Tuesday, 13 December 2022


Geoffrey Shoesmith

In August 2016, we learn that Geoffrey Shoesmith has been given a suspended 16-month jail term after he admitted making and possessing indecent images of children.


Geoffrey Shoesmith was, until recently, married to Sharon Shoesmith.

Sharon Shoesmith, the former boss of Haringey Children's Services department, was eventually sacked in 2008 after refusing to step down over the BABY P scandal.

Baby P, real name Peter Connelly, died in Haringey, in London, in 2007 after suffering more than 50 injuries.

Baby P was 17 months old when he was killed by Steven Barker, the partner of Baby P's mother, and Barker's child abusing brother Jason Owen.

Baby Peter Connelly (above) was tortured over a long period of time.

On 30th November 2010, we read that there is "No need for Baby Peter inquest, coroner rules."

Recent picture of Jason Owen and a girl.

Jason Owen (born Jason Barker) was jailed in connection with the death of Baby Peter.

Jason Owen told friends: "Me and a friend tortured someone..."

(Sadist lodger Jason Owen.)

Over many, many months, the police and social workers failed to take action to protect Baby Peter.

Baby Peter Connelly (above) was tortured over a long period of time.
The Baby Peter murder may be linked to top Freemasons and Satanism?

When Baby Peter died, Jason Owen went to a campsite in Epping Forest, East of London, and helped dispose of bloodstained bedding and clothing.

The police regarded Jason Owen as the most dangerous of the killers of Baby P.

Jason Owen spent only a short time in jail.

One of the North Wales children's care homes reportedly used as a boy brothel by MI5

Jason Owen is suspected of being linked to a child abuse ring linked to the UK's security services.

Baby Peter's mother is Tracey Connelly.

Reportedly, a close male relative of Tracey Connolly, known as 'A', was deeply involved in the Islington children's homes scandal in the 1990s.

As a child, 'A' was a victim of the Islington children's homes child abuse ring.

'A' was later used to recruit children from the Islington children's homes for use by the child abuse ring.


Children in Islington's homes, and other children's homes, were being used as boy prostitutes and being supplied to members of the elite around the country.

Jason Swift

14-year-old Jason Swift, killed in 1985 by a paedophile gang, is believed to have lived in Islington council's Conewood Street home.

Top UK politician Margaret Hodge (née Oppenheimer) , then council leader in Islington, denounced "gutter journalists" who supposedly bribed children to lie about abuse.

Officials who spoke out about the child abuse were sacked.

Sidney Cooke was jailed for the manslaughter of Jason Swift but was quickly released.

Cooke's gang is believed to have killed at least nine children.[2]

Jason Owen

Jason Owen, 42, has now changed his name and is calling himself a personal trainer.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.

When he was aged 13, Jason Owen (born Jason Barker) was accused of beating and raping an 11 year old girl. 

(Jason Owen. / Baby P killers unmasked.)

Prosecutors decided not to prosecute.

According to relatives, Jason Owen inflicted cigarette burns on his younger brother Steven Barker.

By the time he was 20, Jason Owen had a string of convictions for burglaries, arson and assault.

In 1995 police were asked to investigate allegations that Jason Owen tortured his grandmother.

The charges were dropped after the grandmother died.

In 1999 Jason Owen set fire to his own families house.

A few years later the police were asked to investigate allegations that Jason Owen had tried to kill his sister and burn down her house.

Below is what we wrote earlier:


In the UK, a Channel 4 Dispatches investigation has uncovered evidence of rabbis covering up the sexual abuse of children.

 Rabbi Ephraim Padwa, who leads the Charedi community in north London's Stamford Hill, was secretly filmed speaking to an alleged victim of child sex abuse.

Dispatches secretly filmed the top rabbi telling the victim not to involve the police.

 The documentary, Britain's Hidden Child Abuse, shows how some rabbis forbid victims from reporting crimes committed against them.

 During the investigation, reporters uncovered 19 alleged cases of child sex abuse. None had been reported to the police.

Stamford Hill is right next door to Haringey.

1. According to someone who grew up in Haringey (October 2007 Cached):

"Several of Haringey's councillors are paedophiles.

"Corruption is rife across every aspect.

"Across every level.

"Through all of this Haringey has over 50 brothels, crack houses and safe areas for drug purchasing.

"And many cases of child abuse within Haringey's own children's homes by it's own staff."

2. The Haringey Independent, 21st May 2004, reported:

"An investigation into an alleged paedophile ring operating in Haringey more than 20 years ago has been shut down due to lack of evidence.

"Operation Tempsford, a joint investigation launched by the police and Haringey Council, examined allegations of organised child abuse in the mid 1980s focusing on two former children's homes in Muswell Hill.

"But Lib Dem social services spokesman Ron Aitken says he is dismayed the inquiry has been closed, and is calling for an independent investigation.

"He said: 'I first became aware of allegations in the late 1980s. There were a number of people working for Haringey Council who were convicted or charged with specific offences against children.'"

3. More on Operation Tempsford (Cached) from the Liberal Democrat party

"Operation Tempsford ... was brought to an abrupt halt in Autumn 2005 on the orders of Haringey’s Chief Executive David Warwick, after he applied what the Councillor describes as 'undue pressure' in a letter to Mr Aitken...

"Mr Warwick parted company with Haringey... He moved immediately to a top job advising Deputy Prime Minister Prescott..."

Ali, ringleader of the Liquid Bomb Plot.

The supposed ringleader of the Liquid Bomb plot appears to have been protected by people in government? 

In 2005, the UK security services were carrying out surveillance of Abdulla Ahmed Ali, said to be the ringleader of the 2006 Liquid Bomb transatlantic aircraft plot in the United Kingdom. 

In 2006, Ali bought a flat in Walthamstow, in London. 

A secret bug was used by the security services to spy on him. (Ahmed Abdullah Ali - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

London's Haringey Council placed a foster child with Ali's family. 

Ali lived with relatives, who had been approved as foster carers by Haringey Council. 

The child was living with Ali's family when Ali was arrested in August 2006. 

Baby P.

Haringey Council was at the centre of the 2007 Baby P scandal. 

Baby Peter Connelly was born to Tracey Connelly on 1 March2006. Tracey Connelly's boyfriend, Steven Barker, moved in with her.

Baby Peter died in August 2007. He had suffered more than 50 injuries over an eight-month period, during which he was repeatedly seen by social services.

The police were also aware of the case at an early stage. 

(Revealed: Baby P council sent foster child to live with ringleader of Liquid Bomb Plot.

In the house where Ali lived, extremist literature was found hidden inside a baby's cot, according to the London Evening Standard. 

The council may have "supplied Ali with an element of camouflage for the plot." 

(Revealed: Baby P council sent foster child to live with ringleader of Liquid Bomb Plot.

Ali's family was approved for fostering, despite Ali having a poor employment record. 

Ali was also under police surveillance. 

He reportedly had a record of fundamentalist Islamic views. 

Eileen Fairweather, in the Mail on Sunday, has linked Haringey to Islington and Jersey ('I have known about Jersey paedophiles for 15 years,' says award-winning journalist.) 

Baby P. from Labour-run Haringey in London, was tortured to death by a satanist. 

On 16 November 2008, the Mail on Sunday tells us How a close male relative of Baby P is linked to a big paedophile ring. 

This child-abuse ring operated in Labour-run Islington, the part of London where Tony Blair once lived. 

Reportedly, the ring supplied boys to top people. 

(This child abuse ring, reportedly, has links to the child abuse in Jersey, which in turn, reportedly, has links to the Dutroux affair and the security services)

Jason Swift has links to Baby P. In 1985, 14-year-old Jason Swift was killed by a child-abuse gang. Jason is believed to have lived in Islington council's Conewood Street children's home. A close male relative of Baby P reportedly recruited boys from children's homes in Islington for the child-abuse ring. Islington children were reportedly sent to Jersey, the island linked to child abuse.

The close male relative of Baby P reportedly recruited boys from children's homes in Islington for the child-abuse ring, according to a secret report seen by The Mail on Sunday. 

In the early 1990s, the relative, as a boy, was put in a children's home, in Labour-run Islington, in London. 

All 12 of the children's homes in Islington were being used by the child-abuse ring, which reportedly had links to top people. 

This ring included three pimps called Alan, John and George. 

Jason Owen. aangirfan: JASON OWEN; A CHILD ABUSE RING

Reportedly, the relative, then aged 13, was persuaded, by money, drugs and threats, to supply the pimps with young boys. 

The relative tried to blow the whistle. 

Reportedly, the relative told social workers the names of boys who were being ferried from the children's homes to various parts of London (Manor Park, Tottenham, Soho and Westminster) to ‘be buggered by old men’. 

Reportedly, none of the men were put under surveillance or questioned. 

Haringey Boy - Photo copyright Tim Stewart 

Whistleblowing Social worker Neville Mighty, who had received death threats, named the relative in a report.

Neville Mighty contacted Islington’s then director of children’s services, Lyn Cusack, who is married to a senior policeman.

In June 1992, Mighty was sacked.

Liz Davies, the senior Islington social worker who encouraged Mighty to go public, said:

'We got too close. There were too many powerful people involved. 

'Child sex, pornography and sadism are extremely lucrative industries.'

In 1994, an independent report criticised the failure of police and social workers to help the relative.









Bryn Estyn children's home in North Wales, used as a boy brothel for the elite.

When sex abuse can lead to murder.

Jersey child abuse link to Islington, London
Rabet's children's centre; Islington children's home.

Jason Swift; Islington children's home; hundreds of ...
Mar 10, 2008 – Jason is believed to have lived in Islington council's Conewood Streetchildren's home. (Jersey child abuse link to Islington, London) ...


Reportedly, top freemasons are involved in top pedophile rings. All across the UK, child abuse has taken place in children's homes and schools ...

Sir Peter Morrison - at the heart of the Thatcher government. Bryn Estyn children's home ...

Reportedly these photos showed top people abusing young boys. 6. Did the security services take top people to various children's homes?

Child abuse at a childrens' home in Jersey - "Seems Jimmy Saville, Wilfred Brambles (played the old boy in Steptoe) and at least one ex Tory ...

Cover up of Jewish child abuse; operation tempsford
A close male relative of Baby P reportedly recruited boys fromchildren'shomes in Islington for the child-abuse ring. Islington children were ...

Chris Moore has described the sexual abuse of children that took place at the Kincora children's home in Northern Ireland.


  1. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3113102/I-m-marrying-secret-gay-love-says-Tory-minister-29-year-relationship-boss-polling-company.html

  2. Jason Owen
    Ricky Dearman

    Freddy Peats

    Bribed/Blackmailed Politicians/Clergy
    'Hollywood actors'

    I keep trying to impress upon the folks at Hampstead Research to reach into the allegory and parallels you continually draw in your daily column. I'm sure most of them have reached the same conclusions as well but cannot articulate their sentiment as precise as you are able to Aangirfan. Truly impressive and right on the mark.


  3. If these people just became Muslim seeking repentance of their past, their rap sheet would be as clean as a baby.

  4. what is Jason Owen's new name and what gym does he use?

  5. Don't forget Aang & Irfan, that Saint Jeremy Corbyn was made aware of the Islington child brothels. Not only did he fail to act, he also had MP Geoffrey Dickens apologise for drawing attention to the scandal

  6. GENIUS! 🐱💋

  7. http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/08/24/vt-exclusive-largest-pedophile-ring-in-history-70000-members-heads-of-state-the-rats-scramble/

  8. Alister Crowley said the perfect sacrifice is a blond , blue eyed child. I wonder looking at baby Peter if this is evil Crowley following by the elite and who ever helps them. Could cry at what is going on. Excellent links.

  9. Yesterday, Guido brought co-conspirators the news that Sir Keir’s centralised candidate selection process has resulted in one Dominic Beck being selected for Rother Valley.

    In 2015, he was forced to resign as a councillor when an independent report uncovered gross incompetence following the 2014 probe into Rotherham child exploitation. A local resident wrote to their local paper saying his selection is a “betrayal” of victims, and puts Labour “into the sewers”…

    Today, Guido can reveal it’s not just voters with concerns – it’s local Labour members as well, on a surprisingly public Facebook group called Rother Valley Labour Party Chat. 

    Longtime campaigner Ian Roddison, who has been frequently photographed campaigning with the local party on their Twitter account recently posted that he is inviting Beck to his local ward “to face the concerns of some members and how we move forward.”

    Referencing The Times front page showing Beck’s face among the disgraced ex-councillors, Roddison warns:

    “It hasn’t took long for the people of Rotherham/Rother Valley to talk about the shame of Labour Party Selection ( see this weeks Advertiser letters page). We have to be prepared to meet this head on and have the ammunition to counter it. Make no mistake [Local Tory MP Alex] Staffords team will have the front page of the Times placed all over showing Dominics photo alongside six other cabinet members with the headlines, Rotherham: finally the truth behind the lies………..”

    Another local member commented that he too has “asked Dominic about my concerns over the child protection issues”, albeit adding “it was unfortunate that he is being dragged into this debate”

    Ian Roddison let the cat out of the bag when adding “I think our plan in the past has been don’t mention CSE [Child Sexual Exploitation], it will go away”…

    “A bit like Basil Fawlty in the Germans episode when he said ‘ I mentioned the war once but i think i got away with it’ Make no mistake this will be an issue at the general election as it was in 2021 in the local elections when the tories got around twenty councillors elected.”

    ‘Don’t mention the child sexual exploitation concerns’. That’s the Tories’ leaflet written for them…
    December 13 2022 @ 11:45
    Seen Elsewhere
    Quote of the Day

    Responding to the New York Times podcast that claimed the Trojan Horse Scandal was based on Islamophobia, Gove accuses them of helping to “undermine the truth”, and labels them:

    “Useful idiots”

