Saturday 21 October 2023

A pro-Palestine rally has begun outside Town Hall in Sydney


At 21 October 2023 at 16:55 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zionist Federattion of Australia raised a valid question. Why is Hamas HQ protected in Qatar? Amir Weitmann, the head of Libertarian Caucus of Likud Party listed 'terrorist states' as Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Cuba, Venezuala etc. but not Qatar. Strangely, 21 October 2023 MEMRI post shows Hamas leader - Arab TV to Hamas: "Why did you do what you did?" Head of Hamas: "We are fighting Nazis, bro (sis). Like the Russians!" When Likud's Amir accused Hamas of being Nazis too. Norman Finkelstein outed MEMRI as Mossad Propaganda years ago when they published that Norman was a holocaust denier. So again.. what is MEMRI doing with Hamas leader? Why is Qatar not forced to shut the HQ down and/or give the leader no protection? Some are speculating they are all in on this at the cost of 1,000s of innocent lives. and


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