Monday, 20 January 2020


Geller and Kissinger.

There is a belief that the security services, working on behalf of the Kosher Nostra, use Satanic Ritual Abuse as a way of controlling certain important people.

Uri Geller, who has been linked to the Mossad and the CIA.

RAINS, the Ritual Abuse Information Network Support, is an organisation which was set up in 1989 by a group of therapists, psychologists and social workers who believed that children in the U.K. were being violently abused in satanic rituals.

The RAINS List is a list of people alleged to be linked to this satanic ritual abuse. has pointed out that Uri Geller is linked to some of the alleged Satanists on The RAINS List

Uri Geller & The RAINS List |

"The following people are all good friends with Uri Geller.

"They are also ALL named on Dr Joan Coleman’s R.A.I.N.S. list as having attended satanic rituals in which children were raped, tortured and in some cases murdered."

1. SIR EDWARD HEATH – Ex Prime Minister

"Heath named on RAINS list.

"Ted Heath reportedly had a cult funeral ceremony in Salisbury on 31st July 2001 - attended by (amongst others) Lord Montague, Virginia Bottomley, Ruth Kelly, Lord Moyne and Charles Clarke."

‘Eleven boys went on Ted Heath’s yacht but I counted only 10 who left his boat’
Group of women who say they were abused by Sir Edward Heath also claim their parents ran a satanic sex cult that was involved in SIXTEEN child murders
Claims that Sir Edward Heath was a paedophile are ‘120 per cent genuine’, police chief claims


"Montagu is named on the RAINS list as having attended satanic rituals.

"His house is named as being one of the venues used for satanic rituals.

"Montagu’s second wife is also listed too.

"Dandy peer sex trial changed Britain (two of those he is accused of sexually assaulting were underage boys)"



"David Frost is named in the RAINS list as having attended satanic rituals.

"As is his wife and his father in law.

"Also his home, Arundel Castle, is named as being one of the venues they use to hold satanic rituals.

Uri attended Frost’s funeral (as did other VIP’s who are ‘alleged’ child abusers)

Both Frost and his wife are named in Epstein’s black book

Paul Boateng


PAUL BOATENG (ex MP)  is named in the RAINS List as having attended satanic rituals

Portillo and Geller.

5. MICHAEL PORTILLO (former cabinet minister)

Michael Portillo is  named in the RAINS List as having attended satanic rituals.

There have been Child abuse allegations.

Princess Michael of Kent.


Princess Micael is named in the RAINS List as having attended satanic rituals.

Sir Elton John


Elton John is named on the RAINS list as having contributed financially to the ritual abuse cult.




In Israel, Uri Geller meeting Boris Johnson's team.

Uri Geller and Esther Rantzen.

In the NEW FOREST 1. MP Julian Lewis 2. Esther Ratnzen 3. (13m NW of Bloodoaks) Edward Heath 4. (13m SE of Bloodoaks) Cult abuse 5. (13m SE of Bloodoaks) Cult abuse 6. (2m further south) Cult abuse

The Exeter connection: Clement Freud, Uri Geller, Jimmy Savile, Michael Jackson, Greville Janner...


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At 20 January 2020 at 01:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Exeter connection: Clement Freud, Uri Geller, Jimmy Savile, Michael Jackson, Greville Janner (and Robert Murat?)

At 20 January 2020 at 03:27 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

10 years after Vatican takeover, Legion in new abuse crisis

At 20 January 2020 at 03:27 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 20 January 2020 at 04:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

the "Honeypot " childrens charity say they have never heard of Esther Rantzen! ..

At 20 January 2020 at 07:39 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Esther always happy to help Forest charity

"A HAMPSHIRE charity has praised the support it receives from TV presenter Esther Rantzen.

"The Honeypot organisation provides holidays in the New Forest for children who are disadvantaged or have experienced abuse and neglect.

"Esther, who has a home in the Forest, is one of the charity's biggest fans.

"She was guest of honour when Honeypot held a lunch and fashion show at the award-winning Chewton Glen Hotel at New Milton. She is pictured with Honeypot's fundraising manager Sarah Quinn ..."

Continues here...

At 20 January 2020 at 10:13 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jordanian lawmakers vote to prohibit natural gas imports from Israel

"Jordan's parliament has voted in favor of a motion to ban natural gas imports from the Occupied Palestinian Territories in the wake of mass protests against the government’s multi-billion-dollar agreement with the Tel Aviv regime."

"On September 26, 2016, Jordan’s National Electric Power Company signed a 10-billion-dollar deal with US-based Noble Energy and Israeli partners in order to tap the Leviathan natural gas field in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Israel for the supply of approximately 1.6 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, or 300 million cubic feet per day (mcf/d), over a 15-year term.

On March 26 last year, members of Jordan’s parliament called for the cancellation of the gas deal with Israel during a parliamentary session closed to the public.

Tarawneh stated at the time that all sectors of the society and members of parliament utterly reject Jordanian electricity company agreement to buy Israeli natural gas."

At 20 January 2020 at 10:23 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Surprised Hodge hasn't accused the Islington survivors of anti semitism

At 20 January 2020 at 13:00 , Blogger Dr. Tom Cowan: RFK, Jr. = trustworthy. said...

Dr. Phil reveals polygraph results for Ricky Dearman.

At 20 January 2020 at 13:58 , Blogger Hollie Grieg Justice said...


At 20 January 2020 at 15:17 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Slightly off topic perhaps, however, have the feeling that the Djinns are testing out their latest new toy.

The Corona virus variant that is creeping out of Wuhan, China might be the contagion that could set of a worldwide pandemic.

Already confirmed as zoonotic and a bacterial pathogen. I'm starting to get the feeling that a major health crisis (easily spread) and although treatable, will have a high rate of attrition.

A pandemic would also give government a carte-blanche (public supported) reason to curfew and control through emergency measures with disease preventions to control people.

Might just be speculation or gut feeling. However, given the powers that be might prefer the soft kill option with the ability to introduce 'permanent' temporary measures (as it were).

Australia has had a taster of the new decade, ME have had their taster with Iran, it would be feasible for SE Asia and Asia in general to get a taste of things to come. Agenda 21/30 needs a catalyst.

As its Blue Monday, maybe I'm just being sensitive. However, given the track record of the 'unseen', it is not unreasonable to be just a little concerned.

Peace to the humans.

At 20 January 2020 at 20:47 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Edward Robinson - "The first internet serial killer"

Now streaming on Netflix UK:

'Cold Case Files Classic S1:E3' profiled "the first internet serial killer", John Edward Robinson, aka "the Slavemaster".

"John Edward Robinson was born ... in Cicero, Illinois, a blue-collar, MAFIA-TINGED enclave on the west edge of Chicago, in 1943 ...

"His father, Henry, was a machinist for WESTERN ELECTRIC ...

"When he was 13, in the fall of 1957, he enrolled in the Quigley Preparatory SEMINARY in the heart of downtown Chicago, a five-year ACADEMY FOR CATHOLIC BOYS.

"That same fall he made the rank of EAGLE SCOUT and flew to London to LEAD a group of 120 BOY SCOUTS onto the stage of the Palladium theater to appear in a command performance of a SCOUT VARIETY SHOW BEFORE QUEEN ELIZABETH II ...


"[Later he] was employed as a laboratory technician and office manager by a Kansas City physician, WALLACE GRAHAM, WHO HAS BEEN PRESIDENT HARRY TRUMAN'S PERSONAL DOCTOR ...

"[Robinson] not only engaged in BDSM himself, he saw it as a means to make money.

"He apparently was organizing a ring of prostitutes for customers interested in S&M, and using a male stripper, nicknamed M&M, to find women for him ..."

"By the end of the 1950's, about 18,000 Western Electric employees were engaged in defense work alone."

Judy Garland kisses John Robinson:

At 21 January 2020 at 01:41 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or there is no virus at all and animals are killed for nothing in order to force ppl to rely on imports and/or simply robbing them of their only sources of food.

At 21 January 2020 at 01:46 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to reality!

At 25 January 2020 at 05:53 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

GELLER and LORD MONTAGU picture - geller has an erection and is that silver statue MONTAGU is holding - Lucifer the fallen angel!

At 24 November 2024 at 18:42 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please erase Michael Jackson's name from this dirty list. Uri Geller asked lord Janner to coorganize the visit. MJ did not know him and would have refused to meet him if he had known that he was a criminal. Possibly UG tried to compromise MJ. #mj innocent

At 25 November 2024 at 03:37 , Blogger Anon said...

On of my relations was the road manager for the Jacksons.


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