Monday 23 May 2022



Top Nazi Otto Skorzeny became an Irish farmer. Skorzeny also became an Israeli Mossad hitman.

Otto Skorzeny was a top Nazi who acted as Hitler's bodyguard.

Otto Skorzeny's mother was Flora Sieber, and Sieber is a Jewish Surname.

In 1948, the Americans helped Skorzeny to escape from an internment camp. [24]

Rafi Eitan

Skorzeny was recruited by the Mossad and worked with Rafi Eitan.

'Yes, I met and ran Skorzeny,' Rafi Eitan told Haaretz.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.

Skorzeny's work for the Mossad included assassinating a German rocket scientist Heinz Krug who was working with Egypt.

"Supported by Austrian Intelligence", Skorzeny set up a secret pro-Nazi organization named Die Spinne[35][36]

Skorzeny and Peron.

"Skorzeny, Gehlen, and their network of collaborators gained enormous influence in Europe and Latin America."

Skorzeny acted as an advisor to Argentina's President Juan Perón.[37][38][39]

Skorzeny was a founder and an advisor to the leadership of the Spanish neo-Nazi group CEDADE, which had been established in 1966.[40]

In the 1960s Skorzeny set up the Paladin Group.

Based near Alicante, Spain, the Paladin Group specialized in arming and training guerrillas, and its clients included the South African Bureau of State Security and Muammar Gaddafi.

It also carried out work for the Greek military junta of 1967–1974 and some of its operatives were recruited by the Spanish Interior Ministry to wage a clandestine war against the terrorist group ETA.[43]

The Soviet news agency TASS reported that Skorzeny's Paladin Group was involved in training US Green Berets for Vietnam missions during the 1960s.[33]

Erik Hanussen left. Erik Hanussen, born Hermann Steinschneider, was a Jewish occultist. 'He instructed Adolf Hitler in performance and the achievement of dramatic effect.'

"According to interviews with former Mossad officers, and those with access to the service's archives, Skorzeny's recruitment by the Israelis was the result of mutual cynicism and calculation.

"Flown to Israel on a secret flight, Skorzeny was briefed in a meeting with Mossad boss Isser Harel."

The strange case of a Nazi who became an Israeli hitman - Europe ...

Skorzeny, and a boy, in Madrid, 1959.

Otto Skorzeny arrived in Dublin in June 1957.

"Otto Scorzeny ended up owning farmland in the Curragh, in rural County Kildare...

"He was involved in the glittering social scene in Dublin.

How Hitler's favourite Nazi commando became a farmer in Ireland

Kim Bielenberg, a Dublin-based journalist, said: 'Skorzeny was feted by the Dublin social glitterati, including a young politician, Charles Haughey, who was later to become Ireland's most controversial prime minister.'

It was estimated that up to 200 Nazis made their way to Ireland in the wake of the war.






Otto Skorzeny in Madrid.

The top Moslems, top Jews and top Nazis all work together, when it comes to criminal activity.

Otto Skorzeny, Hitler's favourite killer, was a colonel in the German Waffen-SS.

In 1948, the Americans helped Skorzeny to escape from an internment camp. [24]

Victims of the Nazis.

In 1953, General Reinhard Gehlen, who was working for the CIA, sent Skorzeny to Egypt to become the military advisor to Egypt's President.

Skorzeny recruited a staff made up of former SS and Wehrmacht officers to train the Egyptian army.

Among these officers was Leopold Gleim, head of the Gestapo Department for Jewish Affairs in Poland.

Skorzeny trained Arabs for use against British troops stationed in the Suez Canal zone.

Skorzeny trained Yasser Arafat.[29]

Efraim Halevy, the former Head of the Mossad, is seen above, in Hampstead, in London. HAMPSTEAD, FINDERS, DUTROUX, FRANKLIN.

Skorzeny was recruited by the Mossad and worked with Rafi Eitan.

'Yes, I met and ran Skorzeny,' Rafi Eitan told Haaretz.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.

Skorzeny's work for the Mossad included assassinating a German rocket scientist Heinz Krug who was working with Egypt.

"Supported by Austrian Intelligence", Skorzeny set up a secret pro-Nazi organization named Die Spinne[35][36]

"Skorzeny, Gehlen, and their network of collaborators gained enormous influence in Europe and Latin America."

Skorzeny acted as an advisor to Argentina's President Juan Perón.[37][38][39]

Skorzeny was a founder and an advisor to the leadership of the Spanish neo-Nazi group CEDADE, which had been established in 1966.[40]

In the 1960s Skorzeny set up the Paladin Group.

Based near Alicante, Spain, the Paladin Group specialized in arming and training guerrillas, and its clients included the South African Bureau of State Security and Muammar Gaddafi.

It also carried out work for the Greek military junta of 1967–1974 and some of its operatives were recruited by the Spanish Interior Ministry to wage a clandestine war against the terrorist group ETA.[43]

The Soviet news agency TASS reported that Skorzeny's Paladin Group was involved in training US Green Berets for Vietnam missions during the 1960s.[33]

In May 1943, the Nazi leaders adopted a plan to 'go underground'.

By August 1944, Martin Bormann was ready to transfer the Nazi's stolen wealth (gold, money, stocks, paintings, bearer bonds, blue chips...) into 750 new corporations in countries such as Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Argentina.

Martin Bormann also made use of I.G. Farben to hide the Nazi loot.

Paul Manning's Martin Bormann Nazi in Exile | Lys-d'Or


On 1st May 1st 1945, Martin Bormann left Germany.

Reportedly, Lt. Commander John Ainsworth-Davis and Ian Fleming "led a 150-man team that rescued Martin Bormann from war-torn Berlin on May 1, 1945 using river kayaks."

Reportedly, "Bormann lived under an assumed identity in England until 1956 before dying in Paraguay in 1959."

Martin Bormann

Martin Bormann's son was in Israel in April 1993.

A Quiet Visitor to Israel: Martin Bormann's Son - New York Times

"After World war II, Martin Bormann set up 750 corporations in neutral countries, primed as vehicles to receive the liquid wealth of Germany in addition to patents and other proprietary industrial information. 

"The real power behind Hitler, Bormann, known as the 'Brown Eminence', successfully fled Europe for South America and administered a 'Reich in Exile' in the years following the war... 

"Controlling Germany's major corporations, the Federal Republic itself and much of Latin America, the Bormann Organization also maintained a formidable circle of influence in the United States. 

"Paul Manning has written the definitive text on the Bormann Organization.

"Heavily invested in major corporations (especially American "blue chip" corporations) the group can exert great pres­sure with little effort...

"The European Monetary Union is, as we have seen in many programs and articles, the realization of the strata­gem of Pan-German theoretician Friedrich List..."




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