In Malbazar in West Bengal, in the 1970s, the Rev. John R. Thwaytes set up a co-educational school called the Caesar School and an orphanage called Boys Town Mal.
The orphanage.

The Caeser School.

He came across allegations of misappropriated funds, child sexual abuse and child trafficking.
"A child abuse syndicate had existed and criminally corrupt 'orphans' had stolen literally crores of rupees from donor funds over years..."

Rev John Thwaytes, in old age.
The Telegraph reported on John Thwaytes:
"Controversy has dogged the popular missionary.
"Police had allegedly recovered an unlicensed gun from his residence a couple of years ago.
"Though police authorities claimed they had proof of his involvement with cross-border gun-runners, the allegations were never established."

West Bengal Is Becoming A 'Terror Hotspot' .

West Bengal Is Becoming A 'Terror Hotspot' .
"There is clear evidence which confirms that some international Christian organizations are backing terrorism and separatist movements in India’s North-east."

Thwaytes (right)
"Christian terrorists have been active in various States of North-East India for a long time. Recently they have spread to North Bengal also.
"Reverend John Thwaytes, a priest who had been in North Bengal for over three decades, was asked to leave the country in January 2001.
"No reason was given and he defied the order. The West Bengal Government quietly arrested and prosecuted him.

"There were demonstrations by his sympathizers during the trial which ended in August 2001. The judge sentenced him to three months simple imprisonment following which he was to be deported to his native land of the United Kingdom.
"Is there a link between the Protestant priest and the terrorist activities of the Kamtapuri separatists?
"The question is pertinent because just prior to the "quit India" order served on Reverend Thwaytes (January 2001), the Kamtapuri terrorists had killed eight CPI-M activists including a District Committee member in the four-month span from August to November 2000."
Terrorists in North-East India get support from America
Terrorists in North-East India get support from America
The Rev. John Thwaytes was not an orthodox Christian, and seemed to have been infected by ideas associated with the security services.

The Rev John Thwaytes was the son of Brigadier Lancelot Laurence Thwaytes and Grace Veronica Thwaytes (nee Caesar).
Lancelot was in the British Indian Army.
Indian expats have often been recruited by the security services
Lancelot became Chairman of West Sussex County Council and Deputy Lieutenant of the County.
Labels: Ade O'Maolain, Boys town, Caesar School, child trafficking, gun running, India, Mal, MI5, MI6, Rev John Thwaytes, West Bengal
Paul Craig Roberts describes how the US, or rather the neoconservatives, want to turn all countries to vessel states. They have Europe under their wing and the European ruling class do well out of it.
The US breaks up other countries by funding terrorist separatist movements. So it's not just Christians in India, but Muslim groups as well. It is said that they fund extremist Muslims in parts of Russia to break the country up. If it became a load of small countries it could not stand up to the US.
It is said that the US funds terrorist groups in China, and they also fund pro democracy groups to break up the country. In the West 'democracy' is really propaganda. We don't have democracy here, and the US doesn't really doesn't want democracy anywhere else. We have a choice between different US puppets, and the Labour Party is just as pro war and neoliberal as the Conservatives.
One of the generals in our army said that if Corbyn got elected and started changing things he would be taken out. The British ruling class are trying to smear him saying he is pro Muslim terrorist and likes Putin too much.
Our democracy is a sham.
Assad would get voted in with a landslide victory. Putin wants elections in Syria and the US really doesn't.
"AS FAR AS WE ARE CONCERNED THERE IS NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE" (Note reference to The Sanctary at Highgrove House) (Scroll down to No 3 He talks to the dead, not his plants) (Scroll down to Gardens - note the last paragraph re Busts)
Definition of Sanctuary = refuge or safety from pursuit, persecution, or other danger.
Definition of Sacred = connected with God or a god or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving veneration. (Scroll down to entry dated 27/03/2014) (Which David Owen is this?) News.html,-Laurens-van-der-Post,-and-Eric-Gill.html (Jimmy Savile/Ted Hughes/Queen Mother) (Note reference to Tavistock Clinic. Patients included Prince Charles and Diana, Princess of Wales)
Just a thought, did Diana know more than she was allowed to speak out about - is this why she was killed.
The article is riddled with error and quotes my exposé without my consent. John Robert Thwaytes (not Thwaites) was a CATHOLIC priest, not Protestant. He was a homosexual child sex abuser. The paedophile "ring" is alleged to have reached down to Kolkata with a past matter involving a man Milton McCann accused in 1997 at same time as Thwaytes. Police were informed and charges were laid at highest level in Kolkata, the top officer received report in person from international foreign fund donor representatives; and DID NOTHING. Police took money to cover 'investigation costs' or some such prosecution costs, but nothing was done. Malbazar police allegedly questioned Thwaytes who had admitted accusations to the donor group (a party of 4 came in an emergency visit form Europe). Thwaytes reportedly threatened suicide if they arrested him, and nothing was done. Thwaytes spent some time in a mental asylum at the time. He was charged for over-staying visa and for weapons offences; these were the bases on which he was asked to leave India; he surrendered British citizenship as a strategy to stay in India which succeeded until his death, albeit with great pressure on him to the end of his days. He died in March 2015 and was buried in Malbazar as a great humanitarian; no mention of his rape of hundreds of boys over a lifelong career as a paedophile was ever mentioned. The evidence came to light after his death including his own hand written sordid diary and other accounts of child sex and sado-masochistic torture and abuse of children. HE HIMSELF RECOUNTED HIS OWN SUFFERING OF RAPE AS A BOY IN CATHOLIC COLLEGE BY OLDER BOYS, AND HIS ABUSES BY CATHOLIC NUNS WHO DRESSED JOHN AS A GIRL AND PARADED AND RIDICULED HIM. This case is likely to never be explored, in a nation where child rape is so common and female rape is 85% of population; it seems only to be a 'fashion' to express outrage and the male dominant culture seems quite capable of concealing from itself the horrors it perpetuates through the psychological harm done to children... 53% OF INDIAN CHILDREN ABUSED AT LAST STATISTICAL REPORT! RIP John Robert Thwaytes? Not likely! I am Ade and I will not rest while nothing is done to (a) face the wrongdoing honestly and reject it (b) act to ensure it cannot repeat (c) remove the persons who were in conspiracy of crime and (d) act to acknowledge and offer what comfort and support may be possible to past victims and (e) institute management plans to prevent but also to respond to any such future crimes including child support and sensitivity in handling any future cases ... often it is more harm after an assault, than the assault itself.
John Thwaytes had NO claim to the title Rev Father. He was excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church in 1997 or about that time, after he was reported to Rome for child sex abuse and torture (sado-masochism) crimes. He was defrocked and removed as a Catholic BUT I NOTE THAT THE CHURCH TOOK NO STEPS TO REMOVE THIS MONSTER FROM THE PLACE WHERE HE HAD PREDATED IN THE GUISE OF BENEFACTOR.
I quote:
“ This Caesar was a tyrant.
We are blest that Rome is rid of him.
Peace! let us hear what Antony can say.
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones;
Even the Caesar School motto can be read in ironic light as it bears the words
Of course not, the motto truly means the wise man rules the stars, Sapiens homo dominator et astris
BUT there is an ironical sad twist to the Caesar linkages.
As some of the previous comments brought up Julius Caesar i can't help but recall a famous line dedicated to him by Mark Anthony "The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones" Although i have no evidence the evil thats said about Mr. Thawayets has anything to do with truth. The John Thawaytes i have seen in flesh was nothing like the stories spun against him. When i first saw him, he was around 80. A man who had nothing to leave behind but an army of well educated citizens. It was very hard to imagine how he set up a holy institution of education , a school in a place surrounded by nothing but jungle and tea gardens. He could have earned money like trustees of other schools do, sit on a pile and spend rest of his life counting the notes but he refused to make good education a luxury. He believed in giving everyone a chance . So he didnt let the tution fee hike beyond an average man's might. The old man had a teddy bear as his companion and a walking stick as his asset. I know no one is free from criticism and everyone has their right to have their say but with this new age of technology where anyone can write anything hiding behind keyboards. It becomes our duty to see everything with skepticism. The trust fund of Caesar School have always been a temptation for the greedy eyes. There have been many plots to remove Mr. John for the same reason sometimes setting him up in false legal cases other times by not so subtle intimidations. Last but not the least that man is responsible for providing a growing environment for lot of people and the sapling he planted is still yeilding its fruit.
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