Wednesday 8 February 2023


At 8 February 2023 at 10:33 Anonymous Anonymous said... . Short video demonstration of 12kV at circa 100m metres. The higher you go the more energy that can be directed downwards.

At 8 February 2023  Blogger Unknown said...

I'm open to the concept that specific wavelengths of radiation can be used to trigger earthquakes, however that means focussing the created waves from a HAARP array downward, not upward as done traditionally.

Does anyone have any evidence showing that this has been done in trials, if not to create an earthquake rather to show that energy can be concentrated down in the substrata where earthquakes originate??

At 8 February 2023 at 11:49 Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is my understanding that the microwave energy is reflected back from the ionosphere towards the earth, and is frequency adjusted to achieve depth of target area to be heated or disturbed. 

That can be in the airspace for weather modification or subterranean to provoke instability there. I think. 

Hope that’s helpful - sleepinate

At 8 February 2023 at 20:51 Anonymous Anonymous said...

HARP in theory heats the upper atmosphere over the target area causing a large mass of the atmosphere to rapidly rise, lowering the pressure on the land below. 

The lowered pressure triggers the earthquake.



    Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters has been tacitly condemned and ridiculed by The Guardian newspaper’s world affairs editor, Julian Borger, over Waters’ address to the United Nations begging for peace in Ukraine.

    The veteran rocker had made a point of holding both the Russian State and elements of the Western alliance responsible for the ongoing conflict. Addressing the U.N. Security Council, Roger Walters “called for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine”.

    However, the Guardian’s world affairs editor tacitly condemned Mr. Waters for addressing the security council at the invitation of the Russian delegation.

    It is not clear how Rogers Waters, or any other citizen-layperson, could address the U.N. Security Council absent an invitation from a member state delegation to do so.

    Borger’s report insinuates that the Pink Floyd co-founder had no right to call for an end to the war, since his home in New York State is worth “$62m”.

    Further, according to Borger, Roger Waters was “highly complimentary” to the president of Russia because the veteran musician noted that the Russian tends to respect the will of the Russian government and governs “carefully” in that sense.

    Borger’s report quotes the Pink Floyd veteran as telling the U.N.:

    “‘The invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation was illegal. I condemn it in the strongest possible terms …

    “Also, the Russian invasion of Ukraine was not unprovoked, so I also condemn the provocateurs in the strongest possible terms.”

    But Borger gives the last word in his report to the Ukrainian ambassador mocking Waters and deriding the veteran rocker as a pawn of the Russian state:

    “‘Keep strumming the guitar, Mr Waters … It suits you more than lecturing the security council on how to do its job. No flying pigs here, please.’”

    The Guardian newspaper, highly influential within the BBC, Labour Party, the educational establishment, the public sector and the U.K. Civil Service, is viewed in some quarters as “the warmongers’ gazette” and a cornerstone of Britain’s controlled media.

    * The Guardian’s world affairs editor has written about his Viennese Jewish roots. The most influential editors, reporters and leader writers at the newspaper are disproportionately Jewish.

  2. France 24 is equally contemptuous:

    Wish You Were (not) Here: Pink Floyd's Waters slammed for UN speech on Ukraine

  3. But there is near-universal acclaim throughout the controlled British media for The Greatest Showman!


    As MPs and Peers whooped their appreciation, Zelensky could not have looked more kingly had he been draped tip-to-toe in ermine: HENRY DEEDES watches the Ukrainian president stand as a giant among a sea of pygmies

  4. Guardian, Zelensky .... Kosher Nostra ....
