Monday 18 December 2023

Biden Staff demand CEASFIRE

 Unknown commented on "Biden Staff demand CEASFIRE"

Re 'where would the Jews go?' in comment-

Any Jew content with not living on stolen land, and not personally guilty of crimes, would be welcome to stay in Palestine ... they would be protected under the most sacred Muslim principles, just like Jews in Iran or Morocco etc already are

Many if not most middle or upper class Israeli Jews have an extra passport and can go to Europe or USA or Russia

Other departing Jews would be easily absorbed into the 3 large USA states where most American Jews live and have very Jew-friendly government to welcome them - New York, Florida, California


At 19 December 2023 at 05:30 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re 'where would the Jews go?' in comment above

Any Jew content with not living on stolen land, and not personally guilty of crimes, would be welcome to stay in Palestine ... they would be protected under the most sacred Muslim principles, just like Jews in Iran or Morocco etc already are

Many if not most middle or upper class Israeli Jews have an extra passport and can go to Europe or USA or Russia

Other departing Jews would be easily absorbed into the 3 large USA states where most American Jews live and have very Jew-friendly government to welcome them - New York, Florida, California


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