Monday 15 May 2023

Russia destroys UK's 'Storm Shadow' missiles; Putin's action after warni...


At 16 May 2023 at 00:16 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Russia isn’t fighting the war very hard despite lots of death and destruction.

Equally, Russia has been and continues to provide up to 40% of the fuel used by the Ukrainian army via Bulgaria.

Large quantities of Russian oil and gas are still flowing through Ukraine to Europe.

Russia has refused to destroy the Dniper bridges or key transportation hubs that Ukraine uses to supply its forces, despite them being among the highest value targets in a war, and the war is well over a year old now. The same thing happened in WW2 when the French could have slowed the Wermacht by blowing up a few bridges. However, the French didn't want to demoralise the villagers so didn't bother. Because that makes sense!

There are many other pertinent points where strategy, ambition and intentions don't add up. Wagner are also being very vocal about the lack of logistical support in Bakhmut too.

This type of scene has played out many times before. The US supplied Germany with fuel throughout WW2, using Standard Oil as its conduit. The Lease, Lend Act saw America supply Russia throughout WW2. Russia being allies of Germany until 41-42 supplied Germany. Britain supplied Russia.

The Ukrainian and Russian wars are an excuse to steal, make money and prepare the land for investment and regeneration for Israel 2.0.

Conventional weapons of the 20th century need to be used (no doubt the Best Before date expires). Wars make good TV for Clownworld.

Anyone's guess what is really going on. It is safe to say however, more bread and circuses for the masses.

At 16 May 2023 at 00:50 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


TEL AVIV — Since the start of the war in Ukraine, ground-based artillery and rockets have seen a surge of interest, with NATO nations rushing to buy as many weapons as they can lay hands on.

So it makes sense that Israel’s Elbit Systems would see a spike of interest as well.

“This war, without any doubt, accelerated the interest and it is now at an all-time peak,” Yehuda (Udi) Vered, executive VP and CEO of the Israeli company’s land division, told Breaking Defense in a recent interview.

“I can say without any doubt that artillery, specifically rockets, has gained its status as the queen of combat ” Vered added …

Speaking of Elbit’s US arm, Vered pointed out the importance of global sales to the company.

In 2022 the division had 60 active contracts in 60 countries around the world for a long list of systems.

“87 % of our backlog is for export. We are active in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and the US,” he said …

At 16 May 2023 at 00:56 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael Federmann

Michael Ilan Yoel "Mikey" Federmann (Hebrew: מיקי פדרמן; born 9 September 1943) is an Israeli businessman and billionaire, in charge of Elbit Systems and the Dan Hotels group …

He served in the Israel Defense Forces' elite unit Sayeret Matkal where he was a member of Ehud Barak's unit …

As of November 2020, Forbes estimates Federmann's net worth to be $2.1 billion …

In June 2014 he received an honorary CBE in Queen Elisabeth II's Birthday Honours list …


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