George Mentz has written 'Quantum Bliss', which is about achieving happiness and good health.
Quantum Bliss: The Quantum Mechanics of Happiness
Mentz's ideas have been linked to the New Thought movement which developed in the United States in the 19th century.
New Thought believes that:
1. God is some sort of spiritual energy or intelligence or spirit, but is not a being.

George Mentz and a friend.
George Mentz explains that we are, and become, what we think.
According to Metz, our thinking determines our well-being and spiritual-mental condition.
We are miniature parts of one Universal Mind with which we can cooperate and co-create.
Every object was once a thought.
Our inner attitude is critical.
We should concentrate on 'an openness to possibility and abundance rather than a focus on lack.'
Quantum Bliss: The Quantum Mechanics of Happiness
"Love is the quality of thought and emotion that will propel us into a state of bliss and achievement.
"Love is all there is.
"Focus on the good, the great, the constructive and the beauty of life.
"See the best in all there is.
"Look for the good that occurs in the world." (p. 42)
Nikola Tesla said "the gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power."

Max Born, who opposed fundamentalism.
Max Born, who studied Quantum Physics, saw evil as being caused by a belief in complete truths and absolutely certainty.
"I believe that ideas such as absolute certitude, absolute exactness, final truth, etc. are figments of the imagination which should not be admissible in any field of science," Born said.
"On the other hand, any assertion of probability is either right or wrong from the standpoint of the theory on which it is based.
"This loosening of thinking seems to me to be the greatest blessing which modern science has given to us.
"For the belief in a single truth and in being the possessor thereof is the root cause of all evil in the world."
2. The divine is in everything.
3. Divinity exists within each person, and all people are spiritual beings.
3. Divinity exists within each person, and all people are spiritual beings.
4. Divine thought is a force for good.
5. Sickness originates in the mind.
7. "The highest spiritual principle is loving one another unconditionally... and teaching and healing one another".
8. "Our mental states are carried forward into manifestation and become our experience in daily living".[4][5] We are what we think.

George Mentz and a friend.
George Mentz explains that we are, and become, what we think.
According to Metz, our thinking determines our well-being and spiritual-mental condition.
We are miniature parts of one Universal Mind with which we can cooperate and co-create.
Every object was once a thought.
Our inner attitude is critical.
We should concentrate on 'an openness to possibility and abundance rather than a focus on lack.'
Quantum Bliss: The Quantum Mechanics of Happiness
"Love is the quality of thought and emotion that will propel us into a state of bliss and achievement.
"Love is all there is.
"Focus on the good, the great, the constructive and the beauty of life.
"See the best in all there is.
"Look for the good that occurs in the world." (p. 42)
Nikola Tesla said "the gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power."

Max Born, who opposed fundamentalism.
Max Born, who studied Quantum Physics, saw evil as being caused by a belief in complete truths and absolutely certainty.
"I believe that ideas such as absolute certitude, absolute exactness, final truth, etc. are figments of the imagination which should not be admissible in any field of science," Born said.
"On the other hand, any assertion of probability is either right or wrong from the standpoint of the theory on which it is based.
"This loosening of thinking seems to me to be the greatest blessing which modern science has given to us.
"For the belief in a single truth and in being the possessor thereof is the root cause of all evil in the world."
Labels: evil, George Mentz, God, Max Born, New Thought, Quantum Bliss, quantum mechanics
But of course they will:
FIESTA EN JEREZ tis amazing. Wow. What women... ok, and, men. Plus while on: Put the intermittent fasting comment on Col (Snake Diet's latest). Err... '12 Year Old Boy Loses 17 Lbs in 1 Week'. If that's what ya after - hallelujah. Anyways, No Woman No Cry, though the vid stirred me up. (The ex could dance). More hot posting. Must replay the dance.
Islington Borough Council want to demolish and rebuild part of their 14 Conewood Street children's facility. Why? And why now? Something to hide? I have no idea, but the question must be asked.
14 Conewood Street is reportedly linked to the murders of Jason Swift and Tony McGrane, as well as the abduction of another boy, and the rapes of at least two girls.
14 Conewood St's former deputy superintendent, Nicholas Rabet, was born and raised in Jersey and was probably linked to VIP paedophiles operating there as well as in Islington, along with many other Islington Council-employed social workers who took Islington's children in care to Jersey & Guernsey on 'unofficial visits'.
Dr Eliat Aram is CEO of Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. Dr Aram joined Tavistock in 2005.
Dr Aram was a director of 14 Conewood Street from 2004-2005.
She could have trained at any care home in London.
WHY 14 Conewood St?
Smth to hide? Rhetorical question. Eliat Aram sounds like a Jewish name....
Typo; 'Cole' is 'Snake Diet' + the burgeoning online community. // Gotta watch spilling my personal beans on comments/posts. Wake-up, go, "ah know, what did, I go and put on Aangirfan?" Appreciate your v.occasional catch-me with your filter and leave unpublished. x
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