Tuesday 8 August 2023


Ron Unz

Rona Unz was born to a Ukrainian-Jewish immigrant, and raised in a Yiddish-speaking household. 
Early life and career

Reportedly, Ron Unz publishes neo-Nazi material, and material that is antisemitic, and anti-LGBTQ. Harvard affirmative action challenge

'Hans Vogel' Nuclear Smoke and Mirrors, by Hans Vogel

Unknown comments-

The idea that 'nuclear bombs' have always been a hoax from 1945 onwards - with Hiroshima and Nagasaki having been chemically firebombed - is becoming increasingly mainstream.

The dominant conservative opinion site in English, Unz Review, just offered an article on 'Nuclear Smoke and Mirrors' and how:

"Nuclear bombs appear to belong to the same category as 

Moon landings, 

Islamic 'terrorism', 

official 'covid' narratives, 

anthropogenic 'global warming', and 

official narratives about 9/11."

A Russian born US military officer, Alexander de Seversky, visited both Hiroshima & Nagasaki shortly after the attacks. 

In February 1946 he published an article, 'Atomic Bomb Hysteria', letting on that there was NOTHING different from other Japanese cities which were chemically firebombed, people died horribly by raging fire as usual.

Mushroom clouds are standard in chemical explosions. 

A fleet of 66 firebombing planes was documented as attacking 'near' Hiroshima at the same hour. Witnesses saw many planes. 

The old 'nuclear blast' videos are doctored ... tho it is likely nuclear power plant radioactive waste was spread around in 'tests' to try to advance explosions.


Nuclear 'weapons' were a science fiction idea of H G Wells. 

It was a Jewish-led group which 'created atomic bombs' in the 'Manhattan Project'. 

From 'Jewish Scientists and the Atomic Bomb':

"[Per] Ben-Ami Shillony ... Jewish scientists played a central role in construction and testing of the atomic bomb ... an inordinately large number of Jews at various research centres and Los Alamos ... a large number of Jews occupying the highest positions.


Of heads of sections in charge of the Manhattan Project, at least eight were Jewish, led by J. Robert Oppenheimer. 

Among them Edward Teller, Eugene Wigner, Leo Szilard, Hungarian Jews. From Vienna came Victor Weisskopf. Max Born, James Franck, Hans Bethe and Otto Frisch born in Germany. Some studied under Niels Bohr, a Dane whose mother was Jewish. Others were native-born American [Jew]s – Isadore Rabi, Richard Feynman and Eugene Rabinowitz. Joseph Rotblatt came from Poland. Other involved Jews ... Albert Einstein ... Theodore Von Karman, George de Hevesy, Michael Polyani and John Von Neumann. Emilio Segre was an Italian Jew. Enrico Fermi had a Jewish wife."


Detailed sources are piling up. Short summary:


Swedish engineer Anders Björkman, has been showing people for years why 'nuclear bomb explosions' are impossible


Free books online

'Death Object: Exploding the Nuclear Weapons Hoax', by Akio Nakatani


'Hiroshima Revisited: Evidence that Napalm & Mustard Gas Helped Fake Atomic Bombings', by Michael Palmer



At 9 August 2023 at 00:02 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

7 Trillion dollars of fake tripe.

Use logic. If it is continually being pushed then it is controlled fear porn.

At 9 August 2023 at 02:10 , Blogger telemarkmono said...

https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/politics/10898/ "One part of history that has been deeply-buried is that the Jews were all expelled from Japan prior to the war, first from the city of Nagasaki and later from the entire country. "

At 9 August 2023 at 05:32 , Blogger Unknown said...

So if it's all a fake, why has the USA been constantly stating that Iran purifying uranium 'for peaceful purposes' 'threatens to break nuclear proliferation treaties'? If the whole world knows it's a fake, then every US threat, every Israeli threat, every Russian threat, every French threat, invoking 'nuclear weapons' can calmly be swatted away with 'you know you're lying, I know you're lying, the whole world knows you're lying. So let's get down to business with a bit of honesty please!'

Easy way to prove or disprove this: have a public demonstration of how to make a 'nuclear bomb' open to global streaming and all processes overseen by neutral inspectors. Then transport 'the bomb' to a test site and see whether it produces the expected mushroom cloud, pressure waves, radioactive fall-out etc. If it's all impossible, the bomb won't go off, will it??

At 9 August 2023 at 06:30 , Blogger WaffleStaffel said...

@9 August 2023 at 05:32 "Operation Sailor Hat was a series of explosives effects tests, conducted by the United States Navy Bureau of Ships under the sponsorship of the Defense Atomic Support Agency... They were non-nuclear tests employing large quantities of conventional explosives (TNT and HBX) to determine the effects of a nuclear weapon blast on naval vessels, and the first major test of this kind since Operation Crossroads in July 1946" https://youtu.be/d_5TEkEhQGA
The difference between an alleged nuclear explosion and a large conventional explosion is indistinguishable to the senses, and requires instrumentation.
The only logical answer to your question is that all the nations you listed are not true enemies posing any kind of existential threat to each other. The US kept the Soviet Union afloat with food, money, arms, and equipment. Pieces on the Grand Chessboard of the international Jew banker, only not to battle each other, but rather to keep humanity enmeshed in the matrix. Iran's nuclear ambitions are, as has always been asserted, entirely peaceful in nature.

At 9 August 2023 at 06:31 , Blogger WaffleStaffel said...

Galen Winsor - The Truth about Uranium & Plutonium & Nuclear Power https://youtu.be/2bwyU0rsmgI


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