Wednesday 3 May 2023

Aangirfan - Lionel Richie


At 3 May 2023 at 21:57 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doctors sound alarm over mysterious outbreak of brain infections in Nevada kids - and they believe it's linked to Covid lockdowns

At 3 May 2023 at 22:03 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHITNEY WEBB: Unraveling the Jeffrey Epstein-Noam Chomsky relationship

At 3 May 2023 at 22:07 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brits forced to live in darkness and cold

Food prices are rising at a furious pace. Energy prices are at record highs. It is feared that 10,000 Brits will die of cold homes this winter. ‘Net-zero’ is a lie that, in practice, de-industrializes the West and dramatically lowers our standard of living.

At 3 May 2023 at 22:16 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

CRAIG MURRAY: The USA – what democracy?

“Both Biden’s main primary challenger, Robert F Kennedy Jr, and his likely Republican opponent, Donald Trump, are less than enthusiastic about promoting massive war in Europe and risking nuclear obliteration …

“The military industrial complex simply cannot permit a non-hawkish President. The sums of money at stake are enormous.

“Trump, for all his many faults, was the only President in recent memory not to have started any wars …

“Thirteen months ago, I wrote this:

“‘The Biden laptop was leaked on 14 October 2020, three weeks before voting day in the Presidential election. Its suppression by the mainstream media, Twitter and Facebook, at the behest of the security services, is the biggest illegitimate interference in an election in modern western history.’

“The evidence has piled up since. It is truly astounding that incalculable volumes of media coverage have been given to largely groundless accusations of Russian interference in US Presidential elections, when this actual, entirely proven interference in a US Presidential Election, which arguably was key to Biden’s election, has in itself been largely suppressed.

“The letter released by 51 former US intelligence officials, telling what we now know to be the outright lie that the Hunter Biden laptop was ‘Russian disinformation’, was initiated by the Biden campaign …

“… [Apart] from all the sex and drugs, the laptop contained emails showing plainly Hunter Biden leveraging his father’s influence to obtain lucrative business deals with, inter alia, Ukraine and China.

“Three weeks before a close election, the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop could undoubtedly have swayed it, if it had not been massively and falsely derided as a Russian hoax by almost the entire mainstream media, and censored to death by Twitter and Facebook …

“Trump is a much greater threat to Biden, and the full weight of the state is therefore being thrown into stopping him through lawfare …

“Russiagate was a hoax. There is however a real interference with what the public are allowed to know which makes the notion of ‘democracy’ in the USA meaningless, and that is the interference of the security state of the USA itself …”

At 3 May 2023 at 22:24 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Armed police arrest 33 for peaceful protest vs Israeli arms-maker

Armed police have used ‘intimidation and blanket detention’ to break up a peaceful protest at the Leicester factory of Israeli weapons manufacturer Elbit Systems.


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