Wednesday 20 December 2023

Donald Dewar IRD Mass Murder

Scotland's Donald Dewar worked for a UK government spy group, The Information Research Department, which is linked to propaganda lies and mass killings.
Slaughter in Indonesia: Britain’s secret propaganda war

Declassified documents reveal how in 1965 the UK government's IRD incited pro-fascist massacres that left up to one million Indonesians murdered by the military and militias controlled by the CIA and its friends

The CIA later described this as “one of the worst mass murders of the 20th century”.

Released in Britain’s National Archives are pamphlets purporting to be written by Indonesian patriots, but in fact written by British propagandists, calling on Indonesians to eliminate suspected Leftists.

Indonesia's president Sukarno was toppled and president Suharto was put into power.

Sukarno, Indonesia’s first president.


  1. "Indonesia's president Sukarno was toppled and president Suharto was put into power".

    Ahem, I think you mean Sir Suharto, Honorary Knight Grand Cross (Military Division) of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (G.C.B.)

  2. The biggest external actions against Israel in the Gaza war, are being taken by the Houthi government - also known as Ansar Allah - controlling a significant part of Yemen including its former capital Sanaa.

    They effectively control the narrow Red Sea channels, and with the reach of their inexpensive drones, have been able to shut down much of global shipping to Israel and thru the region. A US-led flotilla is gathering to attack them, but the Houthis continue.

    Notable quote from Houthi commander Muhammad Al-Bukhaiti -
    "We do not fear the enemy - we fear God's wrath if we do not support Gaza."

    Photo of above

    related article about Al-Bukhaiti on Al Jazeera

  3. Ahem, I think you mean Sir Suharto, Honorary Knight Grand Cross (Military Division) of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (G.C.B.)

    Interesting, I never knew that about him... He is still very much loved here, especially by "the people", the lower middle class and the poor. My father in law used to go on a yearly pilgrimage with friends from his village, visiting the graves from all the Wali (the first folks who brought Islam to Indonesia) on the North Coast of Java and their trip would always end in Blitar, the small town where he, Sukarno, was from and where he is buried, in East-Java. I visited the place a few years ago and I was blown away. Not by the town, there isn't much there, but the grave site itself is an incredible place. Each day hundreds and hundreds of pilgrims come and pray at Sukarno's grave, buried under the daily fresh flowers, there's an energy there that just cannot be described, you really have to experience it.... A hard man to follow, never could understand the amount of energy and time he spend on music, his deep hatred for The Beatles and his war against that "degenerate type of Western music" Rock 'n' Roll, what he called "Nig Nag Nog" (A Javanese term for irritating noise"). If, in the early 60's, you walked around Bandung with "Beatles hair" you would be arrested, brought to the city center and they would shave you, in public.... Loads of songs that he banned etc. while folks were starving and poverty was wide spread, as was endemic corruption (read Mochtar Lubis' Twilight In Jakarta)....
