The first shots were fired at 5.14am and the suspect was killed one minute later at 5.15am.
It would appear that the 'SWAT' teams did the killings?

Omar Mateen
The Orlando shooting involved:
1. A gay patsy whom the FBI had tried to lure into a plot in 2013.
2. The Israeli policy of Pinkwashing.

Orlando Massacre - Strategy of Tension - to help Trump.
In a 15 June 2016 interview, in the Vero Beach Press Journal, Sheriff Ken Mascara of Florida's St. Lucie County said that the FBI sent an informant to "lure Omar Mateen into some kind of act."
FBI Tried to Lure Orlando Shooter into a Terror Plot in 2013 / The FBI Tried To Lure Mateen...
In a 15 June 2016 interview, in the Vero Beach Press Journal, Sheriff Ken Mascara of Florida's St. Lucie County said that the FBI sent an informant to "lure Omar Mateen into some kind of act."
FBI Tried to Lure Orlando Shooter into a Terror Plot in 2013 / The FBI Tried To Lure Mateen...

Virtually everything in the media about Noor Zahi Salman, Omar Mateen's wife, is from anonymous government sources.
Noor Zahi Salman says that everything you're hearing about me is a lie.

There is a right-wing/Israeli plot to present both Israel, and a Trump-led America, as being safe homes for gay people.
'Pinkwashing' and Israel's Use of Gays
'Pinkwashing' and Israel's Use of Gays
"Trump's talking points .... were first honed by the Israeli government...
"Popularly known as pinkwashing, the Israeli propaganda tactic aims to recast an ... apartheid state as a gay-friendly bastion that all principled liberals must support."
How Trump and His Hipster Right-Wing Allies Are Trying to Use Gay People as a Weapon Against Muslims

The ex-wife of Omar Mateen, Sitora Yusufiy, says that the FBI told her to keep quiet about Omar's homosexuality.
Some friends of Noor Zahi Salman are suggesting that Omar Mateen was about to be outed as gay - and went nuts.
This could have broader implications since "Israel surveils and blackmails gay Palestinians to make them informants."

James Wesley Howell
The CIA has connections to the families of Omar Mateen (Orlando) and the Tsarnaev brothers (Boston).
The Orlando shooting took place on 12 June 2016.
On 12 June 2016, James Wesley Howell was reportedly found with weapons and explosives before the Los Angeles gay pride parade.
Howell and Four Other Suspects Involved in Planned Sunday Massacres (pro-Trump site).
Howell is gay.
"The real truth of the story was released to a former Los Angeles County prosecutor by two Santa Monica police officers who have been issued with gag orders.
"Howell called the Santa Monica police claiming that he needed protection from the CIA.
"Howell said he 'had been set up by the CIA - they are going to kill me.'"
"Howell stated, 'Omar was not suppose to be killed. They lied to us - Omar and Brandy were suppose to get away... We trained together at a camp in Virginia ... something went wrong…
"Howell determined he had been double crossed by the CIA and feared for his own life.
"Howell was taken in to custody by the FBI before Santa Monica police officers could further question him..."
Journalist Daniel Hopsicker writes that the father of Omar Mateen is a longtime CIA asset, whose TV show receives funding from the CIA's Voice of America.

BDS - Boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel.
The Orlando shooter Omar Mateen worked for G4S.
G4S helps Israel run security and prisons in Israel.
In March 2016, G4S promised to cease operations in Israel by the end of 2017 .
G4S helps Israel run security and prisons in Israel.
In March 2016, G4S promised to cease operations in Israel by the end of 2017 .
'Nazi speech', threatening G4S at 17 minutes 10 seconds.
The share price of G4S has fallen sharply since the Orlando shooting.
Continued here: G4S had been threatened by Israel.

The Orlando attack occurred around 2:00 AM eastern US time on Sunday, June 12.
But the Chicago Sun-Times Network has the above story about the attack, dated 06/11/2016, 08:00PM
Many thanks to Anonymous, Moria Blackie, and others for the links.

The 'Orlando shooter' was gay; and was apparently being controlled by the FBI.
At least four regular customers of Pulse, the gay nightclub, told the Orlando Sentinel that they had seen Mateen there before.
The CIA has a history of using gay people as patsies.

The FBI introduced the 'Orlando shooter' Omar Mateen to FBI assets, who may have been posing as terrorists.
In recent times the FBI in Miami tried to get James Gonzalo Medina, a homeless man with mental problems, to become a terrorist.
The FBI has been involved in many other attempts to train unstable people to carry out acts of terrorism.
More at Land Destroyer

At Counter Currents we read:
"Waking up to news of the Orlando shooting, I thought of the possibility that a Muslim shooter would be identified, in which case a Trump presidency would be nearly guaranteed...
"Obama is a perfect servant of our military banking complex.
"Now, Trump is being trumpeted as another political outsider.
"A Trump presidency will temporarily appease restless, lower class whites, while serving as a magnet for liberal anger.
"This will buy our ruling class time as they continue to wage war abroad while impoverishing Americans back home.
"Like Obama, Trump won't fulfill any of his election promises, and this, too, will be blamed on bipartisan politics."

Seddique Mateen, the father of the 'Orlando shooter', recently met with important people at the State Department and Congress, according to the Independent Journal.
He posted recent pictures of himself on Facebook at the State Department and Democratic Foreign Services Committee offices.
In 2015, Mateen met with Reps Charlie Rangel, Dana Rohrabacher and Ed Royce.
Royce is the Chairman of the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

The 'Orlando shooter' Omar Mateen lived in Fort Pierce, in Port St. Lucie.
Trisha Adorno, one of Omar's neighbours, said she had never seen anything untoward.
"He was sweet. He was super sweet," she said.
At the city's gay bar, Tattle Tails, Daddy Jim recalled that some of the 9/11 attackers had lived further down the Florida coast.
Orlando attacker's journey from 'Treasure Coast' to terror - Financial Times
Omar Mateen worked for the 'CIA-linked' G4S.
Javer Antonetti, 53, was near the back of the gay club in Orlando.
He says: "There were so many, at least 40 shots. I saw two guys and it was constant, like 'pow, pow, pow'."
Eyewitness at Orlando nightclub mass shooting: 'I saw two guys firing constantly'
There was More than One Shooter at Pulse in Orlando.
Eyewitness at Orlando nightclub mass shooting: 'I saw two guys firing constantly'
There was More than One Shooter at Pulse in Orlando.

Sitora Yusufiy, who was married briefly to Omar Mateen, the 'Orlando shooter'.
Omar Mateen's ex-wife told the Washington Post that Omar Mateen worked at a G4S Juvenile Detention Centre facility near Fort Pierce.

Palm Beach is associated with Donald Trump.
The company's employees have been accused of sexually abusing young boys in the centres where they work.
A male guard was arrested in 2014 on charges that he sexually assaulted two teenage boys, ages 15 and 17.

Omar Mateen's freshman yearbook photo, in 2001, from Martin County High School in Stuart, Fla.
A few years ago, "Omar Mateen regularly picked up lunch from a drag queen at a restaurant called Ruby Tuesday.
"He may have even gone to see a drag show or two, a former high school classmate Samuel King told The Daily Beast.
Drag Queen: Orlando Gunman Omar Mateen Was My Friend
Samuel King is openly gay.
Drag Queen: Orlando Gunman Omar Mateen Was My Friend
Samuel King is openly gay.

Omar Mateen was investigated TWICE by the FBI.
"Virtually every high-profile 'terrorist attack' carried out in North America and Europe in recent years has been done so by suspects long under investigation by US, Canadian, and European law enforcement and intelligence agencies...
The Intercept reported: Another 'terror' arrest; another mentally ill man, armed by the FBI.
"U.S. law enforcement officials announced another terror arrest ... after arming a mentally ill man and then charging him with having guns."
US Law Enforcement Knew Florida Shooter BEFORE Shooting
The Intercept reported: Another 'terror' arrest; another mentally ill man, armed by the FBI.
"U.S. law enforcement officials announced another terror arrest ... after arming a mentally ill man and then charging him with having guns."
US Law Enforcement Knew Florida Shooter BEFORE Shooting
"This event was purely a staged psyop and one classic sign of the faux nature of the attack lies in the striking absence of emergency medical responders at the scene...
"According to CNN an off duty police officer was working security at the Pulse nightclub and quote 'engaged the shooter as he entered the club' but despite this the killer was still able to walk inside."
The Orlando Nightclub 'Attack' / Massive Contradictions in Orlando Narrative.
Horrific incident in FL. Praying for all the victims & their families. When will this stop? When will we get tough, smart & vigilant?
Omar - gay?The suspect is Omar Mateen.
Omar Mateen's ex-wife says of Omar:
"He was violent and mentally unstable
"He wasn't very religious and worked out at the gym often.
"She said in the few months they were married he gave no signs of having fallen under the sway of radical Islam.
"She said he owned a small-caliber handgun and worked as a guard at a nearby facility for juvenile delinquents."

G4S, like ISIS, is alleged to have links to the CIA and to child abuse.
Labels: BDS, CIA, conspiracy, drag queen, FBI, G4S, gay, Gilad Erdan, Howell, inside job, Omar Mateen, Orlando, Palm Beach, psyop, shooting, Sitora, teen boys, Trump
G4S formerly Securicor
US Hdqr for G4S is in Jupiter, FL. That's just a few miles south of the Hdqrs for Durand Jirga. Omar had ties to both.
G4S ties to CIA, Wackenhut:
[link to www.blindbatnews.com]
Orlando gunman worked for security firm in Jupiter
Why bother to have a SWAT team--Special Weapons and TACTICS--if they're not going to use that training they get to save lives? SWAT waited for three hours until they final gained access? Why, did they live the sound of an assault rifle going 'pop, pop, pop?'
To kill and wound that many means at least 200 rounds were fired, and they stood by and did nothing while the Reaper gathered his harvest?
Either a psyops or the SWAT team should be disbanded.
Here's an interesting side:
Ron Legler ; President / CEO Florida Theatrical Association Orlando, Florida Area Entertainment
Owner: Pulse Nightclub Orlando
July 2003 – Present (13 years)
President / CEO: Florida Theatrical Association
February 2001 – Present
Think Legler moved to Baltimore, so this may not be current.
^^^^^ GREAT CATCH SOLO! Thank you for sharing the links. It's disgusting. And I hope these get out asap.
Dopey Mark Glenn weighs in: ed note–in light of last night’s shooting at the gay bar–whether it is an organically-occurring event or something manufactured by powerful 3rd parties who wish to profit from the aftermath is irrelevant at this point.
irrelevant, irrelevant, irrelevant...
It is not possible to overstate the special relationship Wackenhut enjoys with the federal government. It is close. When it comes to security matters, Wackenhut in many respects "is" the government. In 1991, a third of the company’s $600- million in revenues came from the federal government, and another large chunk from companies that themselves work for the government, such as Westinghouse.
Wackenhut is the largest single company supplying security to U.S. embassies overseas; several of the 13 embassies it guards have been in important hotbeds of espionage, such as Chile, Greece and El Salvador.
It also guards nearly all the most strategic government facilities in the U.S., including the Alaskan oil pipeline, the Hanford nuclear-waste facility, the Savannah River plutonium plant and the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
Wackenhut maintains an especially close relationship with the federal government in other ways as well.
While early boards of directors included such prominent personalities of the political right as Captain Eddie Rickenbacker; General Mark Clark and Ralph E. Davis, a John Birch Society leader, current and recent members of the board have included much of the country’s recent national-security directorate:
former FBI director Clarence Kelley
former Defense secretary and former CIA deputy director Frank Carlucci
former Defense Intelligence Agency director General Joseph Carroll
former U.S. Secret Service director James J. Rowley
former Marine commandant P. X. Kelley
acting chairman of President Bush’s foreign- intelligence advisory board and former CIA deputy director Admiral Bobby Ray Inman
Before his appointment as Reagan’s CIA director, the late William Casey was Wackenhut’s outside legal counsel.
The company has 30,000 armed employees on its payroll. We wanted to know more about this special relationship; but the government was not forthcoming. Repeated requests to the Department of Energy for an explanation of how one company got the security contracts for nearly all of America’s most strategic installations have gone unanswered.
Similarly, efforts to get the State Department to explain whether embassy contracts were awarded arbitrarily or through competitive bidding were fruitless; essentially, the State Department said, "Some of both."
Wackenhut’s competitors - who, understandably, asked not to be quoted by name - have their own version.
"All those contracts;" said one security-firm executive, "are just another way to pay Wackenhut for their clandestine help."
And what is the nature of that help?
"It is known throughout the industry," said retired FBI special agent William Hinshaw, "that if you want a dirty job done, call Wackenhut."
Who gains?
Just like the fake San Bernardino attack, this crap provides leverage for Trump.
It might be actually Trump who is scripted to become president.
Florida is Bush country - More than one Bush is gay.
Photo - Bush holding hands with fellow conspirator Saudi Bandar Bush.
George Wackenhut is a long-time friend of George Bush Sr., and he has contributed generously to the campaigns of George Sr., George W. and especially his state's governor -- Jeb Bush. Has Wackenhut Corp helped the Bushes with other operations as well -- especially a recent biggie in Florida? excerpt ends
Wackenhut was associated with the INSLAW / PROMIS debacle BCCI, Smuggling nuclear, chemical & Biological Iran Contra.
Wackenhut has comically been guarding nuclear facilities including Hanford.
The US has lost much of its nuclear inventory (W54 pits) ask Bibi & Bush about "another Pearl Harbour".
Been watching "RT and they were live. One of the anchors just said the authorities are having trouble identifying the victims. Over 12 hours later?
That tells me that the shooter(s) shot the victims in the face or head, and the bullet so distorted the head/face, the faces can't be used to ID the victim.
If the victims did get shot in the head, that's a professional hit and not from the designated patsy.
For people familiar with firearms, the alleged totals of 50 dead, 53 wounded or similar, from one shooter, are absurd & ridiculous ... this is fiction of the type in Rambo films
Even a typical firearms hobbyist, attempting a fast mass killing, would tend to leave 3 or 4 wounded for every 1 person killed
Even highly-trained SWAT team or military shooters would have difficulty achieving these Orlando totals as a single shooter ... and these are people who train for months with a single weapon and ammunition combination ... which is unlikely for this alleged shooter, employee of a UK international security firm with not so much free time, or free thousands to spend on ammunition for training
Firearms are difficult to aim & shoot well ... a tense person spraying bullets rather than 'aiming' each shot (slowing him down, allowing more escape time) ... will kill some but not so many, more will be wounded in an arm or leg ... many bullets will miss altogether ... you see this with police spraying dozens of bullets to have 1 hit the person they are targeting
Plus there is re-loading time, precious seconds when the shooter must eject the empty ammunition magazine clip and draw out and insert a new one ... allowing those nearby to jump him & beat him, or to escape
If there were such totals dead & wounded, there would be several shooters ... but it seems from the lack of images of emergency medical etc ... that this is another constructed hoax even if some are genuinely dead
The attack came right after Muhammad Ali's memory made Islam look good to many people around the world, as pointed out by convert to Islam Kevin Barrett on Veterans Today
So a rushed sloppy job by the security services
Supposedly in the middle of the shooting the Pulse nightclub POSTED TO FACEBOOK telling patrons in the bar to Run & Keep Running ... Run Away! like in Monty Python's Holy Grail
Barrett speaks to former CIA operative Robert David Steele, who participated in creating false flags in the past
The Official Story is ... that the shooter called the USA emergency number to say he was supporting Islamic state ... which many Muslims know is CIA
Robert David Steele remarks: “The tape pledging allegiance to ISIS is patsy perfect.”
This Means War! - Duck Soup (9/10) Movie CLIP (1933) HD
American foreign policy to a tee. Marx bros clip. All this posturing, but its the ordinary people that die.
Obama's Top Adviser Robert Gibbs Justifies Murder of 16 Year Old American Citizen
Of course it is a false flag with crisis actors: look at the coincidences: no photos, the killer never survives to tell, the killer always shoots on legs (see how false the tourniquets are). The father of the killer is already there to declare to the news. But if this is not enough look at those actors at the press conference dressed as FBI, Police, Nurse and the doctor who made the surgeries oh he is so busy that he stays with his hospital hat there smiling and agreeing with all what the other actor colleagues are saying...
How convenient:
-touches gun agenda
-touches transgender agenda
-touches muslim (and other religions but the satanic ) agenda
Dont forget about the hoax happened a day before that, the fake shooting of singer Christina Grimmie. Both hoaxes connected, both fitting perfectly the agenda....
Does'nt this guy look like the terrorist in the James Bond movie; you know where he tries to blow up a new plane at a Florida airport?
One of them starred in a Harry Potter movie, ha!
Was the appearance of a NASA aerospace engineer on "America's Got Talent" the night before, their 'sign' of what was to come? His joke-like rendition of "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor", paired with the fact that he worked for NASA, makes one wonder! Kind of like the rap video depicting a movie theater shooting just before THAT actually happened?
Yes, predictive programming
Would be interesting to test the "perps" blood for scopolamine.
Orlando cop in 'massacre' aftermath, laughing with big grin in street press conference - 31 second video
Harry potter victim may well be a picture morphed from JK herself. Re AGT well absolutely yes!
It seems strange how before rounding up the victims and shooting them, Omar Mateen lets them send texts messages and twitters. Also, one actress who says she is the mother of one of the missing victims keeps sending videos to ABC.
Hello - I regret to inform you, that if you want to understand the Charlie Hebdo shootings, you probably have to read https://blocnotesimma.wordpress.com/2016/06/11/helsingborgske-shenanigans-updated/ - carefully. Which I regret since it's in danish, and I not yet had the wherewithall to translate it into readable english; been to busy just staying alive. Perhaps Google can provide an usable version?
If you have the opportunity to read it, but carefully, you might possibly agree with me, that it also might explain the late Orlando shootings?
EgyptAir 804 migth perhaps be explained partly or in whole by https://blocnotesimma.wordpress.com/2016/05/22/det-smaa-i-det-store-maj-2016/ together with https://blocnotesimma.wordpress.com/2016/05/18/smaating-og-bagateller-2/
but of course, these are long blog-entrys in danish, which I might get around to translate in a few weeks, at best.
Last but not least - thanks for your incomparable work!
Doubtful. He was supposed to play the fool to garner votes for HRC. It backfired. So thwy just openly stole it
two very different news but very interesting
this one about three shooters at Orlando massacre
and this one about recent TWA Flight 800
someone inside hold the doors not allowing people escape
Just in time for the launch :)
more relevant than ever
I see what you did there, with the sarc and all... SO I will say: the two events are not directly related. Both are the results of an agenda but the similarity ends there.
Man overheard shooter’s phone conversation; shooter said there were 4 others involved, ‘3 snipers and 1 woman suicide bomber’
it happens among veterans,...when someone deals with this kind of situations every day.
It follows the familiar pattern of a patsy with closer links to the government than to Islam allegedly perpetrating a massacre that would be almost impossible even for a trained soldier to pull off. Then there is the instantly available biography of the alleged killer, complete with sinister photo, and the clumsily planted trail of 'clues' intended to work up people's anger towards Muslims.
There's no way one person could have killed that number of people without being overwhelmed first. Either there was a team of professional assassins or the whole thing is a hoax.
The US isn't going to go to war in the Middle East to save Israel again. So I hope these idiots give up soon before the seesaw tips the other way and real Islamic extremists begin to exploit growing public sympathy at the obvious lies told against Muslim people.
Unlikely Omar Mateen is a real shooter in this episode ... Mateen may well have been killed by US security services before the Pulse club incident, his dead body the 'gunman' patsy
Perhaps indeed Omar Mateen had discovered he was gay as evidence indicates ... and in the mind of his Taliban-supporting father, Seddique Mateen, a friend of high US officials, Omar's gayness could have been justification to help the US government to kill Omar & use him as patsy
The US-gov-tied father *claims* his (gay) son was angry to see 2 males kissing ... the father, and his US gov friends, perhaps take satanic pleasure in fabricating a story that gay Omar Mateen is a mass-murderer of other gays
The father perhaps welcomes a massive 'war on Muslims', along with USA's deep state, because the father assumes this could spark a 'global Muslim uprising' in response
Mateen was the classic patsy of the 'Muslim petty criminal' type ... the reported savage abuse of his wife of a few months, pretty Sitora Alisherzoda Yusufiy from Uzbekistan, is criminal in nature ... and prevents sympathy for him
Sitora Yusufiy is a very beautiful woman with a degree in psychology & some spiritual inclinations, now affianced to a Brazilian man ... Sitora uses the name 'Star' on her 'Story of a Star' blog ... More large-frame photos of beautiful Sitora Yusufiy on this page
It is quite striking that semi-mainstream media like ZeroHedge are linking to the 'multiple shooters' material, but the 'lone gunman' official story is still being upheld
This was a night club. People would have to have I.D.'s to get into the night club to prove their age. The idea that they weren't able to identify the victims is ludicrous.
Meanwhile....Toto pulls back another curtain.....
The Orlando, Florida, nightclub mass shooting that killed dozens of people on Sunday looks like another false flag operation carried out by Blackwater mercenaries, not by Muslims, says Dr. Kevin Barrett, an American academic who has been studying the events of 9/11 since late 2003.
The CIA Deep State allegedly 'fact checking' site Snopes com is desperately trying to uphold the absurd 'Lone Gunman shooter Omar Mateen hit 100 casualties' theory
Aangirfan readers may appreciate a large dual photo of the beautiful and apparently spiritually-minded 1st wife of Omar Mateen whom Omar apparently brutally abused ... Omar thus qualifying himself as 'petty Muslim criminal' & dead patsy for a false-flag massacre
Large photo of Sitora Yusufiy - Sitora Alisherzoda 'Star' Yusufiy, 1st wife of Omar Mateen
Luis Burbano
Hillary Clinton's election fraud finally exposed. California stolen from Bernie Sanders!
Published on 9 Jun 2016
I've been researching around the clock trying to dig up as much evidence as I could of the election fraud in California. When I first saw the results of California I knew immediately some fuckery was afoot. The results were way out of the margin of error and the canceled exit polls were a red flag. I have discovered that Bernie Sanders won California by a land slide but most of his votes were not counted. I've compiled most of my evidence in this video in a dramatic documentary format. Please spread this video around and burn this evil witch with the sunlight she fears.
Proof that voting machines can be flipped https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvF21...
Voting manipulation evidence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IAJ5...
This video is based on and worded around this article: http://justicegazette.org/bernie-defr...
Full video of poll worker Ashley Beck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PW0bf...
No one died
Obvious hoax 100%
What planet u live on, dude? US is Israhell's favorite whore so it does whatever its told to, especially destroying the Middle East.
The photos of Omar Mateen were ceratinly actor's headshots made for some sort of theatre group.
Either there had to be at least three shooters or the ones behind this set off some knockout gas to disable the club attendees.
There's no way in Hell one guy is going to hold off three hundred clubbers, do the killing, and control ALL the exits, including windows by himself... Oh and also talk to 911 dispatch.
Maybe the designated Muslim patsy also--like San Bernardino--updated his FACEBOOK or Snapchat or some other social network site while shooting up the club? You know how crazy Americans are for 'selfies!'
P.S. Is someone violating the "Logan Act" which prevents an unauthorized American citizens interfering in disputes or controversies between the United States and foreign governments. Doesn't leave many nations off that list, does it?
In 2015, Mateen met with Reps Charlie Rangel, Dana Rohrabacher and Ed Royce. Royce is the Chairman of the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Violation of the act is a felony, but not not worry, only one person in the last 200+ years has been prosecuted under the Logan Act and that was only an indictment, nothing more.
And he was the son of a CIA asset - but that's none of my business.
Darris Grant Mishler's photo.
'Omar Mateen was gay': Orlando terrorist pursued a relationship with male classmate, was a regular at gay bars including Pulse for the past decade, and used hookup apps like Grindr to meet men
The most interesting excerpt in asterisk's below:
Yusufiy also spoke on a Brazilian TV station yesterday, joined by her fiance from the country, Marcio Dias.
Speaking Portuguese, he told the channel that Yusufiy told him Mateen had 'gay tendencies' and had been called gay in front of her on several occasions by his father.
He also said that she didn't believe that Mateen's supposed Islamic beliefs were at the root of his attack.
She had told the FBI that he was unstable, and that she didn't believe he was part of a terrorist group - despite him pledging allegiance to ISIS before the attack and the fundamentalists later claiming responsibility for it.
***'The FBI asked her not to tell this to the American media,' he told the station.***
Once again, Aangirfan, you were right on the dot. At first I had my doubts and my gaydar was on the fritz and couldn't quite place the significance of this revelation. But upon further examination of the ramifications, it becomes apparent that the MO of this incident shares similar elements to the Bataclan Paris shooting and Salah Abdeslam in the sense that these men have somehow been compromised for their interest in homosexuality by the security services. It is easy to comprehend the inner turmoil and contradiction these men must feel trying to reconcile their desires with their religious faith. Could the coercive blackmail device be a litter deeper, say, in the case with a former G4S employee, or Belgian sex trafficking ring, an interest that goes beyond grown men to include little boys?
There was another very salient point made by a commentator that I wanted to reiterate:
Check Mateen for scopolamine.
On a documentary about cocaine production in the middle of the Columbian rainforest there were 3 large vats, 2 for cocaine and one ominously and carefully covered in a black tarp, the man inquired what it was, the other man replied 'Oh, that's the Devils Breathe, you know, scopolamine. This was in the 70's. Scopolamine, synthesized out of the jungles by nazi chemists, being produced in HUGE quantities right along with the cocaine.
Sounds like some nasty stuff.
Seen this? https://spidercatweb.wordpress.com/2016/06/14/scotland-not-immune-to-orlando-style-terror-attack-nicola-sturgeon-says/
Sayin nothin.. Total Speechless!(added a link 2 here)
cat xx
Check out a Brit firm called "Crisis Cast." They stage terrorist incidents, like mass shootings and have G4S as a client/associate.
Check out their mass casualty incident page and its Youtube video:
FWIW For What It's Worth
Quite interesting Orlando narrative on the 'Irish sisters of Sorcha Faal' / David Booth eccentric website
The site says G4S ran both the Orlando killings, first of singer Christina Grimmie (lesbian lover of Selena Gomez) - with a G4S operative killing Grimmie's killer the other day, then at the Pulse Club
The site says the Pulse club killings started much earlier than claimed, & involved multiple G4S shooters including Omar Mateen, who all thought they would survive & escape the massacre ... but they were partially stymied by 2 Orlando police officers who engaged them in a firefight
The site says most of the G4S shooters retreated, but abandoned Omar Mateen there, who held hostages & attempted to negotiate his way out, but instead was left to be the 'fall guy' ... knowing this, Mateen made his Islamic State loyalty phone call, making this gesture in accepting his death, choosing this as the best way to glorify his demise some minutes later
It's a good story anyway ... Sorcha Faal does do some rippers
One small extra item is Sorcha shows a photo link to an article touting Omar Mateen's father as a future President of Afghanistan
The one-and-only Sorcha Faal (David Booth?):
Cop Found Laughing At Orlando Pulse False Flag Shooting-I Knew We Would Catch One Laughing Sooner Or Later
Orlando Pulse Gay Club Shooting Hoax Exposed
These Orlando psyop actors thought their part was over, but they're still on camera. They drop the fake victim too soon
Shooting 06-11-2016 Orlando Pulse Club, someone holding the door keeping people in
Witness Says There Was 4 Shooters, Including Snipers at Pulse Night Club
I saw the first reports come in to Sky News.The cameras were recording people outside hugging eachother when a white guy came into the scene in a green t-shirt when he looked at the camera,turned his back to the camera and on the back of this t-shirt was the logo .223 and something else but i didn't catch the rest.Why would you wear a t-shirt with .223 on it after this crime.
American Jew Journalist Admits MOSSAD is Actually ISIS
Watch the August 5, 1990 C-Span interview with American Jew Dan Raviv and Yossi Melman about their book, "Every Spy a Prince: The Complete History of Israel's Intelligence Community." The book focused on the five branches of the Israeli intelligence community and the role of each branch. It also speculates on the future roles of the intelligence community in a potentially explosive area with the possibility of chemical, biological, and nuclear warfare.
Here's the part of that interview, transcribed, where they talk about MOSSAD being ISIS, it's at the 23:10 mark on the video:
I don't know how to keep a copy of this, but someone better before it gets wiped off the 'Net.
Hoax 100%. No ethnic or genetic similarity between father and "Omar". Crisis actor-witness (Luis Burbano) exposed :
Clearly another false flag event to Hype up and control people's perception that we need to control more guns plus it's another excuse to Hype up the agenda for the war in the Middle East which eventually they are going to perform a massive terror attack in america worst than 911 and it's going to be blamed on Isis which Will generate the peoples perception and they will agree/support to go to war in the Middle East and take out "Isis" (illumanti created look up horus amd isis and osirus) and it will start of World War 3 which will lead to the completion of the New World Order, time is burning up what are humans going to do?
The move by London's new Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan to implement some of Shariah law across London, is immensely depressing
Khan's ordnance to ban advertising showing revealing female body images, women in bikinis etc on public transport, is premised on a claim this 'protects' women from being hurt by seeing photos of attractive other females
But the Muslim mayor's claim is a lie ... Most women eagerly look at such photos in women's magazines ... Females relaxing at my home frequently gaze upon the lingerie-and-heels shows on 'fashion tv' etc
Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan is of course only imitating Christian & Jewish extremists of the past
But we in Europe battled 1500 years against those Christian extremists, to recover sanity in our Enlightenment & begin having normal lives
Yet now we face renewed power grabbing by both Muslim & Jewish extremists, using the tired old Abrahamic religious agendas, hitting us again with the same ugly puritanical aggression
It is quite true that many of the world's Muslims have been tolerant, blessedly ignoring the extremism which is at the core of the Abrahamic texts
And it is also true that today's Muslim extremism has been significantly fostered by Western imperialist & Zionist interests ... especially using the vehicle of the Saudi Arabian barbarians the British installed in power, & encouraging them to fund Muslim extremist schools around the world
But knowing those origins, doesn't make this growing 'civil war' within Western societies any less painful or difficult - the Islamisation that is a subset of generic Abramic brutalisation, will need to be strongly fought
London's Islamising mayor should be removed from office
The FBI has been let off the hook and the SWAT team, who spent three hours eating donuts and wondering what all that noise was, has been absolved, but the wife, why let's go after her, after all, she's of Palestinian origin.
IMHO the question of CUI BONO in this case is useless.
To me (European, highly disillused of current state of western society) this is a tipical testing from the international cabal, a test imposed on the gullible masses. I do not question how much is true in this. I simply look at titles and read the articles. The EVIL MUSLIM focus jumps to anyone's eye. The old issue of semiautomatic arms is always there, as it has been for years and years. The charade has been sprinkled with the Gay community card, to make it more appealing. Trump pushed it all to cosmic levels and the masses gobbled it all.
Long story short, it is a test, a test on the feeling, sensitivity and social views of everyone and particularly the american who are going to vote either RODOMSKY(CLINTON) or DRUMPF(TRUMP).
to me, Clinton will get elected, while Trump is just a testing on presidenatial runs.
Like most 'activists', >95% reportedly, Mark Glenn, Ken Okeefe, and Barret are ALL FAKE, Tribe of DAN(19), controlled opposition covering up the Jewish rituals being used while squealing the 'Illuminati' and 'Zionist', Jew re-framing tools.
"Noor Zahi Salman: Everything You're Hearing About Me Is a Lie" by Sam Husseini
Fake shooting? Infront of numerous witnesses? Is Grimmie still alive then?
Wow that's a stretch. You really think the Orlando crew were watching America's Got Talent waiting for a coded go signal? You really think this is the best method Mossad can think of to orchestrate its mass murders?? Ever heard of a burner phone?
Listen to the video again. Erdan praises Florida gov. Rick Scott for being Israel's friend in the fight for Israel's enemies in the same sentence he declares war on G4s. That's who orchestrated the false flag operation.
The Orlando Incident is about to get a bit more interesting. In a moment of serendipity GLP linked to 'Get off the bs' of which I've never been to, who reports that 'Howell and Four Other Suspects Involved in Planned Sunday Massacres', INCLUDING the Orlando shooter and his accomplice 'brandy'. I soon clicked over to Henry Makow passing this off as pseudo alt with not enough credibility, Mako's has the same report, I respect HM's integrity:
Basically, Howell's contact ditched him, he saw Mateen didn't make it out, and figured he was getting double-crossed too.
LA Patsy Was Connected to Mateen In CIA Plot
Anonymous Santa Monica police officers say James Howell was part of a coordinated CIA plan to attack homosexual events in LA and Orlando but turned himself in Sunday when he realized that, like his partner Mateen, he would be killed. Howell described details of his recruitment and training by the CIA.
Santa Monica-- Two police officers who wish to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation say that James Wesley Howell, an Indiana man who was found with a car full of explosives and weapons on Sunday morning, told police he was part of a team that planned shooting attacks on gay communities in Florida and California.
"We were all familiar with each other through an online fundamental Islamic knowledge seminary course[1] - we were recruited through the course and trained together at a camp in Virginia - we were taught how to shoot and make bombs - everyone knew their part - something went wrong...."
Howell additionally stated that, "everything has gone south. Dan was gone when I got here. They killed the leader of the Florida attack this morning. They are going to kill me. I need protection."
According to sources within the police department's investigation Howell indicated to officers who first made contact with him that Howell claimed he was one of five people involved in a planned Sunday attack on both the east and west coasts.
Howell stated that he was suppose to "hook up" late Saturday night with his contact in LA who was suppose to have more weapons and chemicals to mix with the Tannerite he was in possession of.
Finding his contact missing when he got to LA and having heard that Omar Matteen had been killed by a FBI SWAT teem in Orlando, Howell determined he had been double crossed by the CIA and feared for his own life.
According to two department sources, Howell called the Santa Monica police on Sunday morning claiming that he needed protection from the CIA. Howell further elaborated to the dispatcher stating that he "had been set up by the CIA - they are going to kill me."
When questioned about the other four people involved in the plot, Howell was only familiar with the first names of three of the alleged suspects, naming his contact in LA - Dan and two of the three contacts in Florida, Omar and Brandy
Speaking of the suspect killed in the Pulse Bar massacre in Florida, Howell stated, "Omar was not suppose to be killed. They lied to us - Omar and Brandy were suppose to get away."
Shortly after the posting of this story, USA News shed light on the Online Islamic Fundamental course Howell spoke of.
Orlando gunman was a follower of a controversial gang leader-turned-bank robber Marcus Dwayne Robertson, who was known for recruiting terrorists and inciting violence. Robertson was also known for openly and vigorously preaching against homosexuality. Gunman Mateen was enrolled in the leader’s online “Fundamental Islamic Knowledge Seminary” course.
News surfaced of ties to an influential Muslim leader named Marcus Dwayne Robertson, who was recently released from prison and has openly expressed his opposition of gays.
1. He’s a Former U.S. Marine & FBI Agent
2. Robertson Is a Muslim Extremist & Runs an Islamic School
3.He Has Ties to the 1993 Bombing of the World Trade Center
Marcus Dwayne Robertson served as Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman’s bodyguard. Rahman was accused for the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center.
brabantian 18 June 2016 at 16:04
Orlando massacre
Omar Mateen is an actor with a listing on IMDB the Internet Movie Database
Omar Mateen appeared in the 2012 documentary 'The Big Fix' about the 2010 BP oil spill, ... playing the role of a security guard ... clips on YouTube, as here:
brabantian 18 June 2016 at 16:09
Orlando massacre
« Man 'who trained to kill with Omar Mateen' arrested in California begging for protection from CIA after Orlando ... Tweets on this from Santa Monica police chief Jacqueline Seabrooks
Man with bomb material & automatic weapons to "attack a gay pride parade" turned himself in to the Santa Monica police for protection after he heard Omar Mateen (whom he said was part of his CIA team) was killed
Speaking of the suspect killed in the Pulse Bar massacre in Florida, Howell stated, "Omar was not supposed to be killed. They lied to us - Omar & Brandy were supposed to get away." Having heard that Omar Mateen had been killed, Howell determined he had been double crossed by the CIA & feared for his own life.
According to two department sources, Howell called the Santa Monica police on Sunday morning claiming that he needed protection from the CIA. Howell stating that he "had been set up by the CIA - they are going to kill me."
According to Howell, he was in LA to meet with another person in a collaborated attack on the gay communities in both Florida & Los Angeles
Howell stated that, "Everything has gone south. They killed the leader of the Florida attack this morning. They are going to kill me. I need protection."
According to sources within the police department's investigation Howell indicated to officers who first made contact with him, Howell claimed he was one of five people involved in a planned Sunday attack on both the east & west coasts
Howell stated that he was supposed to "hook up" late Saturday night with his contact in LA who was supposed to have more weapons & chemicals to mix
"We were all familiar with each other through an online fundamental Islamic knowledge seminary course [Dwayne Robertson's Timbuktu Seminary] ... we were recruited through the course & trained together at a camp in Virginia - we were taught how to shoot & make bombs - everyone knew their part - something went wrong..."
Before the officers could further question Howell, agents working for the Los Angeles office of the FBI quickly swept in & took over the case ... Howell was taken in to custody by the FBI before Santa Monica police officers could further question him
Santa Monica police officers that have been issued gag orders under threat of Federal prosecution for talking further talking about the incident. »
- Danny Quest, Jim Stone, Brenda Corpian:
brabantian 18 June 2016 at 16:11
Orlando massacre
« Omar Mateen ... a follower of a controversial gang leader-turned-bank robber Marcus Dwayne Robertson, who was known for recruiting terrorists and inciting violence. Robertson was also known for openly and vigorously preaching against homosexuality. Gunman Mateen was enrolled in the leader’s online “Fundamental Islamic Knowledge Seminary” course.
Mateen’s apparent mentor, Robertson, was released from prison last year — despite warnings from prosecutors that he would recruit people to carry out violent acts.
Robertson, a former U.S. Marine who served as a bodyguard to the Blind Sheik involved in the 1993 World Trade Center Attack and led a gang of New York bank robbers called “Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves” before resurfacing in Orlando, where he started an Islamic seminary.
The school, recently renamed the Timbuktu Seminary, is operated by Robertson, a 47-year-old firebrand known to his thousands of followers as Abu Taubah.
Robertson, who recently spent four years in prison in Florida on illegal weapons and tax fraud charges before being released by a Florida judge one year ago, has openly and enthusiastically preached against homosexuality.
In seeking enhanced terrorism charges during sentencing for the two crimes, prosecutors said Robertson has been involved with terrorism activities, “…focused on training others to commit violent acts as opposed to committing them himself” … “overseas instead of inside the United States.” »
brabantian 18 June 2016 at 16:13
Orlando massacre
Police admit police themselves may have killed Pulse nightclub hostages
« A confidential law enforcement source close to the investigation said a crowd of up to 300 people within the club — combined with the complex layout of the structure — may have resulted in numerous patrons being struck by gunfire from officers ... rising likelihood that a number of the dead were the result of “friendly fire” from officers. »
Fog on Orlando gay nightclub shooting
Those stories that I & others have posted & linked to - about the California arrest of 'another shooter who asked for protection from the CIA'
Those stories are only very partially backed by the Santa Monica police chief tweets
They seem to trace back to a pro-Trump website, the 'GetOfftheBS com'
No doubt 'fog' is part of what the oligarchs wish to create
There are more & more items on the other side of the fog - seeming crisis actors, non-believable 'interviews' & 'press conferences'
Some of them are assembled here on a page arguing that little or nothing happened, focusing on 'interviews with doctors' that seem to be highly suspect
Aangirfan, sorry for posting earlier on the other thread, I should have thought that since the Orlando post was recent to put them in the proper place here ... thank you again for all your good & helpful work for the world
The Orlando Florida False Flag Shooting Final Cut
Yes, Brabantian, many have noticed, and it's good that you have pointed this out here for all of us to remain speculative and open to the myriad of possible scenarios, motive, and ramifications. As Aangirfan illustrated early on:
*(Of course, this could be Mossad disinformation?)*
We will see. As for this current batch of intel I am always concerned about reports from these flashy named websites like this 'GetOfftheBS com' that appear from nowhere, lending credibility to Brabantian in their assertion it is a drumpf camp propaganda piece. Yet what confuses me about this assertion is that Mateen's father's ties to the Hillary state dept is enough to implicate Clinton in some backdoor wrangling alone. And just because the report comes from a pro trump website doesn't necessarily mean this incident will help cast any more votes toward either side from what it appears to me, especially since this report indicates a horrific level of collusion from one of our supposed most trusted institutions the CIA.
I guess there's still just the huge possibility I am just not able to clearly see the angle or psy op of it as of yet.
What does it matter they are just going to compound it with more conflagration of loss, tragedy, and misery to hurt us all more.
Please, God, I send all the pure energy that has ever been bestowed within any human being toward you with all the prayer of hope and healing for anyone that has ever been effected or touched by the decay and rot that these vile human beings have wrought on humanity. Please feel our pain and plea's for a better way and true understanding of how we should be guided through this beautiful universe and existence.
God Bless and God Speed.
Someone has mapped out connections in the Orlando shooting.
+ Joseph E. Schmitz is currently one of Trump's foreign policy advisers.
Paris False Flag Exposed - John Pilger, Ken O'Keefe & Gearoid O'Colmain
Published on 10 Apr 2016
John Pilger, Ken O'Keefe and Gearoid O'Colmain discuss the causes/government complicity in the Friday 13th, 2015 false flag Paris terror attacks and the absolutely incontrovertible facts that make clear that so-called ISIS is an extension of western so-called "intelligence services”… and therefore, any attack by “ISIS”/“IS”/“ISIL”/ etc is in fact an attack by our own western governments against the people of the nations these traitors are meant to represent.
Video about Omar Mateen in a documentary as actor is not available any more. Any other link?
Anonymous17 June 2016 at 00:19: CantTrust...is not so wrong. Everybody knows they show it in movies, cartoons (like the Simpsons), TV programs exactly like they are going to show the "real" event some time later, they do it even with time data. Why do they do that? There might be several reasons. It's not just Mossad, it's a whole net, like a sect. We don't know if there is a real parallel event hidden behind all this fakery which is obvious when we start to analyze and realize there are never real bodies, the relatives or friends are all actors, everywhere green screens and studio lights reflecting on their glasses. It could even be that it is all a set up from the news. The pub was not real, it was an abandoned place the same as Sandy Hook, that school or building was abandoned.
1.There is no footage of the shooting. In any concert there are hundreds of mobiles recording. Not a single one footage in the net.
2. The interviewed fan is acting. Huge problem is that people, the masses have in general 0 knowledge about acting and psychology of gestures. The memorials are also fake.
3. The inverviewed police "woman" is a male actor and Christina Grimmie is not only a fake name "she" is a male actor too, a castrati. Problem is people in general can't differenciate all the secundary sexual features so it is very easy to fool everybody. Kabuki, greek theatre, Shakespeare theatre, the castrati never stopped. Female actresses do not exist and if then just for total nudes and pornography. This is a worldwide net, a sect that does this since the beginning of time, they take little boys and transform them into girls. They sacrifice girls for their rituals. They are all related to satanic cults and they have hundreds of trolls on the net to make people think there are no conspiracies and to confuse everything and everybody.
Oh, and by the way it's absolutely disgusting your insinuation that women are lesbians. Well, I can assure you that I never look at fashion magazines as I don't give money to their sionist owners nor gaze on hipersexualized clothes or shoes.
No brabantian, as usual Aangirfan reader I do not appreciate your perverted suggestion, go back to your troll-agent manager in TelAviv! Go to that section in your troll-manual about honey-traps online to european readers.
Sorcha Faal = New age agent = New world order agent = jew
His face looked immediately familiar to me. It came on tele news here in Oz on the Sunday night while it was supposedly just beginning. The ABC newsreader just announced it at start of broadcast like it was any old thing. Very odd.
Hi Aangirfan,
I came across an brief but excellent article on anomalies in this play-pretend false flag. One that I didn't see mentioned.
Read it here.
Back to and including 9/11, the moneygrubbing creatures behind these shenanigans have merely shown what idiotic vulgarians they are. The banality of evil; they lack even the simple sense to tell us plausible lies.
Or maybe they now feel the rope.
Slowly, inexorably tightening around their necks.
Real false flag terrorism in the West is becoming far too dangerous for them, so they resort to terrorism theatre, aided and abetted by their loathsome media buddies.
The nice thing is every time they stage another one of these media shows, the American people stock up on AR-15s to defend themselves against the abject tyranny in which they now live.
But this is still trivial compared to the biggest on-going false flag, the fiction that ISIS is not a creation of the Zionist nations of Turkey, Saudi, Qatar, the US, the UK. And what's that other one again? Oh yes, Israel.
The patent absurdity of the Western media has become obvious for all the world to see.
But in their stupidity and arrogance, the malicious plutocrats like Monsieur Soros fail to hear the people of this world. Your lies are failing. Your power is fading.
It's only a matter of time before we tire of having these evil bastards in our heads. And when our rage finally explodes, what will happen to you, György and your little friends?
"Tempus fugit."
"Can't hear you, James."
"I said, doesn't time fly."
Have just scanned comments, not read word-by-word; but seems no one considers what this/these false-flags are supposed to move focus from? And I think that's a problem.
My Wife has been watching the Shake drills in the Philippines on TFC
This is a mass casualty earthquake drill involving thousands of people. Including people with fake injuries and acting as if injured or panicking or grieving.
Other countries like Japan have similar drills.
Depending on how the film is edited and commented on . It is either obviously a drill or a real event.
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