant number of [Darwinists and eugenicists] … advocated active measures to eliminate those deemed inferior … [including] infanticide, abortion and euthanasia …
“[Prof Ernst Haeckel] argued that newborn infants were still in an evolutionary stage equivalent to our animal ancestors; thus killing them was no different than killing other animals … [He] used similar arguments to justify abortion …
“Haeckel vigorously opposed the idea that humans have a soul or immortality, so for him suicide was also not immoral … Haeckel also explicitly advocated assisted suicide …
“He complained that many mentally and some physically ill people are burdens to society.
“We could spare ourselves much pain and money by just giving them a shot of morphine …”
“[Ludwig Gumplowicz, a Jewish Darwinist wrote]: ‘… [To] make space for healthy people filled with zeal for life is … a good deed, for there are not too few people on the earth — rather too many’ …
“Most of the leading abortion advocates … were avid Darwinian materialists who saw abortion … as an opportunity to improve the conditions of women … [and] … improve the human race …”
Labour could end the ban on assisted dying as Keir Starmer believes the law should be changed
Dame Esther Rantzen, who has lung cancer, said this week she had joined the Dignitas assisted-dying clinic in Switzerland.
Social Darwinism, Theory of Evolution and Eugenics. A Masonic lie. Not even bad science just utter garbage.
An excellent video on evolution, social Darwinism and how the fake narrative has been pushed on everyone.
Not a new video however truly excellent.
Eric Dubay dismantles the Masonic lie. Anyone who can spare the time please watch.
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