Monday 17 April 2023

Saturday London Rally David Clews

Unknown commented
Urgent Change of Location for Saturday Rally in London – Caused by Usual Suspects

This Saturday the rally will no longer be on Trafalgar Square but rather directly outside the MOD in Whitehall.

I will get all our posters and graphics updated with this ASAP.

When I organised this event months ago Trafalgar Square was completely clear. Then Extinction Rebellion decided to come out, then Stop The War and now Mayor Khan announces the below:

The noise would make it impossible for any speeches to be hard so we have to be flexible. It does strike me that they are doing everything they can to thwart our important work and with the Met Police monitoring my movements this just shows why it is so important that this week of campaigning does go ahead!

I will be in touch before I head down to London tomorrow.

Kind Regards,
David Clews


At 18 April 2023 at 02:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Colin Beattie: Police arrest SNP treasurer in finance probe


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