Thursday 20 April 2023



Unknown commented 

Cash will become ‘less useable’ as high street goes contactless, says Bank of England


At 20 April 2023 at 05:22 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Omitted by these ideologically rooted imbeciles is the role of cash as a backup should the wonderful world of the internet and EPOS systems fail.

Twice this year I have been faced with such failures and wandered to the front of the queue in the shop and paid with good old reliable cash whilst the cardholders waited in vain.

Similar of there were a power cut.

Presumably the shopkeepers lost a significant amount of trade.

At 20 April 2023 at 08:31 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also re the end of cash -

The two famous Russian prank callers 'Vovan and Lexus' called up European Central Bank (ECB) head Christine Lagarde, claiming to be Ukraine President Zelensky

Lagarde talked about how in this autumn, she may begin introducing an ECB digital currency to begin replacing the conventional euro ... and how it would give the opportunity for 'controls' on spending

Thus hinting at -
Controls and limits on what you buy
Mandated spending within a time limit or your funds disappear
Penalties in your bank account imposed by the government

The 20 minute interview with Lagarde speaking on camera with what she thought was Ukraine's leadership -


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