Thursday 5 October 2023

Keir Starmer - same synagogue as Lady Lynn de Rothschild

Loudon Road, St Johns Wood

Unknown commented 



UK Labour Party leader Keir Starmer is raising his children as Jewish, and is an active Member with his wife and kids of the same London synagogue favoured by "youth champions" Lady Lynn de Rothschild and Esther Rantzen. 

-This  is something that Sir Keir and his top associates (Lord Mandelson, etc.) effectively "CONCEALED" from the public domain, before, and during, the April 2020 Labour leadership contest.

Need-to-know basis only. Details under metaphorical lock and key! For reasons known only to those concerned in making these strategic decisions. What a mystery.

By complete and perplexing contrast:

Starmer and wife.

Very soon *AFTER* Sir Keir WON the 2020 leadership contest and vanquished his challengers, the newly installed Leader and his top advisers (Lord Mandelson, etc.) abruptly became TREMENDOUSLY keen to TRUMPET Sir Keir's IMMERSION in Judaism and Zionism to Jewish and Zionist audiences in Britain, the USA, and Israel!

Including -- even, perhaps, especially -- by using niche Jewish media outlets to highlight Starmer's rediscovered Jewishness.

These outlets now, fairly regularly, carry features alluding to Sir Keir's Jewish faith and family: sometimes with accompanying photographs.

As if to "guarantee" that Sir Keir really is "kosher", an "honorary member of the tribe", a true Zionist -- after he effectively "concealed" his Zionist credentials for months and years while scaling the greasy pole of British politics.

 Why did "Jewish" and "atheist" Sir Keir fail to prosecute "Jewish" and "Catholic" career pedophile and sex trafficker, Sir James Vincent "Jimmy" Savile?

Lady Victoria -- Sir Keir's long "hidden" wife -- barely "existed" at all prior to and during the 2020 Labour leadership contest . At least insofar as Labour members and the wider electorate were aware!

All thanks to Sir Keir's *former* passion for privacy where his family and private life were concerned. A supposedly "moral" stance -- that he unceremoniously threw out of the window post April 2020.

Victoria Starmer was a veritable myth, a rarely spotted and barely acknowledge unicorn! Rumoured to exist, but rarely if ever alluded to by her esteemed husband, or the mainstream media (much less named or photographed), either before or during the April 2020 Labour leadership contest.

A closely-guarded "secret", just like Sir Keir's Jewish-Zionist self identification.

NOT to be disclosed in a public forum until *after* Sir Keir won the leadership contest and crushed his challengers by branding them "anti-semites".

Starmer is a member of the TRILATERAL COMMISSION, which has been linked to 9 11. Above - Starmer (centre) with then US secretary of state Mike Pompeo (R) and then US ambassador to Britain, Woody Johnson, in London, 21 July 2020. Declassified UK - Keir Starmer joined secretive CIA ...

Only *after* Sir Keir triumphed in April 2020, did he and his top advisers (Lord Mandelson, etc.) abruptly move to "shouting" about Starmer's Jewish faith, family, and agenda, to select audiences, at every conceivable opportunity.

Niche Jewish media outlets now seem to run features about "Jewish" Sir Keir on a fairly regular basis.

What a dramatic change of heart Sir Keir has had, post April 2020, about keeping his private life out of the public domain.


Unknown commented 

Keir Starmer discusses the meaning of Rosh Hashanah in synagogue


"Starmer is seen wearing a kippah as he talks to two Jewish leaders, Rabbi Gabriel Botnick and Rabbi Rose Prevezer of Belsize Square Synagogue ...

"The Leader of the Opposition, whose wife has a Jewish family background, ends by saying 'Shana Tova.'"

Unknown commented 

Keir Starmer ‘a ruthless bastard’ whose real plans ‘are still in disguise’

“A Westminster veteran who speaks regularly to him said: ‘[…] He has become a ruthless bastard …’

In autumn 2021, Starmer and Peter Mandelson’s protege, Morgan McSweeney, “plotted their boldest move — changing party rules to reduce the power of members to elect the leader … The plan had to be sprung at the last moment …

“McSweeney told him: ‘We’ve got our party back’ …

“The other big move … was a ruthless reshuffle in May 2021 … replacing his shadow chancellor, Anneliese Dodds, with Rachel Reeves … a former Bank of England official …

“Starmer’s [September 2023 reshuffle] was billed as a return of the Blairites … He has learnt from Blair ...”

Unknown commented -

Perhaps the next article about "Friend of Israel" Sir Keir in a niche Jewish media outlet could delve into the quintessential Zionist riddle, as follows! :-

1. Why did "Jewish" and "atheist" Sir Keir fail to prosecute "Jewish" and "Catholic" career pedophile and sex trafficker, Sir James Vincent "Jimmy" Savile?

2. With respect to Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild -- whose Jewish marriage to Sir Evelyn de Rothschild took place at Sir Keir's synagogue in London with their mutual mate Lord Mandelson as a guest of honour:

Why did de Rothschild reportedly fly *multiple times* with Jeffrey Epstein on the pedophilic-sex-trafficking-sexual-blackmailer's private jet?

And why on earth were Lynn and the aforementioned Jimmy Savile (see #1 above) both on the Board of directors of Prince Philip's "Outward Bound" youth charity... along with their friend/alleged "mark" Prince Andrew... and Lord William Hague's wife?

What unholy mysteries.

Declassified UK - Keir Starmer joined secretive CIA ...

3. Finally, in respect of Sir Keir's top Adviser (and the very close friend of Lady de Rothschild and Jeffrey Epstein) -- Lord Peter Mandelson:

WHY did "Petie" join the close-knit friendship group of Epstein, de Rothschild, Ghislaine Maxwell, Bill Clinton, and Kevin Spacey -- visiting Jeffrey Epstein in prison, in Manhattan, and in Paris; befriending Prince Andrew through the NSPCC; and allegedly steering the predatory, half-witted, royal into Epstein's and Maxwell's pedophilic honey-trap?; and then buzzing around Kevin Spacey just when complainants have *alleged* that they were preyed upon at London's Old Vic (where the de Rothschild's were a presence)?

What mysteries.

If only a Jewish media outlet would delve in to the mysteries of Sir Keir's rediscovered Zionism!

What an illuminating treat such an article would be for readers of all faiths and none -- Zionists and nonbelievers alike.


At 22 September 2023 at 02:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: Keir Starmer joining CIA. With Rupert Murdoch topical atm - It has been reported that Shackley, a former CIA station chief AustAsia - helped rescue Murdoch's sinking newspaper, The Australian. Murdoch was given US Citizenship & permanently left Australia to live in the USA where he had a residence. CIA must have more assets than secrets. To reconfirm the above - whilst Googling: Shackley + CIA + Rupert Murdoch by accident found this: " Whitlam and Kirk - Mid-1974: Gough Whitlam and Norman Kirk begin a series of moves absolutely against the Mafia Trilateralists. Whitlam refuses to waive restrictions on overseas borrowings to finance Alwest Aluminium Consortium of Rupert Murdoch, BHP and R.J. Reynolds. Whitlam had also ended Vietnam War support, blocked uranium mining and wanted more control over US secret spy bases - e.g. Pine Gap." They BOTH ended up DEAD. see this link: WAY more than meets the eye with Rupert Murdoch.. Also-allegedly, when (sadly) a Rothschild was found dead in the hotel bathroom from an apparent strangulation, it was Rupert Murdoch who immediately messaged I think it was approx. 600 media outlets to control the 'news' - it became a suicide. Despite the fact that the police found it unreasonable that the towel rail would have supported the weight of a body.

At 22 September 2023 at 03:36 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Bill Casey was one of the key men in the acquisition of media after WW2. It was one of his proteges (a young German immigrant to the US) who was sent back to Germany after the war to take over Bertelsmann and build it up. Rupert Murdoch was very tight with Shackley, which is how he got launched on his global acquisitions and has now taken over the WSJ. Murdoch was running a failed national newspaper in Australia while Shackley was station chief in Oz. Then suddenly he becomes a US citizen literally overnight and goes on an endless buying spree. Shackley's pockets were infinitely deep. At the time, Murdoch was facing the likely closure of his newspaper THE AUSTRALIAN. His ticket out was Shackley. This also explains why Murdoch was allowed to break all the rules in acquisition of media in America." Also: And: CIA Fascist/Career Criminal Shackley

... When Shackley was recalled in February, 1972, he was put in charge of the CIA's Western Hemisphere Division. One of his major tasks was to undermine Philip Agee, an ex-CIA officer who was writing a book on the CIA. The book was eventually published as Inside the Company, but did not include the information that would have permanently damaged the reputation of the CIA.

Shackley also played an important role in the overthrow of Salvador Allende in Chile. As his biographer, David Corn points out: "Salvador Allende died during the coup. When the smoke cleared, General Augusto Pinochet, the head of a military junta, was in dictatorial control... Elections were suspended. The press was censored. Allende supporters and opponents of the junta were jailed. Torture centers were established. Executions replaced soccer matches in Santiago's stadiums. Bodies floated down the Mapocho river. Due in part to the hard work of Shackley and dozens of other Agency bureaucrats and operatives, Chile was free of the socialists."

By 1975 he was promoted to Deputy Director of Operations, where he served under George H. W. Bush. He therefore became second-in-command of all CIA covert activity.

Shackley was a close friend of Edwin Wilson, an ex-CIA agent, who became an arms dealer. Wilson was jailed for shipping plastic explosive and detonators to Libya. Stansfield Turner, the head of the CIA, believed Shackley was closely involved in this affair and he was forced to resign. CIA chief, Richard Helms, reportedly said: Ted is what we call in the spook business a quadruple threat - Drugs, Arms, Money and Murder."

After leaving the CIA Shackley formed his own company, Research Associates International, which specialized in providing intelligence to business. He took part in the October Surprise which resulted in the American hostages in Iran being held until Ronald Reagan had defeated Jimmy Carter at the 1980 elections. Soon after Reagan was elected the hostages were released.

During the Ronald Reagan administration, Shackley and some of his former CIA friends, Thomas Clines and Richard Secord, became involved in the Iran-Contra affair. Clines was sent to prison but Shackley managed to escape prosecution. ....

At 23 September 2023 at 07:04 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unless elections are completely rigged, being a Jewish appeaser isn't going to win you elections. Jews represent 1% or less of the voting population, so it would be far more electorally attractive to start going to the Mosque.


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