Wednesday 24 February 2016

Subliminal Message; MK ULTRA; Trickle Down; Programming; Pyramid






  1. “Is the purpose of the TV ad to make you an informed consumer?”

    “The purpose of the ad is to delude and deceive you with imagery so you’ll be uninformed and make an irrational choice.”

    The Effects of Subliminal Messages in Print Advertisements » pdf


    Above image from:

    10 Most Devious Subliminal Ads in History:

    Subliminal Persuasion:

  2. CIBOLO CREEK (‘RENT BOY’) RANCH is a 30,000-acre VIP resort located in west Texas, 100 miles from the Mexican border, in the Chinati Mountains. Guests arrive by private jet at the Ranch’s own private airport. Rooms cost $500+ per night.

    Guests of the ranch typically include Hollywood figures, politicians and businessmen But only the rich.

    Previous guests have included Mick Jagger,Tommy Lee Jones, Randy Quaid, Dick Cheney, and Charlie Sheen – all who have been accused by others as being pedophiles.

    The owner of Cibolo Creek ‘Rent Boy’ Ranch is John Poindexter. He obtained the property in 1988. A 3rd-generation Texan, Poindexter runs a Houston-based manufacturing company, J.B. Poindexter & Co. Poindexter is a leader in the ORDER OF SAINT HUBERTUS.

    Thus the Cibolo Creek ‘Rent Boy’ Ranch is often frequented by this international 17th-century hunting society ORDER OF SAINT HUBERTUS. This all-male Order was founded in 1695 by Austrian Count Anton von Spork, although it just recently allowed women to join their elite hunts.

    In 2010, 53 members of ORDER OF SAINT HUBERTUS gathered at Cibolo Creek (Rent Boy) Ranch to hunt. Guests included minor royalty.

    The USA branch of the ORDER OF SAINT HUBERTUS (aka the ‘American Knights’) held its first ever meeting at the Bohemian Club in San Francisco:

    I and others, such as Fiona Barnett- who was trafficked from Australia, were taken to the Bohemian Grove as children, and we have witnessed pedophiles hunt for children amongst the redwood forest. Another version of the Bohemian Grove is what I believe this ranch to be- a place where rich people are able to hunt children down like animals- which is just one small aspect of their perverted and dark activities.

    Hunting, raping and killing children for sport is a common feature of elite pedophile gatherings. Alleged attendees at European pedophile hunts include King Albert of Belgium, Dutch Crown Prince Alfrink Bernhard, Prince Johan Friso of Holland and his wife Mabel Wisse Smit.

    The 2010 ORDER OF SAINT HUBERTUS hunt that took place Cibolo Creek ‘Rent Boy’ Ranch included members of the Houston chapter and a number from Mexico. It was the second time Poindexter welcomed the Houston and Mexico contingent to his ranch, and guests included were Archduke Andreas Salvatore Hapsburg-Lothrengin, the Prince of Tuscany and Royal Prince of Hungary and Bohemia, Jana and Scotty Arnoldy, Debbie and John Daugherty, Debbie and Vidal Martinez and Patty and Bill Porter, Dennis Murphree John Kelsey, John Brent, Jerry Finger, Bill Price and Sandy Vaughan, and Cristina Girard, who has hunted frequently in Spain with Hapsburg-Lothrengin and who entertained him in Houston before the ranch weekend.

    Here is a link to the St. Hubertus website:


