Saturday 31 December 2022


Chris Bryant MP.

Unknown comments -


“This year’s list is the first published since the death of Queen Elizabeth II, and the first to be signed off by her son Charles as king. 

“Jason Knauf, the former royal aide who made a complaint of bullying against the Duchess of Sussex, which she denied, has been recognised for his service to the monarchy.” … 

“The chief rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis, said he was ‘enormously honoured and deeply humbled’ to have been knighted …” …. 

“Chris Bryant and Julian Lewis receive knighthoods … 

Chris Bryant [is] the senior Labour backbencher who chairs the Commons standards committee … 

Julian Lewis [is] the Tory MP for New Forest East since 1997 ..” 

Agent of Labour MP Chris Bryant is jailed for collecting 12,000 pictures of 'the most serious child pornography police have seen' 

Over-zealous attacks on Israel 'anti-semitism by proxy', says Labour MP Chris Bryant 

Chris Bryant is a Parliamentary Supporter or Labour Friends of Israel. Chris Bryant’s donations received from Labour Friends of Israel and the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs include: 

Julian Lewis, MP for New Forest East constituency, which includes Esther Rantzen’s village of Bramshaw:

UK MP Julian Lewis, who twice voted in favour of the Civil Partnership Bill in 2004, and who has been a member of the Intelligence and Security Committee which oversees MI5 and the other security services.

The UK parliament's select committees oversee the work of government departments and agencies.

In June 2015, Conservative Member of the UK Parliament Julian Lewis became the chair of the Defence select committee.

QUENTIN LETTS - dailymail

Keith Vaz MP is to chair the Home Affairs select committee.


Dame Alun Roberts @ciabaudo

Found this on Scallywag:

View conversation

Sir Edward Leigh MP failed to become chair of the Justice select committee.


Darren was a victim of the child abuse ring which involved top people.

  1.   retweeted
    I witnessed one Romany gypsy boy in Islington chained to the floor whilst the house father urinated in his mouth so he wouldn't die of thirst
  2.   retweeted
    Gypsy and traveller children were also murdered and tortured at dolphin square London I saw it

In 1994 Scallywag had a story about Julian Lewis.

Lewis sued and won his case.

The following is part of an article written in 2000 by the editor of Scallywag magazine, Simon Regan.

Source: Organized Rage

The Waterhouse Report

By Simon Regan.

In the early nineties, in the now defunct Scallywag magazine, which I founded, we interviewed in some depth twelve former inmates at Bryn Estyn who had all been involved in the Wrexham paedophile ring... 

Two of these young men, who had been 14-years-old at the time, swore they had been not only introduced to the paedophile ring operating in the Crest Hotel in Wrexham but had later been escorted on three or four occasions to an address in Pimlico (Dolphin Square) where they were further abused.

We took them separately to Pimlico and asked them to point out the building where this had taken place. 

They were both positive in their identification. 

It turned out to be the private flat of a well known .... lobbyist ... involved with the 'cash for questions' scandal. 

At the time we ran a story entitled 'Boys for Questions' and named several prominent members of the then Thatcher government. 

These allegations went to the very top of the Tory party, yet there was a curious and almost ominous lack of writs.

The lobbyist was a notorious 'queen' who specialised in gay parties with a 'political mix' in the Pimlico area - most convenient to the Commons - and which included selected flats in Dolphin Square

The two young men were able to give us very graphic descriptions of just what went on, including acts of buggery, and alleged that they were only two of many from children's homes other than North Wales.

There was, to my certain knowledge, at least one resignation from the Conservative office in Smith Square once we had published our evidence and named names.

MI6 spy Gareth Williams, 31, was found locked inside a bag at his flat in Pimlico, south London, on August 23, 2010.

Dr. Julian Lewis, now Conservative MP for New Forest (East) but then deputy head of research at Conservative Central Office in Smith Square, managed to purchase the contents of our offices, which included all our files. 

It had been alleged that we owed rent, which we disputed, but under a court order the landlords were able to change the locks and seize our assets which included all our files, including those we had made on paedophiles. It was apparently quite legal, but it was most certainly a dirty trick...

Former Conservative MP Harvey Proctor has been interviewed by police investigating claims that three children were murdered by VIP child abusers.

He was interviewed by detectives under caution.

He was questioned for six hours.

His name was reportedly given to police by at least two victims of of a child abuse ring.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.


At 31 December 2022 at 01:36 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Secret Jewish History of Aerosmith

“By 1981 …. [Steve Tyler] was so down and out he was reportedly seen buying heroin from NYC street dealers …

“But then … Rick Rubin – who grew up … the son of a Jewish shoe wholesaler – brought the song [‘Walk This Way’] to a rap group he was producing named Run-DMC … Their version of the tune … introduced Aerosmith to a whole new generation …

“… Mr. Rubin, the founder and head of Def American Records, has become one of the most influential record producers and executives in America …

“…. [His] shoulder-length hair, full beard and ever-present sunglasses inspired former co-workers to dub him ‘the Devil’ …

“Among Def American's most successful performers have been … Slayer, a heavy-metal band whose music is filled with satanic imagery …

“When not running Def American, [Rubin’s] services as a producer are in demand by well-known acts: he is currently producing Mick Jagger's next solo album …

“As a small label starting out, Def American sought the distribution and marketing umbrella of a larger, more established company. Mr. Rubin settled on Geffen Records …

“[Mr. Geffen] ended his arrangement with Def American when Mr. Rubin wanted to release an album by the rap group the Geto Boys, featuring the song ‘Mind of a Lunatic,’ about murder and necrophilia …”

At 31 December 2022 at 01:37 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aerosmith's Steven Tyler accused of sexual assault of a minor in a new lawsuit

At 31 December 2022 at 01:38 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year

#293: Climate Fanatics Set Their Sights On The U.K. | Richie Allen

At 31 December 2022 at 02:04 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Former Pope Benedict XVI, the first to resign in centuries, dies aged 95

Pope Benedict XVI knew of abusive priests when he ran Munich archdiocese, investigators say


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