Friday 24 November 2023

School stabbing in Dublin sparks riots

A school stabbing in Dublin sparks riots. Do certain Israelis attack kids? 

Angelina commented -

People starting to waken up . 

Certain Jews are behind the attack? 

Divide and conquer.

This image of Dublin’s Molly Malone statue was placed on the Israeli embassy’s Twitter account

In 2010, Ireland expelled a Dublin-based Israeli diplomat in protest against the use by the Mossad intelligence agency of several counterfeit Irish passports in an assassination. 

Oct 26th 2023

THIS WEEK, THE Israeli ambassador to Ireland accused President Michael D. Higgins of spreading misinformation about Israel when he said the country was committing war crimes in Palestine.


Israel's anti-Irish propaganda seems to be primitive, crude and nasty?

Unknown commented on "School stabbing in Dublin sparks riots"

Ireland stabbing incident does feel a little too convenient
and packed full of moral outrage and race baiting techniques for it to be real.

 The Police were calling the rioters 'Far Right' a far too well used phrase at the moment.

Tommy Cockles turns up at the Cenotaph with his 'Far Right' for no discernible reason likewise. 

The FBI assert that the biggest threat to homeland security in the foreseeable would be 'Far Right'. Similar language also being used in Sweden when dealing with migrant issues.

Undertones of Enoch Powell and Kalergi aside, mass immigration where invasions of young men turn up invited to 'our shores' by a treacherous corporation called GOVERNMENT.

Instability mixed with fear and alienation in your own country would be enough in itself to shape public opinion. The Police (Government collaborators) are then using the language of appeasement at the expense of local concerns and sentiment.

Enough anecdotal evidence to suggest a narrative supporting the theory of subversion or psy-op or false flag.

A maniac attacking women and children would be reasonable grounds for civil disobedience if it was thought that the problem has been caused by a deliberate policy of unfettered immigration (which it has). Again, all the hallmarks of Kalergi.

At this stage, no mention of the victims, who they were and where they are from. Just a vague nod in their direction. Unverifiable and vague. The hero (in this case) another foreigner that has no provenance and would be unknown within the wider community, again, unverifiable.

The civil unrest was very quick to 'kick off'. Moral outrage aside, just because some would be rightly concerned or upset at the days events doesn't automatically mean setting alight to trams or buses. A bit too extreme (even for the mob).

Has this event been used to light a litmus of discontent? Is it an organic uprising from the rightly concerned indigenous peoples, and; are we next?????

Although there was no obvious esoteric numerology or phenomenon nor anything that is glaringly wrong with the whole narrative, gut instinct and years of 'events' taking place suggest that this could just as easily be another contrived event to incite fear and cause social unrest.

**Posted earlier** A couple of thoughts on the subject.


  1. Anonymous24 November 2023 at 00:20
    Ireland stabbing incident does feel a little too convenient and packed full of moral outrage and race baiting techniques for it to be real. The Police were calling the rioters 'Far Right' a far too well used phrase at the moment. Tommy Cockles turns up at the Cenotaph with his 'Far Right' for no discernible reason likewise. The FBI assert that the biggest threat to homeland security in the foreseeable would be 'Far Right'. Similar language also being used in Sweden when dealing with migrant issues.

    Undertones of Enoch Powell and Kalergi aside, mass immigration where invasions of young men turn up invited to 'our shores' by a treacherous corporation called GOVERNMENT. Instability mixed with fear and alienation in your own country would be enough in itself to shape public opinion. The Police (Government collaborators) are then using the language of appeasement at the expense of local concerns and sentiment.

    Enough anecdotal evidence to suggest a narrative supporting the theory of subversion or psy-op or false flag.

    A maniac attacking women and children would be reasonable grounds for civil disobedience if it was thought that the problem has been caused by a deliberate policy of unfettered immigration (which it has). Again, all the hallmarks of Kalergi.

    At this stage, no mention of the victims, who they were and where they are from. Just a vague nod in their direction. Unverifiable and vague. The hero (in this case) another foreigner that has no provenance and would be unknown within the wider community, again, unverifiable.

    The civil unrest was very quick to 'kick off'. Moral outrage aside, just because some would be rightly concerned or upset at the days events doesn't automatically mean setting alight to trams or buses. A bit too extreme (even for the mob).

    Has this event been used to light a litmus of discontent? Is it an organic uprising from the rightly concerned indigenous peoples, and; are we next?????

    Although there was no obvious esoteric numerology or phenomenon nor anything that is glaringly wrong with the whole narrative, gut instinct and years of 'events' taking place suggest that this could just as easily be another contrived event to incite fear and cause social unrest.

    **Posted earlier** A couple of thoughts on the subject.

  2. israel has hated since in w w 2 all fit young englishmen were co erced into fighting germany
    Jews went to the jewish doctor and got signed off war service with flat feet short sight astigmatism etc
    all crap this is why london in particular was awash with jews, some called them spivs
    Jack spot passed the crime rules down to peter rachmann down to the krays, oswald mosely never has enough men to hold them back, but at the wars end lots of irish men came over for the rebuilding and many joined moselys men in protecting shops and homes
    the jews never forgot this
