Thursday 16 February 2023


What hit the Thai kid?


At 15 February 2023 at 23:40 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody got rescued from anywhere. It was fake in 2018 and it's still fake today.

At 16 February 2023 at 03:04 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

UFOs being shot down at huge cost, may be fancy large outdoors shelter tents blown into the high wind

Media has been breathlessly promoting mysterious objects in the US and Canadian skies, being shot down with missiles like the Sidewinder that cost as much as $400,000 each to fire, from a $150 million airplane

One of these, shot down over the Great Lakes between US and Canada, was described as 'hexagonal'

People are pointing out that what these UFO objects may well be, are extra-fancy large synthetic tents used as shelters by outdoors people who are ice fishing etc.

If these multi-person tents are not adequatly secured, they are blown into high winds and can float along air currents, with a 'structure' maintaining their overall shapes as large objects in the sky

For example, this large hexagonal tent available for $769 from Clam Outdoors ... this may have been what the US Air Force spent huge resources to bring down from the wind in the sky as a 'hexagonal' UFO

At 16 February 2023 at 08:03 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Aangirfan,
Please read this disgracefully written article in the Jersey Evening Post of a court ruling that a vax damaged, handicapped child is to be forcibly vaxed against the parents wishes and the damning of Andrew Wakefield. I do not know the family.
All of you out there, please send it around the world.


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