Friday 15 December 2023

Garlic for Measles

16 Sept 2021 — Garlic is a natural herb and treatment used for measles.

 It has anti-inflammatory properties that protects your skin ..
India.Com › lifestyle › suffering-from-me...

4 Dec 2019 — Garlic. One of the most important and widely used spices in India, garlic can potentially treat measles if consumed with honey. 



    According to Jonathan Cook, the 2003 invasion of Iraq was part of the larger — ongoing — Israeli-American (Zionist) plan to dismantle the nation states of the Middle East into ethnic and religious components.

    Israel would then become the dominant regional power, subsidised and armed by America.

    “[The] chaos and the ensuing civil war in Iraq [was] deliberate”.

    Seven years before the September 11 ‘Zionist false flag atrocity’, that provided spurious ‘justification’ for the post 9-11 wars, the then-leader of the UK Labour party, John Smith, died very suddenly.

    Some might say, ‘mysteriously’.

    Was John Smith murdered in order to install Tony Blair as UK prime minister, in readiness for 9-11 and the UK’s intended contribution to carrying out the Zionist agenda?

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    “Tony Blair owes his success in British politics to one key event, the extremely timely, sudden demise of John Smith … whose death cleared the path for [Blair] to become first leader of the Labour party and then prime minister shortly afterwards …”

    “On the evening of 11 May 1994 … Smith made a speech at a fundraising dinner at Park Lane Hotel, London … At 8:05 a.m. the following morning, whilst in his Barbican flat, Smith suffered a fatal heart attack.”

    “In such an environment, having … something slipped in his drink would have been easy.”

    “There was clearly a very, very powerful vested interest in removing John Smith … for both the US and Israel.”

    “[Labour] was 20 per cent in the lead in the opinion polls. He would undoubtedly have become Prime Minister had he lived …”

    “Had he lived, the UK would certainly not have gone to war in Iraq …

    “Instead, Blair sought and gained the elective dictatorship Smith complained of — and then exercised it in the lead up to the Iraq war …”

  3. 3.

    Following John Smith’s ‘mysterious termination’ in 1994, and Tony Blair replacing him to become UK prime minister in 1997, Smith’s widow, Baroness Elizabeth Smith, joined the board of HAKLUYT in 1998.

    Hakluyt is a private intelligence company set up by former MI6 executives.

    Baroness Smith remained with Hakluyt until 31 December 2000, departing just 9 months before the September 11 ‘Zionist false flag atrocity’ which supplied spurious ‘justification’ for the post 9-11 wars.

    As of 2023, these wars “have displaced 38 million people … and caused at least 4.5 million deaths … in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Philippines, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria and Yemen.”

    Baroness Smith says she left Hakluyt “because ‘my period of office came to an end’ and she declined to comment further.”

    Intriguingly, the Labour party’s current ‘Jewish Zionist’ leader, Sir Keir Starmer, has reportedly retained Hakluyt.

    This is according to a Bloomberg report of September 2023.

    “Hakluyt also employs several other staff members with connections to the Labour party, including its chairman Varun Chandra, a former Lehman Brothers banker who went on to work for Tony Blair Associates …”

    Israeli-US-UK wars on the Middle East will continue, intensify, and multiply, until ‘Jewish Zionist’ Sir Keir?

    As will the ‘mysterious sudden terminations’ of any important public figures — elected or otherwise — who might otherwise stand in the way of Zionist Israel and its cooperating intelligence operatives?

  4. Cornel West: Biden is a neoliberal gangster pursuing World War III who won’t make it to the general election

    And Trump is a neofascist pursuing a new civil war

    “Cornel West doesn’t think Joe Biden will make it to the general election.

    “Instead, the independent presidential candidate suggested the sitting president could suddenly end his reelection bid …

    “West said he didn’t think the president can sustain the mounting criticism he has been taking … on everything from the Israel-Hamas war to the economy …

    “He referred to Trump as a ‘bona fide gangsta, Neo fascist, Pied Piper leading the country for the second civil war’ ….

    “[He] characterized Biden as a ‘milquetoast neoliberal with military adventurism, possibly leading the world toward World War III’ …

    “‘I’m more concerned about Trump domestically,’ West said.

    “‘I’m more concerned about Biden in terms of foreign policy’ …

    “[Although] West publicly campaigned for Biden in 2020, he said he ultimately couldn’t vote for him at the ballot box …

    “‘I said naw, I can’t vote for this gangster …’”

  5. ‘The British Army murdered 80 citizens of Afghanistan in cold blood then covered it up’

    “Illegal executions of Afghan detainees by the SAS may have been deliberately 'covered up', defence chiefs have admitted for the first time.

    “The declaration was included in a letter sent to serving personnel across the Royal Navy, the Army and the Royal Air Force earlier this week …

    “It comes after long-standing allegations that SAS troops murdered as many as 80 Taliban suspects in custody between 2010 and 2013.

    “The claims are the subject of a statutory inquiry led by Lord Justice Haddon-Cave.

    “Evidence heard at the Royal Courts of Justice has suggested Special Forces commanders went to great lengths to prevent the Royal Military Police properly investigating the alleged killings …

    “Following his inquiries, Lord Haddon-Cave may determine that the findings of the initial military police investigation cannot be relied upon …

    “The inquiry has already heard how a computer server was destroyed at a Special Forces base in the UK which contained vital evidence …”

  6. How many Palestinian and Russian ‘detainees’ and ‘suspects’ (sic) will Israel, the US and Britain finally admit to having ‘regrettably’ murdered, renditioned or tortured in the current wars, by the time that the year 2035, or 2040, rolls around?

    In 2035, or 2040, ‘rogue elements’ in the Israeli-US-UK armed forces and defense communities will be blamed for ‘errors of judgement they made’ in Palestine and Ukraine back in 2023, that resulted in ‘a few illegal, historical, deaths’.

    We will fed the usual balderdash about a few ‘bad apple soldiers’, who should be considered ‘in no way representative of the conduct of the vast majority of honourable servicemen and women and their commanding officers during those conflicts’.

    Blah blah blah.

    A few surviving Palestinian and Russian family members may receive derisory payouts for the loss of their loved ones … just for the spooky journalists to report approvingly.

    As if to say: ‘justice has finally been done, let all our consciences now be clear. And let us now proceed with new wars, with business as usual’.

    The number of the ‘historical’ ‘unauthorised killings’ by Western forces will be estimated at just a handful or a few score.

    Just a few rogue soldiers or generals compromised by PTSD and the hell of war, Western electorates will be assured.

    Nothing to worry about. Nothing to see here.

    By 2035 or 2040, the main protagonists will all be dead, passed away from old age, or clutching promises of immunity from prosecution.

    Then again, Israel being Israel, and Ukraine being Ukraine, it’s quite possible that no evidence that would hint at the scale of illegal executions in 2023 may EVER emerge from official channels in those countries or their Zionist allies.

    After all, by 2035, or 2040, new false flag atrocities and new wars in new lands will be in progress.

    And why should the Zionists risk revealing any evidence of Israeli-US-UK atrocities that could jeopardise the public’s tolerance for ceaseless carnage until the end of days?

  7. Israeli forces execute three Jewish Israelis ‘by mistake’, as well as a broadcast journalist

    The Israeli military has said that its troops “mistakenly” shot and killed three Jewish Israelis who it said were being held as hostages by Hamas.

    The three Israeli Jews were killed by the IDF in the Gaza City area of Shejaiya.

    The IDF said its three murder victims were mistakenly believed to be a threat.

    It identified them as Yotam Haim, Alon Shamriz and Samer El-Talalqa.

    Separately, an Israeli drone strike killed Al Jazeera video journalist Samer Abu Daqqa.

    The network’s chief correspondent in Gaza, Wael al-Dahdouh, was also injured. He was transferred to Nasser hospital in Khan Younis. Israeli bombings had last month killed several members of his family.

    Al Jazeera said: “Following Samer’s injury, he was left to bleed to death for over five hours, as Israeli forces prevented ambulances and rescue workers from reaching him, denying the much-needed emergency treatment”.
