Monday 6 June 2022


Jeremy Hunt - top left

Jeremy Hunt hopes to be the next Prime Minister of the UK.

Jeremy Hunt is the son of an admiral.

Jeremy Hunt is a descendant of Sir Streynsham Master, a pioneer of the East India Company.[10]

He is a distant relation of Elizabeth II and the fascist Sir Oswald Mosley.[12]

Hunt's wife, Lucia Guo, comes from Xi'an in China.[209]

He campaigned for the UK to remain in Europe.

Certain defenders of the National Health Service have referred to Jeremy Hunt as 'Jeremy C**t'.

Hunt has supported the Saudi Arabian-led 'genocide in Yemen'

Jeremy Hunt

Anonymous 21 June 2019 at 20:06 writes:

Jeremy Hunt is reportedly "Virginia Bottomley's cousin".

Virginia Bottomley's husband, Peter Bottomley, was the subject of a recent Daily Mail article in which he warned he would sue anyone who alleges that he is a child abuser who visited the Elm Guest House boy brothel.

Peter Bottomley's name appears on the 'Mary Moss' list of persons whom Moss claims visited the Elm Guest House. 

The Secret of Hunt's success: BOTTOMLEY
The Coincidental World of Jeremy Hunt 

Above - Jeremy Hunt's friend - the UK Conservative government minister Mark Field, who once kissed Jeremy Hunt's wife.


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