British Stopped Hitler's Removal in 1938
British Stopped Hitler's Removal in 1938 …

(Admiral Wilhelm Canaris. Is this hand gesture the explanation of German generals' docility?)
In August 1938, the German General Staff
informed the British that they were ready to oust Hitler.
All the British had to do was resist Hitler's demands.
Instead, at Munich, they handed Czechoslovakia
to him, further proof that Hitler was an Illuminati agent.
"Overall, no man has done more harm to the
present and future of the white race than Adolf Hitler."
-Geoff Ferguson
"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." FDR
"A panel of psychiatrists was even prepared, under the chairmanship of the eminent professor Dr. Karl Bonhoeffer, who would certify the Fuhrer as insane, so that he could be immured in a lunatic asylum...
'By the beginning of September,' [Chief of Staff, Gen. Franz] Halder would write, 'we had taken steps to immunize Germany from this madman.'" (156)
(Updated from November 2, 2014)
by Henry Makow PhD
In May 1938, when Hitler announced his intention to invade Czechoslovakia, the German General Staff feared a world war that would destroy Germany. They decided to place Hitler in a mental asylum.
All they needed was confirmation from England that it would assist Czechoslovakia. The British dithered. Instead of taking a stand, they sabotaged Germany's resistance to the Nazi plague.
Ludwig Beck, the Chief of the German General Staff observed: "Through yielding to Hitler, the British government will lose its two main allies, the General Staff and the German people."
The simplest and best opportunity to avoid calamity was lost. The Illuminati wanted world war to increase their power and wealth, and to destroy Germany in advance of their satanist World Government. The Illuminati were not going to allow their creation, Adolf Hitler, to be overthrown.
"You must understand that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism," Churchill is quoted as saying, "but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest." (Emrys Hughes, Winston Churchill, His Career in War and Peace p. 145)

Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, Chief of the Abwehr (Military Intelligence) was part of the conspiracy to overthrow Hitler which is described in Richard Bassett's Hitler's Spy Chief: The Wilhelm Canaris Betrayal (2012). pp.150-160.
Canaris and General Beck sent Ewald Von Kleist to London August 21 where he met Sir Robert Vansittart, the chief diplomatic adviser to the cabinet. Kleist told him that Germany planned to invade Czechoslovakia Sept. 30, 1938. If England drew a line in the sand, the generals had plans to make an end of the Nazi regime. These plans were well advanced. But all Kleist could secure was a general statement from Winston Churchill, who was not yet in the cabinet.
Nevertheless, the plan proceeded. Richard Bassett writes: "Several generals commanding troops were prepared to enter the conspiracy. By 14 Sept. General Von Witzleben, commander of the Berlin area, had made arrangements with Gen. Franz Halder (New Chief of Staff) and others to arrest Hitler as he returned from Berchtesgaden to the capital.
Count Helldorf, the Berlin Police Chief, would arrest the other party leaders while General Hoeppner, in command of the Third Panzer Division, would march on Berlin at the signal from Witzleben. Count Brockdorff-Ahlefeld, in command of the Potsdam garrison, would support Witzleben while Count Fritz von der Schulenburg, son of the German Crown Prince's former chief of staff, would secure the government sector of Berlin...." (156)

(Left, In Munich, Chamberlain greenlights Nazi aggression.)
However, the entire conspiracy was predicated on England stating it would intervene in the event of a German attack on Czechoslovakia. But instead of taking a stand, Chamberlain announced Sept. 14 he would fly to Berchtesgaden to treat with Hitler. The optics suggested capitulation. In those days, statesmen did not fly to meet each other. Chamberlain had never flown before.
Bassett: "Both Chamberlain's message to Hitler, noting 'I shall be ready to travel as of tomorrow morning' and Hitler's immediate acceptance, imply a mutual understanding that the stakes on a personal plane were high."
When Canaris heard the news at dinner, he lost his appetite. "What! He...visit that man?" Canaris exclaimed. Many prominent Germans were horrified. The coup was postponed indefinitely. How could they overthrow Hitler when he was effortlessly getting his way?
Chamberlain's decision to visit Hitler spared Hitler and his gang from immediate arrest. Publisher David Astorwrote that the failure to act on the Kleist mission was "the saddest missed opportunity of the whole hellish experience leading up to World War Two." (Balliol Record, 1982)

However, the entire conspiracy was predicated on England stating it would intervene in the event of a German attack on Czechoslovakia. But instead of taking a stand, Chamberlain announced Sept. 14 he would fly to Berchtesgaden to treat with Hitler. The optics suggested capitulation. In those days, statesmen did not fly to meet each other. Chamberlain had never flown before.
Bassett: "Both Chamberlain's message to Hitler, noting 'I shall be ready to travel as of tomorrow morning' and Hitler's immediate acceptance, imply a mutual understanding that the stakes on a personal plane were high."
When Canaris heard the news at dinner, he lost his appetite. "What! He...visit that man?" Canaris exclaimed. Many prominent Germans were horrified. The coup was postponed indefinitely. How could they overthrow Hitler when he was effortlessly getting his way?
Chamberlain's decision to visit Hitler spared Hitler and his gang from immediate arrest. Publisher David Astorwrote that the failure to act on the Kleist mission was "the saddest missed opportunity of the whole hellish experience leading up to World War Two." (Balliol Record, 1982)

Richard Bassett writes: "Canaris ... had opened his hand to the British and they had ... betrayed... his entire stratagem. ...It is not improbable that in arranging Chamberlain's visit so rapidly and secretly [British ambassador to BerlinNeville] Henderson, left had obliquely impressed on the Fuhrer his knowledge of Hitler's vulnerability and the need to act swiftly...Did forces in Britain in a subtle way want a war with Germany? Did they fear a restoration of the monarchy and the generals who would prove no less menacing to the balance of power?" (162)
Canaris is often described as a "wily old fox" but apparently, he didn't have the big picture. The Illuminati Jewish banking power based in London wanted a world conflagration. Hitler was their arm's-length agent.
Regardless of what the British did, why didn't Canaris and the generals act independently? Why didn't they simply overthrow Hitler? That would have defused world tensions and saved 60 million lives. Canaris and the generals may have been tied to the Illuminati themselves. They may have been Freemasons and looked to London for leadership. Apparently, there was a branch of German Freemasonry that was not shut down by Hitler. These people may have been betrayed by their fellow Masons in England.
Canaris had ties with Illuminati bankers and arms merchants like Basil Zaharoff. On one level, the Abwehr served the Nazi cause admirably. But on another level, Canaris worked hard to ensure an Allied victory. He supplied advanced warnings of every Nazi attack. He censored intelligence reports both of Allied weaknesses, and strengths like compromised communications and agents (ULTRA and Double Cross System.) He schooled Spain's Franco andRomania's Sturdza on how to remain neutral.
Hitler was undoubtedly aware that Canaris was a traitor but Hitler was a traitor himself. When SD Chief Reinhard Heydrich was about to arrest Canaris, the British had him assassinated. Heydrich was the only high-level Nazi official ever assassinated. Czech agents injured him, and according to Heydrich's wife, Hitler's doctors finished him off.
Freemasonry may control the world's intelligence services. But these services, and Freemasonry in general, function on a need-to-know basis. Their members don't know Hitler served the British cause. Thus, Wilhelm Canaris, who was hung by the Gestapo in 1945, and other well-meaning Germans were sacrificed.
Mankind is in the baneful grasp of the Illuminati central bankers. The Second World War is usually depicted as a struggle to save "civilization" from Nazi barbarism. In fact, the war had a satanist end in itself, a horrifying degradation of humanity designed to advance a tyranny more subtle than the Nazis, but not totally different.
Related: Look at a film on the aftermath of WW2 in Europe. The victims are all white.
Makow -- Bormann Ran Hitler for the Illuminati
------------Was Hitler an Illuminati Agent?
------------Are World Wars Orchestrated? (More on Canaris' role)
--------- Nazis Used Appeasement to trick Hitler --------- Bormann and Hitler Were Traitors----------- Hitler a Traitor? - Testimony of his Closest Aides
--------- How Hitler Sabotaged Nazi War Effort
First Comment from Dan Butler (1955-2018):
"Canaris and the generals may have been tied to the Illuminati themselves...Apparently, there was a branch of German Freemasonry that was not shut down by Hitler. These people may have been betrayed by their fellow Masons in England."
It's documented that Canaris sent MI6 his notes from a general staff briefing with Hitler before the invasion of Poland in 1939. He was a mole already as early as 1938. He even secretly met with his British intelligence contact during official trips to neutral Spain. Once, a visit to a convent was the cover. Inside he was debriefed by the chief of MI6 in Spain.
How could such a high profile figure in the Wehrmacht establishment carry on like that, literally face to face with Heydrich and Himmler without discovery? Perhaps his confidence came from connection with an even more entrenched and formidable pre-existing intelligence network. High Masonry, that of nobility and the elite - not the visible lodges of the proles that Hitler broke up in 1934.
As for how he got away with it so long, Himmler knew Canaris was a double agent for a long time, but he kept him alive in order to use him as a liaison in Himmler's secret surrender negotiations with MI6/OSS. It's of interest to note that Himmler also had secret back channels to British intelligence. [5]
I noticed the hand sign Canaris posed in his portrait photograph. It sure resembles the Masonic sign of 'sacrifice'

Canaris is often described as a "wily old fox" but apparently, he didn't have the big picture. The Illuminati Jewish banking power based in London wanted a world conflagration. Hitler was their arm's-length agent.
Regardless of what the British did, why didn't Canaris and the generals act independently? Why didn't they simply overthrow Hitler? That would have defused world tensions and saved 60 million lives. Canaris and the generals may have been tied to the Illuminati themselves. They may have been Freemasons and looked to London for leadership. Apparently, there was a branch of German Freemasonry that was not shut down by Hitler. These people may have been betrayed by their fellow Masons in England.
Canaris had ties with Illuminati bankers and arms merchants like Basil Zaharoff. On one level, the Abwehr served the Nazi cause admirably. But on another level, Canaris worked hard to ensure an Allied victory. He supplied advanced warnings of every Nazi attack. He censored intelligence reports both of Allied weaknesses, and strengths like compromised communications and agents (ULTRA and Double Cross System.) He schooled Spain's Franco andRomania's Sturdza on how to remain neutral.
Hitler was undoubtedly aware that Canaris was a traitor but Hitler was a traitor himself. When SD Chief Reinhard Heydrich was about to arrest Canaris, the British had him assassinated. Heydrich was the only high-level Nazi official ever assassinated. Czech agents injured him, and according to Heydrich's wife, Hitler's doctors finished him off.
Freemasonry may control the world's intelligence services. But these services, and Freemasonry in general, function on a need-to-know basis. Their members don't know Hitler served the British cause. Thus, Wilhelm Canaris, who was hung by the Gestapo in 1945, and other well-meaning Germans were sacrificed.
Mankind is in the baneful grasp of the Illuminati central bankers. The Second World War is usually depicted as a struggle to save "civilization" from Nazi barbarism. In fact, the war had a satanist end in itself, a horrifying degradation of humanity designed to advance a tyranny more subtle than the Nazis, but not totally different.
Related: Look at a film on the aftermath of WW2 in Europe. The victims are all white.
Makow -- Bormann Ran Hitler for the Illuminati
------------Was Hitler an Illuminati Agent?
------------Are World Wars Orchestrated? (More on Canaris' role)
--------- Nazis Used Appeasement to trick Hitler --------- Bormann and Hitler Were Traitors----------- Hitler a Traitor? - Testimony of his Closest Aides
--------- How Hitler Sabotaged Nazi War Effort
First Comment from Dan Butler (1955-2018):
"Canaris and the generals may have been tied to the Illuminati themselves...Apparently, there was a branch of German Freemasonry that was not shut down by Hitler. These people may have been betrayed by their fellow Masons in England."
It's documented that Canaris sent MI6 his notes from a general staff briefing with Hitler before the invasion of Poland in 1939. He was a mole already as early as 1938. He even secretly met with his British intelligence contact during official trips to neutral Spain. Once, a visit to a convent was the cover. Inside he was debriefed by the chief of MI6 in Spain.
How could such a high profile figure in the Wehrmacht establishment carry on like that, literally face to face with Heydrich and Himmler without discovery? Perhaps his confidence came from connection with an even more entrenched and formidable pre-existing intelligence network. High Masonry, that of nobility and the elite - not the visible lodges of the proles that Hitler broke up in 1934.
As for how he got away with it so long, Himmler knew Canaris was a double agent for a long time, but he kept him alive in order to use him as a liaison in Himmler's secret surrender negotiations with MI6/OSS. It's of interest to note that Himmler also had secret back channels to British intelligence. [5]
I noticed the hand sign Canaris posed in his portrait photograph. It sure resembles the Masonic sign of 'sacrifice'

In 1779, Benjamin Franklin was elected Worshipful Master of the Lodge of the Nine Sisters in Paris, and in 1782 he became head of a lodge of the Grand Orient de Paris. This painting hangs in the Green Room of the White House.
The Neck A Sign of Sacrifice
"A number of dictionaries of symbols state that the hand placed on the neck signifies sacrifice. Now sacrifice can have at least two meanings--one, the continuing threat of the penalties to be applied to punish those adepts and initiates who so impertinently reveal the secrets of the Order; and two, the willingness of the individual performing the sign to sacrifice himself for the good of the Order, or for the good of the cause or Great Work of the Illuminati."
Canaris was connected to another intelligence organization: the Chabad Lubavitcher organization.. "One notable person he is said to have assisted was the then Lubavitcher Rebbe in Warsaw, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn." [1]
In 2009, the Lubavitchers promoted recognition of Canaris as a 'Righteous Gentile' by the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial.[2] Yad Vashem rejected of the request, stating: first, that Canaris did not risk his life to save Jews; second that Canaris was chief of a Nazi intelligence organization that helped condemn civilians to SS and Gestapo executioners. Dr. Ephraim Zuroff, director of the Wiesenthal Center in Israel called Chabad's request "problematic." [3]
Yosef Kaminetzky's reply sums up Chabad's sentiment, "He saved the Rebbe, why shouldn't he be recognized as a righteous gentile?"
Here I have to mention that soon as Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn arrived in New York in 1940, he solicited large sums of money from American Jews supposedly to help fund efforts to save Jews from Europe. Instead, he spent it to set up his new Yeshiva and Lubivicher headquarters in Brooklyn. He didn't lift a finger to save the Yeshiva students he abandoned in Warsaw. Neither did Admiral Canaris.
I don't want to digress, I'm just adding for detail that when the Rebbe's elder cousin Levi Yitzchak Schneersohn's papers were captured by the Stalinist NKVD in Ukraine in 1939, extensive correspondence with none other than Leon Trotsky was found.
"The rabbi led an underground community of "exiles, deportees, convicts, and refugees" and died in Almaty in 1944." [4] I mention only to point up that Trotsky by his own admission in his autobiography "MY LIFE" was a high ranking Mason along with Lenin.
In conclusion, I think "the case is open". The full story of Canaris' willingness to sacrifice himself remains an open question.
[1] Altein, R, Zaklikofsky, E, Jacobson, I: "Out of the Inferno: The Efforts That Led to the Rescue of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn of Lubavitch from War Torn Europe in 1939-40", page 160. Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch, 2002 ISBN 0-8266-0683-0
5] "According to British war cabinet minutes released in 2006, Winston Churchill advocated Himmler's assassination. In response to Himmler's attempts to open peace overtures with the Allies in 1945 through Count Bernadotte, Churchill enquired if they should negotiate with Himmler and bump him off later. 'Quite entitled to do so', said Churchill. This suggestion met with some support from the British Home Office."
source: Doward, Jamie (1 January 2006). "Hitler must die without trial - Churchill". The Guardian Online (London: The Observer). ISSN 0261-3077. OCLC 60623878. Retrieved 21 June 2012.

Comments for "British Stopped Hitler's Removal in 1938 "
Tony B said (January 18, 2019):
"Overall, no man has done more harm to the present and future of the white race than Adolf Hitler."
Henry, I can think of lots of "white" men who are responsible for more harm beginning with most any Rothschild who once served as leader of the family. Think Eisenhower. And Churchill. What about those responsible for the slaughter of between 60 and 80 million Russians in the last century? What about those slaughtering as many people as possible in the Middle East this minute - and I don't mean the ISIS Muslim Arabs who aren't "white" but they are tools of those giving them the means to kill? It really doesn't take much digging.
Hitler was actually anticommunist. How insane was that?
Martin said (March 14, 2017):
Henry, I think that the Rothschilds controlled the U.S. , Germany, Russia, certainly Canada ,Australia, new Zealand and India. For them a war is like a multidimensional, 3D, Chess Game where they plot out every move that everyone will make , and they have their Masonic agents in control of all governments . Look at Roosevelt, Churchill, King,Stalin , almost all of them Masons.And all of them of necessity liars to their own countries. They took down the Catholic Church through Masons, look at John23rd , a mason,and up to Francis 1st, masons ,homosexuals all Satanists. Look at the different countries major Corporations, probably run by Masons as well. He got rid of a lot of Masons in Germany but that was just to fool people and hide the connection to the Rothschilds. The Media of all of the countries that fought world war 2 was mostly controlled by "their people".After 10 years of Depression they knew that many unemployed men would flood into the war eager to sign up just to end their poverty and boredom and misery. They had worked out all the behavior al kinks of the ordinary men and knew they were ripe for "action". How Satanic is all this.
I think you have proven, at least for me, that nothing happens by accident and Bormann was England's man because he was Hitler's paymaster. Keep digging, this teeter totter will soon flip to the other side. No one who was part of the Allied cause would like to think that they were tricked in to going to war , that their whole life was a meaningless waste of time.
Germans as well were conned into war as well. This is what happens when usury runs riot. It is totally satanic from the beginning. And is the major reason why war happens. and now we are heading for World War 3 and the Rothschilds can't wait till they control the whole world with their phoney anti-christ sitting in Jerusalem "roaring" at the world pretending he's the "Lion of David.
Brendon O'Connell said (March 13, 2017):
The only thing I disagree with Henry is that Hitler was to lead Germany to destruction. No. He was to stop at the Polish border with the new Soviet Union and contain Stalins push for a June 1942 invasion of western Europe - read Constantine Pleshakovs, "Stalins Folly". Stalin was out of control and not doing what he was told. A bit like China now...
With the threat of the Bolshevik athiest, Christian killing Soviets, Europe would hastily form a "United States Of Europe". The called The European Union.
Hitlers handler was Herman Goering. Hitlers path into the elite European banking and royal families. Hitlers Adjutant stated that Goering and Hitler would fight. Goering would end it with, "Why must we risk everything!" Meaning, "your supposed to stop now! Not take out the Soviets! Our financiers in Wall Street and City of London will be pissed!" You can say much about Hitler - but he was sincere. He didn't work for anyone but he took their money. Like Saddam did.
It looks like a repeat unfolding. Savior Trump?
I don't blame people for voting for him, but people are deifying a very flawed and very tainted character. People should step back a little.
Anonymous said (November 3, 2014):
His hand Sign is the masonic distress signal over the heart "I cannot tell a lie" is what it means even when he lies.
Mike B said (November 3, 2014):
'Canaris worked hard to insure an allied victory. He supplied advanced warnings of every nazi attack' etc.
'Thus, Wilhelm Canaris, who was hung by the Gestapo in 1945, and other well-meaning Germans were sacrificed."
I suppose it is a part of the social engineering of Zionists and Freemasons to see betrayal of jobs they have been entrusted with as being justified morally because a supposedly higher purpose is being served. But a useful idiot like Canaris would be responsible for the deaths and suffering of his own fellow countrymen whom he is sworn to serve. Calling such a traitor 'well meaning' is indefensible. He is not a good fellow because of secretly serving what someone thinks is the right side. I'm sure he well deserved hanging from a meat hook with piano wire wrapped around his neck, as does anyone with that mindset.
Overthrowing a government is not treason and not dishonorable. But to suggest anything honorable about someone like Canaris is spreading a poison into social thinking.
JG said (November 2, 2014):
Henry, you've done a lot of good work and I've learned so much from your site and especially your comment section.
This "beast" that we continue to follow and analyze is full blown and out of control now. It is becoming fruitless to uncover it's true identity because it's designs have become so embedded in the public's psyche that a lot of them can't even begin to understand it's presence.
I'll continue to reference your site but will refrain from commenting.
As Paul tells in 1 Cor:8 we really don't know anything in the spiritual tense. Worldly knowledge and spiritual knowledge are two different things.
I've recently discovered that we don't gain spiritual knowledge through the accumulation of worldly knowledge. We can't enter the kingdom through the back door.
The Neck A Sign of Sacrifice
"A number of dictionaries of symbols state that the hand placed on the neck signifies sacrifice. Now sacrifice can have at least two meanings--one, the continuing threat of the penalties to be applied to punish those adepts and initiates who so impertinently reveal the secrets of the Order; and two, the willingness of the individual performing the sign to sacrifice himself for the good of the Order, or for the good of the cause or Great Work of the Illuminati."
Canaris was connected to another intelligence organization: the Chabad Lubavitcher organization.. "One notable person he is said to have assisted was the then Lubavitcher Rebbe in Warsaw, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn." [1]
In 2009, the Lubavitchers promoted recognition of Canaris as a 'Righteous Gentile' by the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial.[2] Yad Vashem rejected of the request, stating: first, that Canaris did not risk his life to save Jews; second that Canaris was chief of a Nazi intelligence organization that helped condemn civilians to SS and Gestapo executioners. Dr. Ephraim Zuroff, director of the Wiesenthal Center in Israel called Chabad's request "problematic." [3]
Yosef Kaminetzky's reply sums up Chabad's sentiment, "He saved the Rebbe, why shouldn't he be recognized as a righteous gentile?"
Here I have to mention that soon as Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn arrived in New York in 1940, he solicited large sums of money from American Jews supposedly to help fund efforts to save Jews from Europe. Instead, he spent it to set up his new Yeshiva and Lubivicher headquarters in Brooklyn. He didn't lift a finger to save the Yeshiva students he abandoned in Warsaw. Neither did Admiral Canaris.
I don't want to digress, I'm just adding for detail that when the Rebbe's elder cousin Levi Yitzchak Schneersohn's papers were captured by the Stalinist NKVD in Ukraine in 1939, extensive correspondence with none other than Leon Trotsky was found.
"The rabbi led an underground community of "exiles, deportees, convicts, and refugees" and died in Almaty in 1944." [4] I mention only to point up that Trotsky by his own admission in his autobiography "MY LIFE" was a high ranking Mason along with Lenin.
In conclusion, I think "the case is open". The full story of Canaris' willingness to sacrifice himself remains an open question.
[1] Altein, R, Zaklikofsky, E, Jacobson, I: "Out of the Inferno: The Efforts That Led to the Rescue of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn of Lubavitch from War Torn Europe in 1939-40", page 160. Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch, 2002 ISBN 0-8266-0683-0
5] "According to British war cabinet minutes released in 2006, Winston Churchill advocated Himmler's assassination. In response to Himmler's attempts to open peace overtures with the Allies in 1945 through Count Bernadotte, Churchill enquired if they should negotiate with Himmler and bump him off later. 'Quite entitled to do so', said Churchill. This suggestion met with some support from the British Home Office."
source: Doward, Jamie (1 January 2006). "Hitler must die without trial - Churchill". The Guardian Online (London: The Observer). ISSN 0261-3077. OCLC 60623878. Retrieved 21 June 2012.

Comments for "British Stopped Hitler's Removal in 1938 "
Tony B said (January 18, 2019):
"Overall, no man has done more harm to the present and future of the white race than Adolf Hitler."
Henry, I can think of lots of "white" men who are responsible for more harm beginning with most any Rothschild who once served as leader of the family. Think Eisenhower. And Churchill. What about those responsible for the slaughter of between 60 and 80 million Russians in the last century? What about those slaughtering as many people as possible in the Middle East this minute - and I don't mean the ISIS Muslim Arabs who aren't "white" but they are tools of those giving them the means to kill? It really doesn't take much digging.
Hitler was actually anticommunist. How insane was that?
Martin said (March 14, 2017):
Henry, I think that the Rothschilds controlled the U.S. , Germany, Russia, certainly Canada ,Australia, new Zealand and India. For them a war is like a multidimensional, 3D, Chess Game where they plot out every move that everyone will make , and they have their Masonic agents in control of all governments . Look at Roosevelt, Churchill, King,Stalin , almost all of them Masons.And all of them of necessity liars to their own countries. They took down the Catholic Church through Masons, look at John23rd , a mason,and up to Francis 1st, masons ,homosexuals all Satanists. Look at the different countries major Corporations, probably run by Masons as well. He got rid of a lot of Masons in Germany but that was just to fool people and hide the connection to the Rothschilds. The Media of all of the countries that fought world war 2 was mostly controlled by "their people".After 10 years of Depression they knew that many unemployed men would flood into the war eager to sign up just to end their poverty and boredom and misery. They had worked out all the behavior al kinks of the ordinary men and knew they were ripe for "action". How Satanic is all this.
I think you have proven, at least for me, that nothing happens by accident and Bormann was England's man because he was Hitler's paymaster. Keep digging, this teeter totter will soon flip to the other side. No one who was part of the Allied cause would like to think that they were tricked in to going to war , that their whole life was a meaningless waste of time.
Germans as well were conned into war as well. This is what happens when usury runs riot. It is totally satanic from the beginning. And is the major reason why war happens. and now we are heading for World War 3 and the Rothschilds can't wait till they control the whole world with their phoney anti-christ sitting in Jerusalem "roaring" at the world pretending he's the "Lion of David.
Brendon O'Connell said (March 13, 2017):
The only thing I disagree with Henry is that Hitler was to lead Germany to destruction. No. He was to stop at the Polish border with the new Soviet Union and contain Stalins push for a June 1942 invasion of western Europe - read Constantine Pleshakovs, "Stalins Folly". Stalin was out of control and not doing what he was told. A bit like China now...
With the threat of the Bolshevik athiest, Christian killing Soviets, Europe would hastily form a "United States Of Europe". The called The European Union.
Hitlers handler was Herman Goering. Hitlers path into the elite European banking and royal families. Hitlers Adjutant stated that Goering and Hitler would fight. Goering would end it with, "Why must we risk everything!" Meaning, "your supposed to stop now! Not take out the Soviets! Our financiers in Wall Street and City of London will be pissed!" You can say much about Hitler - but he was sincere. He didn't work for anyone but he took their money. Like Saddam did.
It looks like a repeat unfolding. Savior Trump?
I don't blame people for voting for him, but people are deifying a very flawed and very tainted character. People should step back a little.
Anonymous said (November 3, 2014):
His hand Sign is the masonic distress signal over the heart "I cannot tell a lie" is what it means even when he lies.
Mike B said (November 3, 2014):
'Canaris worked hard to insure an allied victory. He supplied advanced warnings of every nazi attack' etc.
'Thus, Wilhelm Canaris, who was hung by the Gestapo in 1945, and other well-meaning Germans were sacrificed."
I suppose it is a part of the social engineering of Zionists and Freemasons to see betrayal of jobs they have been entrusted with as being justified morally because a supposedly higher purpose is being served. But a useful idiot like Canaris would be responsible for the deaths and suffering of his own fellow countrymen whom he is sworn to serve. Calling such a traitor 'well meaning' is indefensible. He is not a good fellow because of secretly serving what someone thinks is the right side. I'm sure he well deserved hanging from a meat hook with piano wire wrapped around his neck, as does anyone with that mindset.
Overthrowing a government is not treason and not dishonorable. But to suggest anything honorable about someone like Canaris is spreading a poison into social thinking.
JG said (November 2, 2014):
Henry, you've done a lot of good work and I've learned so much from your site and especially your comment section.
This "beast" that we continue to follow and analyze is full blown and out of control now. It is becoming fruitless to uncover it's true identity because it's designs have become so embedded in the public's psyche that a lot of them can't even begin to understand it's presence.
I'll continue to reference your site but will refrain from commenting.
As Paul tells in 1 Cor:8 we really don't know anything in the spiritual tense. Worldly knowledge and spiritual knowledge are two different things.
I've recently discovered that we don't gain spiritual knowledge through the accumulation of worldly knowledge. We can't enter the kingdom through the back door.
Genocide the slavs via a slav vs slav conflict & create a new Israel ... Is that the Ukraine plan ?
Speaking to reporters this week, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy described the future he sees for his country in unusual terms: as “a big Israel.”
Gone, he said, are hopes for “an absolutely liberal” state—replaced by the likely reality of armed defense forces patrolling movie theaters and supermarkets. “I’m confident that our security will be the number-one issue over the next ten years,” Zelenskyy added.
So if Zelenskyy really does have Israel in mind as a model for Ukraine, here are some of the key features he might consider for adoption (some of which are already applicable today):
This past Shabbat, Osipenko was among 45 members of the Jewish community of Kiev’s “Left Bank” to enjoy an uplifting and cathartic Shabbat in Haditch at the resting place of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the first Chabad-Lubavitch Rebbe, whose liberation in 1798 from a Czarist prison on the 19th day of the month of Kislev is being celebrated this week.
Chabad rabbi, Manis Friedman of the St. Paul-based Bais Chana Institute of Jewish Studies
"I don’t believe in western morality, i.e. don’t kill civilians or children, don’t destroy holy sites, don’t fight during holiday seasons, don’t bomb cemeteries, don’t shoot until they shoot first because it is immoral.
The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle)."
Chabad Leader Menachem Mendel Schneerson (the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe). Dnepropetrovsk in Ukraine is often called the city of the Rebbe. This is where he spent his teenage years.
Slavs, and among them Russians – are the most unbending people in the world. Slavs are unbending as a result of their psychological and intellectual abilities, created by many generations of ancestors. It is impossible to alter these genes. Slav, Russian, can be destroyed, but never conquered. That is why this seed is subject to liquidation, and, at first, a sharp reduction in their numbers.
Our methods of conquest will not at all be military, but ideological and economic, with the use of power structures, armed with the most modern types of armament for the physical suppression of revolt with even greater ferocity than it was done in October 1993 with gunning of the Supreme Council of Soviet Russia.
First of all, we will divide the Slavic nations (of 300 million, half of them Russians) into the small countries with weak and severed connections. For this, we will use our old method: Divide and conquer. We will try to pit these countries against each other, and suck them into civil wars for the sake of mutual destruction.
Chabad Leader Menachem Mendel Schneerson
The Ukrainians would think that they are fighting against the expansionist Russia and struggling for their independence. They will think that they have finally gained their freedom, while they become fully subdued by us.
The same will be thought by Russians, as though they defend their national interests to return their lands, “illegally” taken away from them, and so on.
Talmudic Judaism
We will do all of this under the guise of different sovereignties, the struggle for their national ideals. At the same time, we will not give either party any self-determination, based on the national values and traditions.
In this war of fools, the Slavic moronic herd will be weakening itself and strengthening us, the main controllers of the chaos, pretending to stand aside, not only without participating in the bloody events, but also without involvement.
Chabad Leader Menachem Mendel Schneerson
Moreover, we will fully protect ourselves. In the consciousness of the Slavic fools (uninitiated), we will lay such stereotypes of thinking in which the world “anti-Semite” would become the most terrible word. The word “Jew” would be pronounced in a whisper.
Chabad Leader Menachem Mendel Schneerson
We will not allow any nationalism to evolve. And we will destroy by fire and sword all those nationalist movements that seek to lead people out of our dictate, as it is done in Georgia, Armenia and Serbia. Instead, we will insure the full prosperity of our nationalism – Zionism, and, more precisely: Jewish fascism, which, in its secrecy and power, is super-fascism.
It is not for nothing that in 1975, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution which defined Zionism as the most blatant “form of racism and racial discrimination”, but repealed this resolution in 1992, because of our triumphant march across the planet. We have made UN a weapon for our goals of seizing power over “all kingdoms and nations.”
Office for Kosovo and Metohija: Kosovo Albanians conducted a forceful seizure of power with police support in the municipality of North Mitrovica in northern Kosovo and Metohija.
Albanians stormed the building of the North Mitrovica municipality and held a session of the local parliament, where Albanians were sworn in to replace Serbs.
This means that the terror against the Serbs in northern Kosmet has been legitimised and will continue until Serb police and military officers return to the province
27 Oct 2022European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Thursday reaffirmed support for Kosovo's aspiration for EU visa liberalization. "I think Kosovo deserves the visa liberalization," she said at a press conference with President Vjosa Osmani in Kosovo's capital Pristina.
27 Oct 2022Statement by President von der Leyen on the occasion of her official visit to Kosovo Dear President, Thank you very much. It is very good to be back in Pristina and to see you again. Indeed, we had a very good meeting with intensive talks and we took stock of the progress that Kosovo achieved in the past year.
Dear President,
To reconfirm: Kosovo's place is in the European Union. I am deeply convinced of that. And you are showing it on a daily basis. I will always say that Europe is not complete without Kosovo. That is very clear. And with Russia's war waging against Ukraine, our relations with our Western Balkan partners are more important than ever and have to be intensified. You said, rightly so, that it is an investment in peace, stability and prosperity of our shared continent. So rest assured that the European Union is more committed than ever to the enlargement process. We will support you as well as possible to join us in the European Union. For that, I know a lot of topics are still to be tackled. But thank you very much again for the very good talks we did have. We went in detail into the different challenges. And I am very confident that by working together, we will move forward and one day you will be a member of the European Union. And I am waiting for that as much as you are.
Thank you very much.
Maybe nearly a half of Eastern Europeans - included many Ukrainians - allied with the Nazis, and it is helpful for today to understand why
Bit of complexity in the Munich story, from the fact that in the 1930s, Hitler's Germans were not the only 'bad guys'. There were also other bullies, both big and small:
- Stalin's USSR
- Czechs linked to Stalin, who bossed Slovaks, Germans, Poles and Ukrainians, in an artificial, oppressive 'Czechoslovakia'
- Serbians oppressing others in 'Yugoslavia'
- Poles invaded Ukraine post-1918, carving it up with the USSR ... in 1938 Poland bullied Lithuania ... and in 1939 Poland invaded 'Czechoslovakia' even before Hitler did
Hitler was an imperialist aggressor, but Munich was not the turning point - that came later, in March 1939, when Hitler bullied his way into Prague and began ruling over non-Germans for the first time
At the time of 1938 Munich, it was widely thought Chamberlain made a just and fair decision, and it is still often thought so today.
After World War 1, two small Slavic imperialist groups - Czechs and Serbs - pulled off scams, creating oppressive 'mini-empires' under themselves, claiming rule over other ethnicities. Also, Poland was hardly restored when it invaded Ukraine trying to restore its pre-1772 Polish Empire.
Czechoslovakia was run by 'Czecho-Bolsheviks' sympathetic to Stalin; their German regions, admiring 1930s German economic success, were oppressed by Prague. Many in Europe saw the need to rectify the injustices of post-1918 borders, letting all Germans be in Germany.
Just after the 1938 Munich deal, George Henry Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers (1890-1966), published a book in London, 'The Czech Conspiracy', giving the pro-German side - he was later jailed by Churchill.
What got the war going, was not the Munich deal ... it was the March 1939 Hitler extortion and take-over of Prague and Czechia (tho Hitler let Slovakia loose, and let Poles have their segment back).
Hitler conquering Slavs was inexcusable and ugly, this the moment when Hitler fatally sabotaged Germany ... this gave the British war party the pretext they needed, to make their extreme deal with ruling Polish strongman Edward Rydz-Śmigły, and within 6 months the big war had started.
But in World War II -
Some in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia felt 'liberated' from Stalin by Nazis
Some Ukrainians felt 'liberated' from Poles and Russians by Nazis
Some Slovakians felt 'liberated' from Czechs by Nazis
Some Croatians felt 'liberated' from Serbs by Nazis
Some Hungarians felt Hitler was an ally against post-1918 injustices they had suffered
Also a number of other Europeans sided with Nazis, for either local dispute reasons, or for the sake of fighting 'Bolshevism', seen as fighting the destruction of religion, tradition & the middle class
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