Anonymous has left this comment -
A hypothesis: Prince Harry is full of unfocused rage because his subconscious senses an awful truth about his mother’s untimely violent death.
The untimely violent death of your mother, compounded by the instinctual or subconscious ‘knowledge’ that buried facts implicate your family and your state, would be more than sufficient to cause unbearable lifelong trauma — much as we see Harry manifesting.
The untimely violent death of your mother, compounded by the instinctual or subconscious ‘knowledge’ that buried facts implicate your family and your state, would be more than sufficient to cause unbearable lifelong trauma — much as we see Harry manifesting.

Prince Harry ‘Intensely Focused’ on Researching Mom Diana’s Death for His Memoir
“Prince Harry is reportedly researching the final hours of his mother Princess Diana’s life for his forthcoming memoir.
“The Sun reports that ‘official judicial sources in Paris’ have revealed that Harry’s researchers have been in touch, seeking information about the car crash in the Pont d’Alma, Paris, that killed Diana on August 31, 1997.
“One source, who was involved in the original crash investigation, told the Sun: ‘There have been approaches which suggest Prince Harry is intensely focused on getting more information about his mother’s death …’

“[An ex-bodyguard of Princess Diana, Lee Sansum] had acted as a bodyguard for Diana and Dodi in St. Tropez …
“‘… I had seen her in tears [when] she learned of the murder of her friend, the fashion designer Gianni Versace.
“‘She confided in me her own fears that she might one day be assassinated.
“‘She asked if I thought his murder outside his home was a professional killing. I thought it was.
“‘Then she said something that always stayed with me —“Do you think they’ll do that to me?”
“‘She was shaking and it was clear from her tone that she really thought that they might …’

“Diana [told] Sansum she wanted to live with Dodi in America …
“Sansum said one day in the U.K. on a counter-surveillance drive near the Al-Fayed home in Surrey he saw an ex-SAS colleague now working in the Special Reconnaissance Unit.
“‘We were generally followed by MI5 but this was the first time we had seen a Special Forces guy. We thought, “They’ve upped their game” …
“‘A witness driving a car traveling in front of the Mercedes in Paris on the night of the crash told the inquest that he saw a high-powered motorbike overtake the car just seconds before the crash.
“‘Another witness traveling in the opposite direction saw a second motorbike swerve to avoid smoke and wreckage then carry on out of the tunnel without stopping.
“‘The riders of those bikes were never found—and that is no coincidence,’ Sansum said …
“‘I believe that security officers following Diana, possibly British or a combined British–French team, may have either inadvertently caused the crash or were in close proximity to the car when it happened …’”
Anonymous writes -

“[Michael Mansfield] insisted Princess Diana’s fatal crash was no accident … “The QC said the drivers of both a mystery car and motorbike inside the Paris tunnel … had still never been traced …

“[He] said he believed the truth would out eventually.
“He added: ‘The idea that it’s purely and simply a road accident is not right.
“‘So I want to dispel that.
“‘The truth does come to the surface in the end, but somebody’s got to be looking for it …
“‘Questions [remain] about whether this was a staged accident as the Princess herself had predicted …
“‘There were other vehicles inside the tunnel …
“‘Most importantly a black saloon in front was slowing/blocking the Mercedes’ progress and a motorcycle behind was tailgating theMercedes.

“‘Two witnesses were in the tunnel. I called it a ‘ringside seat’, they were driving in the opposite direction.
“‘They saw what I call a “sandwich”. “‘Neither the British police nor French police have established who was in the saloon in front of the Mercedes nor who was on the motorcycle. “‘How is it that those vehicles haven’t been traced or the people driving them?’ …” * *
Prince Harry has started “looking for it”, God help him?
Some years ago i was hoping that Harry is just an idiot, fool, but that that deep in this evil like hisbrother , for example.
But they all , i mean both of them, were very cold to mother, Diana...cold british attitude, magnified by their mentality.
According to east european clairvoyant woman, who happens togive very accurate predictions,
Diana wasn't killed : She lives u n d e r c o v e r in US. She is alive, the accident was a distraction, false flag...
Greetings, have a much better 2023.
PS Should be " Not that deep in this evil like his brother".
And , of course, not all Britons are cold haha.
Met really decent people there when on emigration, let me assure you .
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