Thursday 22 June 2023

Jewish Voice for Peace

Jewish Voice for Peace

This week, Israeli forces descended once again on the Balata Palestinian refugee camp, while simultaneously running harrowing back-to-back raids on the Palestinian cities and villages of Nablus, Tulkarem, Aqbat Jabr and Huwara.

During the hours-long incursions, the Israeli military fired live ammunition into crowds of people, injuring over 70, and killing two young Palestinians: 20 year-old Khalil Anees, and 19 year-old Fares Hashash.

In the last two weeks, Israeli forces deliberately fired on at least six Palestinian journalists as they covered Israeli military raids. Israeli soldiers regularly target Palestinian journalists because they expose the ugly truths about life under Israeli occupation and apartheid.
Yesterday, June 19, Israeli snipers shot Palestinian cameraman Hazem Nassar while he documented Israeli forces’ brutal assault on Jenin that killed at least seven Palestinians.

The Israeli military just murdered 5 Palestinians during a brutal assault on Jenin. Yesterday, the Israeli Cabinet authorized Smotrich, who promotes attacks on Palestinians, to approve and hasten settlement expansion. Today’s attack on Jenin isn’t a coincidence.
During the violent attack, the Israeli military used F-16s and Apache helicopters and deliberately fired on at least 4 Palestinian ambulances trying to provide life-saving care to wounded Palestinians.


At 22 June 2023 at 12:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hunter Biden was member of elite LA sex club SNCTM

At 22 June 2023 at 12:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


“… This organization SNCTM was promoted by Harvey Weinstein’s friend Gwyneth Paltrow, once part of Epstein affiliated Robin Hood [Foundation] in NYC. Is this a Mossad associated sexual intelligence operation? …”


“In 2006, the board of directors included such names as … Harvey Weinstein … Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs, Richard S. Fuld, Jr., formerly of Lehman Brothers, Glenn Dubin of Highbridge Capital … and actress Gwyneth Paltrow … In 2009, George Soros gave the foundation a US$50 million contribution …”


“The foundation has now come under fire for keeping a Wall Street banker tied to Epstein on its advisory board. JES STALEY, the former chief executive of Barclays, sits on the emeritus board alongside BlackRock titan Larry Fink and Fox Corporation's Lachlan Murdoch …

“The foundation's ties to Epstein run much deeper. It was established by one of Epstein's closest associates - the billionaire hedge fund manager GLENN DUBIN … His wife Eva Dubin dated Epstein in the 1980s and the couple remained friends with the sex offender after his stint in jail in 2008. Eva Dubin was recently called to appear in court by the lawyers defending Ghislaine Maxwell …

“Glenn Dubin set up the Robin Hood Foundation in 1987 and has built it into one of the foremost charitable enterprises in New York. He remains on the board of Robin Hood …”


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