Saturday 25 November 2023

Ethnic cleansing


Unknown commented on "‘Israel is a terrorist state that represents death’, says son of Israeli general"

Ted Rall, Unz Review:

'Ethnic cleansing with the goal of annexing Gaza is the only plausible explanation for Israel’s behavior since Oct. 7.

According to the United Nations, 45% of the housing stock in the Gaza Strip has been destroyed. Over 1.5 million out of a total population of 2.3 million are “internally displaced,” i.e., homeless and living on the streets.

A leaked internal Israeli government memorandum touts “a unique and rare opportunity to evacuate the whole Gaza Strip in co-ordination with the Egyptian government.”

In a replay of 1948 [the Nakba], the Israeli government refuses to guarantee a “right to return” home after the conclusion of military operations.

The Gaza Strip is now an unlivable hellscape filled with piles of rubble covering thousands of dead bodies. Rotting bodies hasten the transmission of nasty diseases like tuberculosis and cholera, hepatitis, tuberculosis and HIV, and ruin ground water supplies.

War keeps killing people years after “peace” returns. Rubble is dangerous. Bombs and unexploded ordnance must be professionally cleared away, a process that takes years, even decades.

After Oct. 7, the IDF dropped flyers over northern Gaza ordering the population to evacuate south, most people complied.

Now a second round of leaflets is falling, ordering people to flee from the southeast to the southwest in preparation for IDF carpet-bombing. What’s southwest? The Rafah border crossing into Egypt.

Once the Gazan refugees are massed against the gates of Rafah, Israel will open the border. Palestinians will stream into and across the Sinai Peninsula in search of where they might have some sort of future. Egypt President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi sees the Palestinianization of the Sinai as inevitable.

Israel would annex Gaza. They’d clean up the debris, cart away the rubble, and transform Gaza into luxurious seaside resorts and vacation homes.

Forcing the population of Gaza to flee by destroying the territory’s infrastructure is the war crime of ethnic cleansing.'


  1. 'Jordan, the Palestinian Authority and the Arab League on Saturday condemned statements by Geert Wilders, the Dutch far-right politician who won this week’s election in the Netherlands, that Palestinians should be relocated to Jordan.

    The Palestinian Authority labeled the statements as “a call to escalate the aggression against our people"

    Jordan issued a separate condemnation and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Yemen, and the Arab League did the same, Arab News reported.'

  2. Earlier Geert Wilders spoke out against the war in Gaza. If he now said this then it becomes more likely he is a Mossad stooge. Frequenting the Israeli embassy for years, funded by American jews. His favorite country Israel, worked in a Kibbutz as a young man. The West Bank was part of Transjordania. Israel took it with the 1967 war if i am correct. What Geert Wilders clearly missed, as i did for many years, that in the Balfour declaration there is an agreement that Jews who emigrated and were to make their homeland in Palestine, note not a sovereign nation, were to protect the Palestinians and their properties, their lands, orchards etc. That did not happen. Massacre after massacre, warcrime after warcrime from before 1948. Palestinians florished when in the Ottoman Empire. Sneaky English seduced, lured a sheikh that if he engaged the population,, against their will, to liberate themselves from the Ottomans, he would become the Khalif of the Kalifat of the entire region. Of course that never happened. Lie upon lie upon lie is the strategy. So just like jews reclaim their artwork owned before WW II, Palestinians have the right to reclaim their properties, their lands, houses, orchards etc. etc. Al Jazeera made a docu about how Palestinians florished. Israeli jews try to make it sound as if it was one big sandpit, infertile and they made the land blossom and prosper. Jordania already has many palestinian refugees. If correct they do not get citizenship. That was also never the agreement to house all Palestinians in Palestine. Who pulls the strings of Geert Wilders is the real question?? If so he played the Dutch well. Who forced the Geneva Convention? Right. It opened the door to mass immigration, asylumseekers and that opened the door to Geert Wilders. Like the Palestinians the Dutch people were never asked. With the EU constitution we were asked in a referendum and we said NO. It became the Treaty of Lisboa. With cooperation with Ukraine we again said NO. PM Rutte pushed it tyhrough anyway. And this ex PM is going to become the boss of the NATO. At least that is his intention. Beware us all. WEF lapdog. Klaus Schwab buddy. The biggest liar the Dutch ever knew in politics.
