Sunday 21 May 2023

Biden proposes conducting joint military planning with Israel on Iran

Unknown commented -

Biden proposes conducting joint military planning with Israel on Iran

U.S. officials say the proposal is “unprecedented” and could significantly upgrade U.S.-Israeli military cooperation.


At 21 May 2023 at 05:58 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are things to criticise about China, but Beijing is doing some quasi-miracles, especially in the Middle East:

Saudi-Iran rapprochement
Syria's Assad meeting his neighbours again
war in Yemen being negotiated
... and China still speaking up for justice for Palestinians

This quite deep truth just now from China -

"When the shadow of the USA shrinks, then the light of peace spreads."
- Wang Wenbin, spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry, Beijing, China

photo meme of Wang Wenbin with above quote

video where Wang Wenbin says this this
also here


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