Friday 15 December 2023

Russia, China, Jews


Unknown commented on "Jewish Leaders"

"We penetrate the cabinets" said Kosher Schwab. 

Never forget that Putin acts at the behest of Chabad rabbis and CHINA's entire rise is due to the jews- going back to 1920s when Bolshevik agents were deployed to mainland to help tame it.

Rockefeller's banks were soon to follow.

Kissinger ushered in the final summit, commandeering Nixon's visit to China to hand over global kingship to the next leader.

Approximately 100 years ago, Deng Xiaoping and Zou Enlai were among 2000 Chinese, being invited to France, to be indoctrinated and formed as future communist cadres.

In a documentary by CGTN, an old Chinese woman recalled, that one of the instructors for Deng and Zou went by the name Rappaport. (understand this is not an arabic name. It can be an American Jewish name))


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