Wednesday 14 December 2022



More war crimes uncovered in NATO’s Ukraine: organ harvesting behind the Red Cross. 

Transcript ...

Jeff: These were Russian soldiers who were going in to clear out areas in Mariupol that were once occupied by Ukrainian Nazis and they went into the Red Cross base... 

They found a treasure trove of information on many, many, many, many children and their medical records were not about their sicknesses or their disabilities or whatever, the records were full of information about the health of their organs which would strongly indicate they were more concerned about harvesting the organs of these children than they were about taking care of them.

This goes back, as James pointed out in other programs we’ve done. The Ukrainians Nazis have been around since 1945. They’ve been doing the dirty work of the West for the last 75 years. 

And the information coming out by the Russians is absolutely frightening. Where do I start? They found all these records of children and it goes back to when Ukraine passed laws in 2018, 2017 on organ harvesting, supposedly to control the rampant organ harvesting, that was going on in Ukraine. But, in actuality the laws that were passed only made it easier for Ukrainian entities to harvest organs.

In most countries to take a somebody’s liver or kidney, or a heart, or whatever, there’s a massive amount of checks and balances, double controls etc. 

The Ukrainians passed these two laws allowing for organ donations to be done online. Just like, you know, for voting online in the United States, you know, and they allowed orphanages, get a load of this, orphanages where all the children are, military units, prisons, hospitals allowed them to without anybody’s permission above them to harvest organs, and they of course they’re supposed to get the permission from a loved, you know, the next of kin.


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