Wednesday, 11 October 2023

We need more fake blood

This is a behind the scenes clip of a movie production. The video was first posted on Instagram 14 weeks ago, by the account "mohamedawawda" with the title: "Behind the scenes of filming the movie telling the story of the attack on the child Ahmed Manasra"

 Joe Prich

"12 yr old killed by Hamas terroris ...wait wait, the angle's all wrong and we need more fake blood. And stop blinking, you're supposed to be dead

*adjusts $30k camera boom*

Ok let's try it again...TWELVE YEAR OLD KILLED BY HAMAS TARE-WRISTS!! 😫....aaaand CUT..print..perfect"

*uploads to TikTok*

The Israeli death toll is up to 60,000,000 new born babies beheaded and cremated in 100 invisible ovens since Saturday ....Flatten Gaza!!


At 11 October 2023 at 03:15 , Blogger Anon said...

This is a behind the scenes clip of a movie production. The video was first posted on Instagram 14 weeks ago, by the account "mohamedawawda" with the title: "Behind the scenes of filming the movie telling the story of the attack on the child Ahmed Manasra"


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