Tuesday 19 December 2023

Ukraine; Israel




  1. Dozens of Jeffrey Epstein’s associates to be named in 2024


  2. Keir Starmer urged to distance Labour from ‘Islamophobic’ Israeli ambassador

    “The Labour Muslim Network has written to Labour leader Keir Starmer warning that representatives of the party should not share a platform with Israeli Ambassador Tzipi Hotovely, accusing her of holding ‘extreme’ and ‘Islamophobic’ views …

    “… Hotovely [rejected] calls for a Palestinian state in an interview on Sky News.

    “[She] … told the broadcaster ‘absolutely no’ when asked if Palestinians should have their own state earlier this month – a view she has expressed publicly previously …

    “The group say Labour representatives who share engagements or platforms with Hotovely are ‘legitimising her extreme positions’ …

    “In November, Hotovely was hosted at the Labour Friends of Israel (LFI) annual lunch …

    “Starmer has [met] with the ambassador on various occasions …”


  3. Stephen Fry playing the Jewish victim card while cheerleading Israel makes me sick, says Jewish activist Jackie Walker


    “This ‘I am Stephen Fry and I am a Jew’ drivel is a coded claim of oppression.

    “Seeing well heeled, high status folks adopting the garb of victimhood while lending their names and significant influence to the aid of … a savage and despicable state, makes me sick.”


  4. Stephen Fry to narrate pro-Ukraine war documentary

    “Stephen Fry has signed on to narrate [the] Ukraine war feature documentary We Are Home …

    “‘I am … beyond honoured that Stephen said yes to narrating our documentary’, said [producer Kayleigh-Paige Rees] …

    “‘We hope that the film will resonate with parents and families on what Ukrainian families are currently living through …’”

