According to American researcher Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, at Global Research:
(Making Sense of Donald Trump)
1."There is clear indication that US foreign policy will not change course under a Trump administration - it will simply change tactic."
2. "Trump is a trickster."
3. Judging from the people he has picked for his team, Trump considers that his main enemies are:
4. Mike Pence , General Flynn, James Mattis, and John Bolton favour interference in other countries.
John Bolton may become the number 2 at the State Department.
Kushner has financed illegal, Jewish settlements on Palestinian land.

5. "Trump is attempting to wean Russia away from China, Iran, and Syria."
Trump's aims:
Total domination,
Prevent Russia from re-emerging,
Contain China,
Contain Iran,
Israel expansion.
6. "It is important to the Trump team to weaken both Russia and China by creating a divide between them.
John Bolton will be behind the wheel.

Tillerson - to be Secretary of State
7. Rex Tillerson is a Trustee at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) – a neoconservative think tank. (CSIS).
Henry Kissinger, Richard Armitage, and Zbigniew Brzezinski are some of his trustee colleagues at CSIS.
Tillerson/Exxon has ties to Ukraine.
Exxon joined the Ukraine Business Council USUBC in 2010.
8. Exxon recently signed deals for oil exploration in Iraq, in defiance of the Iraqi government.
Turkey is a part of this deal. Iraqi oil has been exported to Israel.

9. The Trump administration will serve Israel.
Serving Israel will come at the expense of the region, and Russia.
Russia and Israel disagree about Ukraine.
Netanyahu has very recently visited Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.
Israel views Azerbaijan as an ally against Iran and Russia.
JTA in 2002

Camp Strake
Rex Tillerson is to be Trump's Secretary of State.
"In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Rex Tillerson spent his summers with the Boy Scouts of America as aquatics director at Camp Strake, about 35 miles north of Houston."
Rex Tillerson
Oilman George Strake, a Catholic, served on the national executive board of the Boy Scouts of America and donated several thousand acres near Conroe to the scouts.
Movers & Shakers of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta .

Rex Tillerson was born in1952, in Wichita Falls, Texas, the son of Patty Sue (née Patton) and Bobby Joe Tillerson.[9]

Rex Tillerson likes 'Atlas Shrugged,' Ayn Rand’s novel.
Mossad, other foreign agents killed in Aleppo strike.
Empire of Fear Porn · SuaveBel.

5. "Trump is attempting to wean Russia away from China, Iran, and Syria."
Trump's aims:
Total domination,
Prevent Russia from re-emerging,
Contain China,
Contain Iran,
Israel expansion.
6. "It is important to the Trump team to weaken both Russia and China by creating a divide between them.
John Bolton will be behind the wheel.

Tillerson - to be Secretary of State
7. Rex Tillerson is a Trustee at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) – a neoconservative think tank. (CSIS).
Henry Kissinger, Richard Armitage, and Zbigniew Brzezinski are some of his trustee colleagues at CSIS.
Tillerson/Exxon has ties to Ukraine.
Exxon joined the Ukraine Business Council USUBC in 2010.
8. Exxon recently signed deals for oil exploration in Iraq, in defiance of the Iraqi government.
Turkey is a part of this deal. Iraqi oil has been exported to Israel.

9. The Trump administration will serve Israel.
Serving Israel will come at the expense of the region, and Russia.
Russia and Israel disagree about Ukraine.
Netanyahu has very recently visited Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.
Israel views Azerbaijan as an ally against Iran and Russia.
JTA in 2002

Camp Strake
Rex Tillerson is to be Trump's Secretary of State.
"In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Rex Tillerson spent his summers with the Boy Scouts of America as aquatics director at Camp Strake, about 35 miles north of Houston."
Rex Tillerson
Movers & Shakers of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta .

Rex Tillerson was born in1952, in Wichita Falls, Texas, the son of Patty Sue (née Patton) and Bobby Joe Tillerson.[9]
"Active in the Boy Scouts of America for most of his life, he earned the rank of Eagle Scout[10] in 1965."

Scott Andreas "Andy" Sims
Andy Sims was a boy scout who disappeared in Wichita Falls in 1961.
Questions linger 47 years after boy vanished in N. Texas.

Scott Andreas "Andy" Sims
Andy Sims was a boy scout who disappeared in Wichita Falls in 1961.
Questions linger 47 years after boy vanished in N. Texas.
One person reported seeing someone who matched Andy's description at the Boy Scout Hut near Lake Wichita about 3 p.m. Dec. 9, just a few hours after Andy left his house.
People reported sightings in Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri; and investigators followed up on all of those tips, Fox said. The FBI became involved.
People reported sightings in Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri; and investigators followed up on all of those tips, Fox said. The FBI became involved.
Andy was a Tenderfoot the first rank in Scouting and new to Boy Scout Troop 22.

Rex Tillerson likes 'Atlas Shrugged,' Ayn Rand’s novel.
Tillerson listed it as his favorite book in a 2008 feature for Scouting Magazine, according to biographer Steve Coll.
Ayn Rand, aka Alisa Rosenbaum, was a Jewish fascist.
Ayn Rand supporter Donald Trump fills his cabinet with fans of Ayn Rand.
The Satanist Anton LaVey has acknowledged that his brand of Satanism was "just Ayn Rand’s philosophy with ceremony and ritual added."
The Fountainhead of Satanism

James A. Baker
James A. Baker, secretary of state under George H.W. Bush, said he recommended his friend RexTillerson to Trump's transition team.
Tillerson family is right at home in Denton County .
Ayn Rand supporter Donald Trump fills his cabinet with fans of Ayn Rand.
The Satanist Anton LaVey has acknowledged that his brand of Satanism was "just Ayn Rand’s philosophy with ceremony and ritual added."
The Fountainhead of Satanism
Ayn Rand's first love and mentor was a sadistic serial killer who dismembered little girls.
Ayn Rand's First Love and Mentor.
Ayn Rand's First Love and Mentor.

James A. Baker
James A. Baker, secretary of state under George H.W. Bush, said he recommended his friend RexTillerson to Trump's transition team.
Tillerson family is right at home in Denton County .
Baker blocked the creation of Palestine by threatening to cut funding to agencies in the United Nations.[18]
In 2000, Baker served as chief legal adviser for George W. Bush during the 2000 election campaign and oversaw the Florida recount.
On 9 11, Baker and members of Osama bin Laden's family were at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Washington DC, for a meeting of the the Carlyle Group.
Baker is Senior Counselor for the Carlyle Group, and the bin Ladens have been among its major investors.
Rex Tillerson, and scouts.
Tillerson has pushed for more free trade agreements.
In 2000, Baker served as chief legal adviser for George W. Bush during the 2000 election campaign and oversaw the Florida recount.
On 9 11, Baker and members of Osama bin Laden's family were at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Washington DC, for a meeting of the the Carlyle Group.
Baker is Senior Counselor for the Carlyle Group, and the bin Ladens have been among its major investors.

Rex Tillerson, and scouts.
Tillerson has pushed for more free trade agreements.
Tillerson was president of the Boy Scouts of America.
While president, he convinced the Boy Scouts to allow openly gay boys to join.
Rex Tillerson: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
While president, he convinced the Boy Scouts to allow openly gay boys to join.
Rex Tillerson: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Rex Tillerson has been the boss of ExxonMobil.
ExxonMobil has close ties to Israel.
ExxonMobil has close ties to Israel.
"Exxon Mobil (XOM) could stand to gain enormous revenues and profits from a major Middle East conflict, such as the one percolating with Iran and Israel."
Empire of Fear Porn · SuaveBel.
Labels: Azerbaijan, Bolton, China, CSIS, Israel, Kissinger, New World Order, Russia, Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, Tillerson, Trump, Ukraine
Palestinian strategy with Trump
Some Palestinian activists believe, that Trump's extremist Zionist appointments, recognising the Israeli capital in Jerusalem etc
May ironically accelerate the day of Palestine liberation
Because encouraging Israel to fully annex the West Bank ('Judaea & Samaria'), will change the dynamic to being a simple anti-apartheid-type struggle for Palestinians to have their basic citizen rights recognised within 'greater Israel'
Whereby it would be much easier for the world, especially Europe, to condemn & isolate Israel
The idea here is that you defeat a greedy powerful adversary, by inviting him not to 'give' but to 'take' something, which he cannot resist taking ... which is then a trap for the greedy bully
The so-called 'eventual Palestinian state' or '2 state solution', has been a method whereby Israelis deny Palestinians rights as 'people of a different country', which Palestinians are never allowed to actually control
So the 1 state of 'greater Israel', in fact Palestine, may be a better approach for numerically large Palestinians to 'win'
But what may be a mis-calculation here, is that once Israel fully annexes the West Bank, Israel may well stage false-flag pretexts, in order to ethically cleanse Palestinians into Jordan where Palestinians are already the majority, tho of limited rights versus the mainstream Jordanian Arabs
Israel might also seek to de-stabilise the king in Amman, & try to shift focus to 'denial of Palestinian rights in Jordan' versus claimed 'full civil rights' for Arabs who were not ethnically cleansed out of Israel
This has long been one of the Israeli back-up plans & notions, 'Jordan is Palestine, outside of greater Israel'
BS. The Jordan king is another zio puppet. See the most recent Jordanian shooting hoax from the Karak castle.
Stupid nonsense written by pretend Christian Jew in Israel...see who wrote this on the furthered....a typical Jewish trolling operation
Whereby it would be much easier for the world, especially Europe, to condemn & isolate Israel.
The trouble with this notion - appealing as it might be - is that, as per usual, the goal posts have been shifted in the night, and the playing field which one supposes to still exist in it's original form, is no longer there.
The now successful psyop by which tel aviv has placed a fully controlled operative into the White House has run concurrent with an every more covert and sinister plan to subvert the European side of things by first busting up, and then restitching back together a "European Union" which is no more than a satellite of the now emergent "full member NATO partner Israel" and it's operational colleague, Chabad-controlled Russia.
This of course requires first the dismemberment of the standing partnership between Europe and the Anglo states - which will proceed at a full pace once Trump and the goldmanites are formally installed into power.
And the dupes of the prevailing "Russia is our leader" meme so widespread among self-styled "alternative" Gulagistanis, will be shocked to discover that they've accepted an invitation to their own ritual murder/suicide at a Noahide "Dance of the Red Masque-esque ball of death.
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