Monday 22 February 2016


Does Donald trump employ a noble Christian as his campaign manager?

Donald Trump's campaign manager Corey Lewandowski has engineered Trump's victories in South Carolina and elsewhere.

Lewandowski is linked to the Koch brothers and to Jack Abramoff.

Lewandowski has spent his time recently as the New Hampshire director of Americans for Prosperity, the Koch  group.

When former Congressman Bob Ney faced prison on corruption charges in the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal, Lewandowski vouched for Ney's character with the judge.

Meet Donald Trump's Alter Ego

Did Donald Trump behave like a good Christian when he was a kid?

Trump has written: "In the second grade I actually gave a teacher a black eye - I punched my music teacher because I didn't think he knew anything about music and I almost got expelled".

Trump's wife. Sex at 30,000 feet.

What sort of Christian is Donald Trump's latest wife?

Trump is married to Melania.

As a model, Melania Trump (Melanija Knavs) was associated with several well-known modeling agencies, including Donald Trump's Trump Model Management.[14]

Trump models.

"Donald Trump married a prostitute."

Donald Trump Prostitution Pimping Scandal / A Prostitute

A former Miss California USA contestant says she was showered with compliments and special gifts allegedly from Donald Trump.

A Former Miss California USA Contestant

Florian Poddelka, reportedly from Charleroi in Belgium, near the home of Marc Dutroux, who allegedly worked for the security services. ( the wor)ld's worst ...)


aangirfan: CHILD MODELS

1 comment:

  1. The C-word? Is the Pope a Cath/bears do they... in the woods? Is Trump doing this run for what? And for whom - you wonder? How many sides can we - or he be on - before one or other, are somewhat negated, through to completo con-tradiction?

    There's a difference, obviously, to 'behaving' Christian and being one. For named-C lot shouldn’t be disconnect, since this, what it's most-all about. Fair to say, God has most problems with hypocrisy, especially wrapped in, given-it-the misplaced condemn, and what is, fake-superiority. Add to that, religious-talk that's says; it's 'from the God of the Bible'. Forget those doing queer-Jesus and piss-Christ. Get rough on a reaching out lowly-feeling seeker, place stumbling-blocks, divide and hate-humanity, say God's come to-d-stroy… And not, bring as wide and far as possible mercy and life, as Jesus death-for demonstrates and to one and all as far as... This is identified as the most distinctive deception. (I.e. to whom only did God speak 'hell' to? Us, oh-so lamp it up ones. We're potentially most sickening to God. Lukewarm and proud of it). Back to T and possible Con-trump-man? You've every right and good reason to connect and question? The evidence we are, and he's supposed to be, a consistent love-ers and care-ers?

    I'd question whether it's possible to be in mainline politically-public employment and remain, embedded in 'doing God' to the uttermost? If I was to put a fish-hat and dress-on, stand and assess, state-of-Trump? I'd only be for discerning, does he 'sound' like he 'believes'? On that – not-sure? On full-on phantom or fabulous peoples-friend? Dunno? For him to do this at all? Begs the question – more for him, than most – why? You could be right in suspecting it's all dodge but on the plus-side: He doesn't overly milk against, his obliviously not done-the-Evangelical thang (culturally church-wise). I almost think not-being a Christian and being honest enough to say-so, at this level, is most-Godly-like. At least potentially shows integrity. Especially, if you could get away with playing. How can someone like, best e.g. Jimmy Carter, a clear no effort to be a-Christian, live in such halls of babylon? There's room in God to lie but the web that fools the masses so?

    Being a Christian is all that most matters is about what's not-seen. Are we praying or pretending? Getting the Bible out and in, or trumpeting learnt but never questioned traditions? Loving or what?Is Trump brushing off mum-given Bible because it's not – presumably – only 'mum's faith' but shared and lived -or- he doesn't really or deeply, give a shit…
